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The Mission of MUM: Tensions, Promises and Challenges. By Prof. Hamza Mustafa Njozi, Vice Chancellor, MUM. Introduction. MUM was launched in 2004 by the Muslim Development Foundation [ MDF ].
The Mission of MUM: Tensions, Promises and Challenges By Prof. Hamza Mustafa Njozi, Vice Chancellor, MUM
Introduction • MUM was launched in 2004 by the Muslim Development Foundation [ MDF ]. • It began admitting 166 students in 2005 to pursue studies in 3 inaugural programs: B.A (Ed.); B.A in Islamic Studies with Education; and B.A (Mass Communication)
Introduction Contd. • MUM has since added 4 other programs: Bachelor of Science with Education; LLB (Law and Shariah); Bachelor of Business Studies; and B.A in Languages & Interpretation. • The enrolment has swelled from 166 to 3000. • MUM’s sixth graduation ceremony shall be on 9th November 2013, Insha-Allah, with the VC of Northwestern University, Kano as the Guest of honor.
Vision Statement of MUM • “MUM seeks to become a higher center of excellence with cutting edge programs, responsive to the needs of individual and the nation in a globalized world under the guidance of Islamic values.”
MUM Mission Statement • “To contribute to national efforts to produce highly educated and well trained human resources inculcated with appropriate aptitudes and attitudes for the material, moral and spiritual development of the society by upholding the highest standards of teaching, learning, research, outreach and consultancy in the provision of holistic and well integrated education and training.”
Strategies for Teaching and Learning • To achieve recognition for superior accomplishments in teaching and learning. • MUM requires professors to continually hone their teaching skills and continually refine knowledge in their disciplines; and should use outcomes assessment for purposes of continuous assessment. • MUM carries out periodic pedagogical peer reviews for all academic members of staff.
Improving Pedagogy • MUM has benefitted from the experience of IUIU; IIUM; IUA; and other long-established universities. • A professor from IUIU conducted a workshop on Current Trends in Micro-Teaching (2007) • 2008 an expert from Westminster University, Dr. Sarah Cathew carried out an academic audit
Pedagogy II • 2008 Head of MUM QA Unit went to Germany for a 2-week workshop on Institutional Review (IUCEA) • 2007 Intensive 2-month program for Masscom students by professionals.(Shaka Ssali of VOA & Nizaar Nadiawalla of IRF/Peace TV • Moot Courts local & international
Pedagogy Contd. • 2009 IIUM shared with MUM their experience on how to develop CBT and CBA • MUM requested Prof. Omar H. Kasule’s advice on developing a vibrant campus life • December 2012 a statutory academic audit was carried out by experts from IIUM and UDSM • Their recommendations have been accepted.
Comprehensive Review • From November 2013 MUM sets out to carry out a comprehensive review of all its programs. • The idea is to focus more on actual outcomes than on processes and inputs. • Not on what professors do or should do but on what the students actually learn • Our graduates still fall short of our ideal
MUM Achievements • MUM graduates compare favorably with those from other universities • Their outstanding performance in post-graduate studies in other universities within and outside Tanzania is one indicator • The majority of them are doing well in their respective fields and some of them are holding responsible positions. • Selling point: moral integrity & good w/habits.
MUM Challenges • MUM’s initial academic standing has attracted many applicants to seek admission. • The total enrolment has swelled from 166 in 2005 to 3100 in 2013 • The expanded enrolments have not gone hand in hand with improved teaching & learning facilities. • Yet, with only 3000 students, MUM is still too small
The Biggest Challenge • MUM’s biggest challenge now is staff development. • Tz is facing this challenge, both in numbers and quality. MUM staff helping SUA. • As an Islamic institution we also demand that all our staff should have a firm grounding in the basic teachings of Islam and its philosophy.
Future Prospects • To overcome the financial stress, MUM is considering the possibilities of generating resources by using the comparative advantage of the country. • MUM has acquired land in Kilwa; Lindi; Kigamboni Dar es Salaam; and Tabora for establishing constituent colleges. • The idea is to conceive economic ventures to finance the expansion of MUM
Facilities available: Administration block : 22 offices
Lecture Theatre Block: has 3 Conference Rooms each with seating capacity of 150 and lecture theatre with seating capacity of 300
Classroom Blocks: 2 – each with 4 rooms; seating capacity of 75, one is a computer room
Contact: Muslim University of Morogoro P. O. Box 1031, Morogoro Tanzania Email: mum@mum.ac.tz Website: www.mum.ac.tz Tel. No. +255 023 2600285, 2600256 Fax No. +255 023 2600286
WABILLAH TAWFIQ • Thank you for coming!