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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 . The Creation of the World . The Creation of the World . Genesis. Genesis . Read Genesis 1:1 – 4:16 Everything was created by God 1 st Ch. in 1 st book of Bible: Poetic narrative Tells us what we need to know to understand why God created . Genesis .

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Chapter 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 3 The Creation of the World

  2. The Creation of the World Genesis

  3. Genesis • Read Genesis 1:1 – 4:16 • Everything was created by God • 1st Ch. in 1st book of Bible: • Poetic narrative • Tells us what we need to know to understand why God created

  4. Genesis • Ancient History: more concerned with WHY than HOW • Complete story, NOT complete history • Stories told in form of a myth • Myth –something that expresses truth through story form. The Intent is lesson

  5. Genesis • Book split into two parts: • 1-11 • 12-50

  6. Genesis: Part 1-11 • Time: Before human history • Place: ? –East/Great Rift Valley • People: like symbols, not much known about their life • Stories: most are myths • Events: supernatural quality • Purpose: Origins of humans before Israel

  7. Genesis: 12-50 • Time: historical ancient times • Place: exact –Palestine, Egypt, etc. • People: characters behave like people of their time • Stories: sagas, epic, history, similar to that of tribal groups • Events: normal human experiences, extraordinary miracles • Purpose: direct ancestors of Israel

  8. First Creation Story • Pattern: • Opening: God said • Command: let there be • Fulfillment: and so it was • Judgment: God saw that it was good • Naming: evening came, morning followed, the _________ day

  9. Genesis: Creation Day 1 Day and Night Time

  10. Genesis: Creation Day 2 Sky and Sea Space

  11. Genesis: Creation Day 3 Land and Vegetation Life

  12. Genesis: Creation Day 4 Sun and Moon Rules over Day and Night

  13. Genesis: Creation Day 5 Birds and Fish Rule over Sky and Sea

  14. Genesis: Creation Day 6 Humans and Animals Rule over Land and Vegetation

  15. Genesis: Creation Day 7 God Rests

  16. OT Numerology • 1 –Unity, One God • 2 –Division • 3 –Perfection of God • 4 –Perfection of Creation • 5 –Holiness (4 + 1) • 6 –Man, Evil • 7 –Perfection, Infinity ( 3 + 4)

  17. Day 1 Light mentioned 5xs Holiness

  18. Day 2 Separate Earth from Sky (2) Division

  19. Day 3 Water Gathered, Plants Parallels Day 6 Plants that bear seed (men) bear seed with fruit in it (women

  20. Day 4 Light (sun, moon, stars) Not named (seen as gods by pagans) Creatures

  21. Day 5 Sea Creatures, Birds First Blessing Be Fruitful and Multiply

  22. Day 6 Man VERY Good Man not Prefect (7 – 1) Man given Dominion over Everything Why? Inherent Dignity

  23. Day 7 Mentions the name 3xs Pinnacle –no touch-ups

  24. What was God doing before He Created? “Nothing. He didn’t have the time.” -St. Augustine

  25. Time and God • Omnipresent –everywhere • Time –experience for limited creatures • God –past, present, future, is one simultaneous moment

  26. Six Days? • Divine activity • Hebrew Scriptures NOT written like modern histories • Time NOT important • To tell the Truth about our relationship with God

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