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Privacy and Security Issues

Privacy and Security Issues. BTT1O. Agenda. Cybercrime – What is it? Credit Card Info Cookies Identity Theft Spyware Cyberstalking. Cybercrime. How do criminals get our credit card information on the Internet?. Phishing – e-mails requesting credit card information

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Privacy and Security Issues

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  1. Privacy and Security Issues BTT1O

  2. Agenda • Cybercrime – What is it? • Credit Card Info • Cookies • Identity Theft • Spyware • Cyberstalking

  3. Cybercrime How do criminals get our credit card information on the Internet? • Phishing – e-mails requesting credit card information • Hacking – individuals gain illegal entry into your computer • Pop-Ups – another type of spam that encourages you to enter personal information

  4. Cybercrime What are cookies? • Are a small text file that is placed in your computer’s hard drive by websites you visit • It is not a virus, but rather a footprint of the sites you have visited and allow for easy navigation (do not have to re-enter information every on every visit)

  5. Cybercrime What’s the big deal? • Problems arise when banner advertisers are on these sites, they too place a cookie on your hard drive • These ad networks track all the information and activity you perform online • Some may use it irresponsibly

  6. Cybercrime Identity Theft • Occurs when someone steals personal information about someone else for the purpose of impersonating him/her • Usually with monetary motives • Criminals will get your personal information by stealing credit card applications, bank statements, or checks from your trash or mail • Same type of theft can occur online

  7. Cybercrime Signs of Identity Theft • Bills or statements not arriving • Calls from collection agencies when you have no debt • Withdrawals on your account you did not make • Receive credit card statements for accounts you do not have • Receive a poor credit rating on an application

  8. Cybercrime Cyberstalking – What is it? • Individuals who stalk others on line • Starts with gathering info, beginning contact, then threats or intimidation • Engage in live chat harassment or flaming (online verbal abuse/defamation) • Trace individuals internet activity and are also involved in identity theft

  9. Cybercrime Cyberstalking • A very dangerous type of cyberstalker are sexual predators • Stalk their victims to lure them • Often pedophiles who target children and teens • 25% people on Internet have been asked to meet face to face

  10. Cybercrime

  11. Use common sense when a site asks for information • Check for privacy policies • Keep separate email accounts for business and pleasure • Clear your cache after browsing • Encrypt whatever you can (https://) • Use anonymous web-surfing programs • Say no to information sharing • Use personal Internet security programs

  12. Activity Find a different news story for each of the privacy issues below: Identity theft Cyberstalking Phishing Hacking Complete the following for each news story: Summarize the story in one paragraph Who was the victim? Who committed the crime? What resulted from the incident? How could the person/company have prevented the issue from occurring?

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