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“Si tuvieras un millón de dólares . . .

“Si tuvieras un millón de dólares . . . ¿ qué harías ?”. U7L1 español 3 AC. Making hypothetical statements. Pqt . de gramática p. 15. A hypothetical statement relates what someone WOULD do IF a certain condition exist ed . Por ejemplo :

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“Si tuvieras un millón de dólares . . .

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  1. “Si tuvierasun millón de dólares . . . ¿quéharías?”

  2. U7L1español 3 AC Making hypothetical statements Pqt. de gramática p. 15

  3. A hypothetical statement relates what someone WOULD do IF a certain condition existed. Porejemplo: I would go with you IFIhad the time. We wouldtake the dog for a walk IFwehad a leash.

  4. In Spanish we make hypothetical statements using the following construction: ++ imperfect subjuntive conditional tense Si (If) “Si -ra, -ría”

  5. Making hypothetical statements with si(if) clauses • If you want to talk about something hypothetical (not true but possible), use the following clauses: • Si pudiera . . .= If I could • Si supiera . . .= If I knew • Si fuera . . . = If I were, If I went • Si estuviera . .= If I were • Si tuviera . . . = If I had • Si quisiera . . .= If I wanted • Si comprara...= If I bought • Si buscara… = If I looked for Notice that all the verbs are imperfect subjunctive?

  6. Para formarel imperfecto del subjuntivo • Paso 1: • ellos (pretérito) ------ pudieron • Paso 2: • adiós “RON” • Paso 3: • give a little cheer (ra, ra, ra) -ra -ramos -ras -ra -ran

  7. Making hypothetical statements • If I had a million dollars . . . • Si tuvieraun millón de dólares . . . • If I were rich . . . • Si fuerarica. . . • If I could speak Chinese . . . • Si pudierahablar chino . . .

  8. The CONDITIONAL TENSE 1. Start with the INFINITIVE 2. Add the following endings to the infinitive or irregular root -ÍA-ÍAMOS -ÍAS-ÍAIS -ÍA -ÍAN

  9. The Conditional Tense Hablar -- yo Comer -- tú Vivir -- ella Escribir -- nosotros Practicar -- ellos Correr -- Ángel Yohablaría Comerías Ella viviría Escribiríamos Practicarían Ángelcorrería

  10. All of these irregular roots are the same as the future tense! Instead of using the infinitive, use the irregular root + endings! 1. Hacer = har- 2. Haber = habr 3. Saber = sabr- 4. Salir = saldr- 5. Poner = pondr- 6. Tener = tendr 7. Valer = valdr- 8. Querer = querr- 9. Poder = podr- 10. Decir = dir- 11. Venir = vendr- Conditional Irregulars

  11. How can we remember these? • HarryhassixsaltypeanutstovisitQueenPattyduringvacation. • HacerQuerer • Haber Poder • Saber Decir • SalirVenir • Poner • Tener • Valer

  12. La ganadadora es . . . D Q H H V P V P T S S airy ueen as eavenly anilla eanuts. anilla eanuts, hat ounds uper!

  13. Práctica: Put it all together.Si + imp. subj. + conditional = “Si -ra, ría” If I had 500 dollars, I would buy a lot of clothes. If I could leave tomorrow, I would go to Mexico. If I were tall, I would play basketball. If you had an A+, you would be happy.

  14. Now . . .put the If clausesand the conditional tensetogether! If I had 500 dollars, I would buy a lot of clothes. Si tuviera500 dólares, compraríamucharopa. 2. If I could leave tomorrow I would go to Mexico. 2. Si pudierasalirmañana, iría a México. 3. If I were tall, I would play basketball. 3. Si fueraalta, jugaríabaloncesto. 4. If you had an A+, you would be happy. 4. Si tuvierasuna A+, estaríascontento.

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