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TEKNOLOGI. Disediakan Oleh Kamaludin Ahmad JTMK, MPTI, JB. Perbincangan. Teknologi & Teknologi Pendidikan Rekabentuk Pengajaran – ID (instructional Design) LMS – Learning Management System Sekolah Bestari Integrasi TMK dalam P&P Teori. Teknologi?.
TEKNOLOGI Disediakan Oleh Kamaludin Ahmad JTMK, MPTI, JB
Perbincangan • Teknologi & Teknologi Pendidikan • Rekabentuk Pengajaran – ID (instructional Design) • LMS – Learning Management System • Sekolah Bestari • Integrasi TMK dalam P&P • Teori
Teknologi? • Dalam kes ini kita boleh melihatnya dari dua sudut; 1. Teknologi sebagai benda dan 2. Teknologi sebagai proses sosial. (Naughton J, 1986 - Technology in Schools)
Teknologi? • Technology is the application of knowledge, tools and skills to solve practical problems and extend human capabilities."Technology - Report of the Project 2061, Phase I Technology Panel" - American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1989.
Teknologi Pendidikan • Ia berperanan memberi penekanan terhadap idea-idea pendidikan sebagai rekaan teknologi, sebabnya ia menerima perkaraan asas yang maju biasanya hasil dari interaksi 'merubah konsep' (mendahului ke cara-cara baru melihat sesuatu) dengan 'merubah teknik-teknik' (mendahului cara-cara baru melakukan sesuatu).
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Definisi • Instructional Design as a Process • Instructional Design as a Discipline • Instructional Design as a Science • Instructional Design as Reality
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Instructional Design as a Process: Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Instructional Design as a Discipline Instructional Design is that branch of knowledge concerned with research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies.
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Instructional Design as a Science Instructional design is the science of creating detailed specifications for the development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of situations that facilitate the learning of both large and small units of subject matter at all levels of complexity.
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Instructional Design as Reality Instructional design can start at any point in the design process. Often a glimmer of an idea is developed to give the core of an instruction situation. By the time the entire process is done the designer looks back and she or he checks to see that all parts of the "science" have been taken into account. Then the entire process is written up as if it occurred in a systematic fashion.
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Instructional System An instructional system is an arrangement of resources and procedures to promote learning. Instructional design is the systematic process of developing instructional systems and instructional development is the process of implementing the system or plan.
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • Instructional Technology Instructional technology is the systemic and systematic application of strategies and techniques derived from behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist theories to the solution of instructional problems. Instructional technology is the systematic application of theory and other organized knowledge to the task of instructional design and development. Instructional Technology = Instructional Design + Instructional Development
Rekabentuk Pengajaran • ASSURE • ADDIE • Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
ASSURE • A - Analyze Learners • S - State Objectives • S - Select Methods, Media and Materials • U - Utilize Media and Materials • R - Require Learner Participation • E - Evaluate and Revise
ADDIE • A - Analysis phase • D – Design phase • D – Development phase • I – Implementation phase • E – Evaluation phase
LMS – Learning Management System • Berasas kepada teknologi internet. • Berasas rekabentuk • Berasas teori pembelajaran • Berasas pembelajaran kendiri • Mengandungi pelbagai alat (aktiviti) umum untuk proses pembelajaran • Tugasan • Perbincangan • Catatan jurnal • Ujian, kuiz • Dan pelbagai lagi.
LMS – Learning Management System • Dalam LMS guru/pensyarah perlu mereka bentuk proses pembelajaran • Harus memahami bagaimana seseorang individu belajar, • Mengetahui bagaimana individu membina kefahaman mereka • Berupaya mengurus bahan dan sumber yang berkaitan. • Dapat menggunakan alat/aktiviti pembelajaran dengan berkesan.
Sekolah Bestari • satu daripada tujuh “flagship application” Koridor Raya Multimedia • satu transformasi dalam sistem pendidikan sedang berlaku melalui perubahan sistemik dalam aspek kurikulum, sistem penilaian, pengurusan, pentadbiran dan latihan guru
Sekolah Bestari • Pembelajaran bestari memberikan penekanan kepada aspek berfikir melalui pembinaan dan peningkatan minda selaras dengan hala tuju pendidikan negara. Fokus pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Sekolah Bestari juga lebih berpusat kepada pelajar, terarah kendiri, mengikut tahap keupayaan individu, berkesinambungan dan reflektif melalui kurikulum yang luwes dan terbuka. Usaha ini dapat dijayakan dengan bantuan pelbagai media teknologi khususnya teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi yang terkini dengan jaringan yang meliputi seluruh dunia. Sekolah Bestari turut memberikan penekanan kepada pendemokrasian pendidikan melalui layanan pelbagai kecerdasan dan gaya pembelajaran sesuai dengan tahap keupayaan, kebolehan dan keperluan pelajar.
Integrasi TMK dalam P&P • Integrasi? • Bila perlu • Bila tidak • Bagaimana
Integrasi TMK dalam P&P Curriculum integration with the use of technology involves the infusion of technology as a tool to enhance the learning in a content area or multidisciplinary setting. Technology enables students to learn in ways not previously possible. Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions—as accessible as all other classroom tools.
Integrasi TMK dalam P&P • Pendekatan? • PBL – Project Based Learning • PBL – Problem Based Learning
Teori • Learning theory or Teaching theory? • Apa itu teori? • Adakah ia penting? • Jika Ya! Apakah teori yang anda “guna pakai”
Teori • Bagaimana anda melihat sesuatu proses pembelajaran! • Apakah elemen2 yang anda lihat? • Bagaimana anda mempastikan bahawa pembelajaran itu telah berlaku? • Bagaiamana anda telah pasti bahawa pelajar anda telah memahami apa yang mereka pelajari?
Apa yang dipelajari? Secara relatifnya setiap perkara yang kita pelajari ialah …..? Faham Konsep Adakah anda jelas apa itu konsep ? Kenapa anda faham sesuatu perkara ?