Lee el párrafo. Yo salgo del dormitorio para poner la mesa. Pongo los platos en la mesa. Jaime, mi hermano, pone los vasos en la mesa. Ofrezco servir la comida y mi madre ofrece servir las bebidas. Mientras como, yo hago un sándwich con el pan y la carne cocida. Después mi familia recoge los platos y yo recojo lo demás (therest) de la mesa.
Los verbosirregulares Lección Preliminar Español III
Go-go verbs These verbs are irregular in the YO form but the other forms of the verbs follow the regular verb patterns. Poner – to put/place Traer – to bring yopongoyotraigo Salir – to leave Caer(se) – to fall yosalgoyo (me) caigo Hacer – to do/make yohago
Zco verbs These verbs are irregular in the YO form but the other forms of the verbs follow the regular verb patterns. (these verbs end in –cer) Ofrecer – to offer Parecer – to seem YoofrezcoYoparezco Obedecer – to obey Yoobedezco Conocer – to know people Yoconozco
Jo verbs These verbs are irregular in the YO form but the other forms of the verbs follow the regular verb pattern. Recoger – to pick (up)/ collect Yorecojo Túrecoges Escoger – to choose/select Yoescojo Túescoges
Irregular verbs These verbs are irregular in the YO form but the other forms of the verbs follow the regular verb pattern. Dar – to give Ver – to see Saber – to know doyveosé das vessabes davesabe damosvemossabemos danvensaben
Stem-changing verbs INFINITIVO These are known in Spanish as “verbos con cambio de raiz”. Just think that when we look at a verb, removing the ending (ar, er, ir) leaves us with the STEM. ENTENDER STEM
E to ie verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aka boot verbs. Querer – to want Preferir – to prefer YoquieroYoprefiero TúquieresTúprefieres Ella quiere Ella prefiere NosotrosqueremosNosotrospreferimos EllosquierenEllosprefieren
E to ie verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aqui hay masejemplos: comenzar – to begin/start pensar – to think cerrar – to close entender – to understand perder – to lose mentir – to lie sentir – to feel divertirse – to have fun despertarse – to wake up
O to ue verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aka boot verbs. Poder – tobeableto Dormir – tosleep Yo puedo Yo duermo Tú puedes Tú duermes Él puede Él duerme Nosotros podemos Nosotros dormimos Ellas pueden Ellas duermen
O to ue verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aqui hay masejemplos: contar – to rely on/to count costar – to cost encontrar – to find recordar – to remember volar – to fly volver – to return (location) devolver – to return (object) almorzar – to have lunch acostarse – to go to bed
U to ue verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aka boot verbs. Jugar– to play Yojuego Tújuegas Éljuega Nosotrosjugamos Ellasjuegan
E to i verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aka boot verbs. Pedir – to ask for Reir(se) – to laugh YopidoYo (me) río TúpidesTú (te) ríes Ud. pideUd. (se) ríe NosotrospedimosNosotros (nos) reímos Uds. pidenUds. (se) ríen
E to i verbs These are stem-changing verbs where the change occurs in all the forms except NOSOTROS. Aquí hay masejemplos: servir – to serve repetir – to repeat sonreír – to smile seguir – to follow vestirse – to get dressed
Double Whammies These verbs have more than one change and can fit into 2 or more categories. Tener – to have * go-go verb/ stem-changing (e-ie) Decir – to say * go-go verb/stem-changing (e-i) Venir – to come * go-go verb/stem-changing (e-ie)
Irregular verbs These verbs are irregular in all the forms. Estar – to be Ser – to be estoy soy estáseres estáes estamossomos están son Ir – to go Oír – to hear voyoigo vas oyes vaoye vamosoímos van oyen
Irregular verbs • Some helpful information: • Most –cer and –cir verbs will receive a zco change in the “yo”form • Most –girverbs will receive a jo change in the “yo” form (elegir, corregir, sumergir) • Some -uirverbs will have a “y” change followed by the regular endings in all the forms (constituir, contribuir, influir, incluir,huir) • -guirverbs are different