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Go Coyote Team!. Welcome to U.S . History with Mrs. Stukonis !. Bachelors Degree in Social Science Education from UCF Certified in Social Studies 6-12 and Elementary Education k-6 Second year at Southwest 8 th Grade Boys Track Coach (Spring). About Your Te acher :.
Go Coyote Team! Welcome to U.S. History with Mrs. Stukonis!
Bachelors Degree in Social Science Education from UCF • Certified in Social Studies 6-12 and Elementary Education k-6 • Second year at Southwest • 8th Grade Boys Track Coach (Spring) About Your Teacher:
FOLDER (with Prongs) • Mod 1- Red Folder • Mod 2- Blue Folder • Mod 3- Yellow Folder • Mod 4- Green Folder • Mod 6- Orange Folder • Mod 7- Purple Folder • PAPER(enough for EACH school day IN your folder) • PENCIL,Pencil Sharpener, Eraser • PLANNER(MUST have if you plan on using the bathroom this year) What You Need to Succeed:(Write this down!)
Enter the classroom quietly and respectfully BEFORE the bell rings. Socializing ends and class begins when you enter the classroom. If you have a question in class, raise your hand. You will be expected to treat your teacher and peers with respect. Grab YOUR folder (make sure you have plenty of paper), your pencil, your planner, and sit in your assigned seat. Once you sit down do not get out of your seat without permission. You will be expected to do so in a timely manner. Every day there will be a bell ringer with instructions on the board, immediately start working on the bell ringer when you sit down. Class Procedures:
You MUST have a planner to use the restroom. You will only be able to use the restroom 3 times per 9 weeks and it must be YOUR planner- SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY. Use the restroom in between classes or at lunch. Hallway bathrooms are ALWAYS open. If you are late to class, go to the deans for a hall pass. You will have opportunities to earn a bonus bathroom pass. Procedures Continued:
5. Classwork will vary from individual work, group work, DBQ’s, computer labs, note taking, readers theatre, hands-on activities, and are designed to last the entire class period. Classwork will stay in your class folder and will not be graded until test day. • ONCE A WEEK: You will have this class first and last period. First period will have morning intercom announcements, in which you will listen silently. We will stand for the pledge as a class. T.V. announcements will be played, during which you will listen silently. Last Periodwe will listen silently to afternoon announcements. DO NOT get out of your seat until the Principal announces for Teachers to dismiss students. Procedures Continued:
You will be required to be ready for class every day (folder, pencil, paper, planner) , follow the previous rules, posted rules in the back of the classroom, and daily instructions from your teacher. If you do not follow these rules the consequences are as follows: Verbal Warning Written Detention Teacher Detention Thursdays 8:30 am- 9:00 am (ISS if missed) Referral **Some actions may result in skipping steps. Class Consequences:
Make sure your name is written large on the front of your folder. Do not write anything else on yours or another student’s folder. You may leave it in your mod bin for your convenience. • Make sure it stays organized by using your rubric you will receive for each chapter. You can use the white board at the front of the class to keep track of (write down) your daily assignments in your rubric. • Keep assignments that have not been graded yet in the left side of your folder, your rubric in the prongs, and graded assignments in the right side of your folder. Make sure your assignments are in date order with Vocabulary and Bell Ringers on top. Class Folder:
Class Folders will be due on Test Day for grading. This means your daily class work will not be graded until test day. Make sure your folder is neatly organized with your rubric filled out ( if not your folder will not be graded and you will receive a zero until it is organized and your rubric is filled out). Folders will be worth 100 points per chapter. • Chapter Quizzes will be the day before Test Day. They will be 25 points per chapter and will be Open Notes. The point of Quizzes will be to make sure that you are properly taking notes. Quizzes will be fill in the blank so make sure when we take notes you write them word for word. After quiz, we will have a review game for extra credit! • Chapter Tests will be worth 100 points per chapter. Tests will NOT be open notes so make sure you study your notes! They will be about 25 questions, usually multiple choice, and completed by using GradeCam. Class Grades:
When there is a fire drill you will take ALL of your personal belongings and silently walk in a single file line out to the track at #53. • When we reach the track you will stand in a single file line while Mrs. Stukonis takes attendance. Do not wander off and act out while there is a fire drill. There will be consequences with administration if you do. • There will be two fire drills this week and once a month throughout the school year as a district policy. Fire Drill
For all classes: you will need to stay seated and engaged in class until the bell rings for lunch. You will have lunch with your 4th Mod teacher. • You will need to follow your teacher (for the first two days) so that he/she will show you the correct route to lunch. If you are out of your assigned area during this transition to lunch there will be consequences with the administration. • There are four lunch lines in the cafeteria. The two outer lunch lines are a ’la carte items which will need to be paid in cash (chicken, pizza, etc.) The two inner lunch lines are the regular school lunches. Lunch Time
Bus Riders: Make sure you know your Bus Number BEFORE the end of the day. You will walk quietly and respectfully towards the bus loop and find your bus in a timely manner. If you need help finding your bus ask a teacher. • Car Riders/Walkers/Bikers: You will walk quietly and respectfully towards the front green gate. Any student out of assigned area during dismissal may face consequences. Dismissal
FOLDER (with Prongs) • Mod 1- Red Folder • Mod 2- Blue Folder • Mod 4- Yellow Folder • Mod 5- Green Folder • Mod 6- Orange Folder • Mod 7- Purple Folder • PAPER(enough for EACH school day IN your folder) • PENCIL,Pencil Sharpener, Eraser • PLANNER(MUST have if you plan on using the bathroom this year) • SIGNED CONTRACT Remember: Bring these tomorrow!
Tell us: • Your name. • Your favorite and least favorite lunch from the cafeteria. • Do you have any siblings? What are their names? • Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names? • Your favorite hobby (sports, music, art, etc.) • Where is the farthest you have traveled to? • Tell us an interesting fact about yourself. Tell us about YOU