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Presentation to the Guam Legislature On the DOD FEIS and Discussions to date August 23, 2010. GPA/GWA FINAL EIS. 1. Presentation Outline. CONSOLIDATED COMMISSION ON UTILITIES Simon A. Sanchez, II, Chairman GUAM POWER AUTHORITY Joaquin C. Flores, P.E. GM GUAM WATERWORKS AUTHORITY
Presentation to the Guam Legislature On the DOD FEIS and Discussions to date August 23, 2010 GPA/GWA FINAL EIS 1
FEIS proposes $740M for Guam Infrastructure From the start, CCU, GPA and GWA Position: Civilian ratepayers should be shielded from direct and indirect cost impacts resulting from the proposed buildup. DoD remains a GPA customer The northern aquifer and our environment shall be protected for the long term. Mandatory shared responsibility The existing GWA NWWTP shall be the only WW plant over the aquifer GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
FEIS proposes $740M for Guam Infrastructure In 2006: NO commitments to fund off-base civilian infrastructure. Since 2006, we have engaged in hundreds of hours of meetings and extensive exchange of data to determine best solutions, estimated costs and “who pays”.
FEIS proposes $740M for Guam Infrastructure Today, FEIS “preferred alternatives”: Provide $740 Million for water, wastewater and power improvements to serve civilian and military needs, AT NO CAPITAL COSTS TO CIVILIAN RATEPAYERS. DOD WILL PAY 100% OF THESE COSTS!
Unresolved Issues Remain • Though DoD will be responsible for payments, how funding assistance will be provided to GPA/GWA is still being determined. • First meetings w/ Japan Bank for Intl. Cooperation (JBIC) held earlier this month. • Direct loans or grants, or indirect through Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) or other types of Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP)? • WHETHER FUNDING COMES FROM JAPAN, DOD OR THE US GOVT., OUR POSITION IS CLEAR: • CIVILIAN RATEPAYERS WILL NOT BE BURDENED BY CAPITAL COSTS RELATED TO THE BUILDUP.
FEIS: Power Impacts Summary FEIS Identifies ~$160 million in available funding for the power infrastructure: • CT upgrade: • 25% or ~ $37 million • T&D: • 75% or ~ $122 million GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
FEIS: Power Demand GPA/GWA FINAL EIS • Load requirements for Marine Corps relocation and other Department of Defense (DOD) upgrades • 70 Megawatt (MW) Total Additional Demand • 30 MW DOD Firm Load (24/7) • 40 MW DOD Transient Load (Intermittent) • DOD remains a GPA customer • New GPA/Navy Utility Services Agreement (USA) • Negotiations have started
THERE IS ENOUGH POWER GENERATION CAPACITY GPA Generation Capacity: 552 MW Current Peak: 272 MW Peak after Build Up: 342 MW (est) Excess Generation Capacity after build up: = 210 MW GPA & DOD agree there is sufficient generation capacity to support the build up GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
Preferred Alternative Recondition up to 5 existing GPA permitted facilities to provide peaking power/reserve capacity Yigo, 2 @ Dededo, Marbo, Macheche FEIS states “Planning indicates that new power generation capacity would not be required to meet the planned demand increase.”(Vol 6, 2-9) No Additional Long Term Alternatives - All other power alternatives in the DEIS to address additional load and capacity were “deemed unnecessary”(Vol 6, 2-3) “This showed that adequate power would be fairly easily provided in time to accommodate the proposed military relocation.”(Vol 6, 2-3) FEIS: Generation GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
GENERATION SOLUTIONS GPA & DOD agree that 3 GPA CT’s should be refurbished to support construction phase Estimated at $37 million (paid by DOD) CT’s located at Dededo & Yigo (~60 MW) Start by 2012 Navy has completed assessment for refurbishment of 5 CT’s DOD to pay 100% of $37 million cost to refurbish CT’s All existing civilian ratepayers will benefit from this improvement in generation reliability GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
FEIS: Renewable Energy GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
Alternative Energy & Fuel Diversification - Ongoing Discussions GPA is pursuing 80MW of renewable energy sources, primarily from wind and solar GPA and DOD have been working collaboratively on renewable efforts GPA will not support renewable power generation solutions that only serve on-base needs. All renewable generation benefits must be shared with the entire island grid via GPA GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
T&D System Upgrades and new T&D Infrastructure needed to mitigate direct, indirect, and induced impacts of Build Up DOD remains a transmission level customer of GPA Agreement reached between DoD & GPA on $122 million of T&D projects (transmission lines and substations) directly related to Build Up FEIS: Transmission & Distribution GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
Unresolved IssuesGENERATION – New Base Load GPA/GWA FINAL EIS To insure continued generation reliability, GPA believes buildup accelerates the need for the next base load generator from 2022 to 2017 GPA believes DOD should pay for induced impacts caused by accelerating the need for the new base load GPA and DOD have yet to determine and agree on induced impact
New Base Load: Buildup accelerates need from 2022 to 2017 • 60 MW Base Load requirement • $150 million for conventional oil fired • $120 million for the plant + $30 million for additional fuel storage • $300 million for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) system (includes fuel storage) GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
Unresolved Issues T&D and Funding Sources GPA is still concerned about other indirect impacts on T&D assets in the civilian sector caused by the buildup $30 million of T&D projects necessary to mitigate indirect impacts of the Build Up have been estimated Responsibility of costs related to mitigating these impacts on T&D assets have yet to be determined Other cost requirements to resolve: Program Management Office (PMO), Environmental Studies and Archaeological Services GPA/GWA FINAL EIS
Aquifer Yield Aquifer can yield 80 million gallons/day (MGD)1 Peak during construction surge is 53 MGD Post construction (base open) will be less Current professional consensus; sufficient water to meet buildup growth 1 – Theoretical Sustainable Yield from 1992 Groundwater Study by Barrett/Mink. 2009 Review by UOG-WERI. Concurred by GWA, DoD, GEPA.
FEIS: Protecting the Aquifer Parties will cooperate in all aspects of water resource development on Guam to ensure the long term and sustainable management of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer (NGLA). Updated comprehensive study of the Aquifer funded by DoD is underway, led by UOG/WERI and supported by USGS, USEPA, DoD, GEPA and GWA.
FEIS: Water Supply Solution • $165 million for a new northern water system of wells, treatment, transmission and distribution assets. • DOD WILL PAY 100% OF THESE COSTS • The new northern system will be inter-connected to the existing GWA and DoD systems so that the three systems can eventually work as an integrated whole.
Water Supply Ongoing Discussions DoD transmission and distribution systems Loop design and connection points Price for DoD water during construction phase Price of DoD Transfer and exchange of excess water.
FEIS: Wastewater (WW) Solutions NDWWTP 12MGD Primary Treatment Upgrades $65M NDWWTP 18MGD Secondary Treatment Upgrades $135M Collection System Improvements $85M Hagatna 12MGD Secondary Treatment Upgrades $150M Total : $435M
FEIS: Wastewater (WW) Alternatives FEIS Wastewater Alternatives 1a & 1b
FEIS: Northern WW Treatment: Upgrade and expand NDWWTP with Marines becoming a GWA customer (like AAFB) Complete rehab of NWWTP to provide primary treatment to 12 MGD Upgrade to secondary treatment to 18 MGD
FEIS: Central WW Treatment/Collection: Upgrade Hagatna to 12 MGD primary treatment Upgrade Hagatna to 12 MGD secondary treatment Build $82M worth of new WW collection systems (new sewer lines) in northern and central Guam
DoD/GWA on-going Discussions Increase NDWWTP capacity from 6 MGD to 8-9 MGD with interim upgrades Cost of transfer and exchange of DoD excess water Cost of DoD water for construction phase Design details of DoD transmission and distribution systems Details of “One Guam” transfer of DoD systems to GWA
Summary DOD/US Govt. should pay for its impact, direct and indirect. $740 million has been proposed to upgrade Guam utility infrastructure at no cost to the people of Guam. Hold Fed. Officials to their words of “One Guam”, “Green Guam” and that “the buildup cannot be a burden to the people of Guam”. If funded in a sufficient and timely manner, the “preferred solutions” as summarized in the FEIS are achievable and can provide benefits for existing and future utility customers. If insufficient funding is provided in an untimely manner, Guam utilities will not be able to permit the construction of facilities that are needed to commence the buildup (e.g. worker housing). Much work remains to address unresolved issues. GPA/GWA FINAL EIS 34