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MEAT OPERATIONS. MICHELLE FROST. Overview . Sales DeCA Form 10-21 Better Cutting Practices Common I.G. Findings Growing Sales Sushi. FY07 YTD Meat Sales and % Change Region. OCONUS total includes Zones 12 and 13. (Apr 07 Final). FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % Change Zone 06.

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  2. Overview • Sales • DeCA Form 10-21 • Better Cutting Practices • Common I.G. Findings • Growing Sales • Sushi

  3. FY07 YTD Meat Sales and % ChangeRegion OCONUS total includes Zones 12 and 13 (Apr 07 Final)

  4. FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % ChangeZone 06 (Apr 07 Final)

  5. FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % ChangeZone 06 (Apr 07 Final)

  6. FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % ChangeZone 08 (Apr 07 Final)

  7. FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % ChangeZone 08 (Apr 07 Final)

  8. FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % ChangeZone 09 (Apr 07 Final)

  9. FY07 YTD Meat Dept and % ChangeZone 09 (Apr 07 Final)

  10. DeCA Form 10-21 • You Can not Claim Compensation without it. • Get a control number from the vendor • Describe in detail the problem • Include Pictures when possible

  11. DeCA Form 10-21 • Submit within 24 hours and include: • Date and Time of Event • Amount of Compensation • Fax copies to • HQ’s – (804) 734-8665 (DSN 687) • Region –Reeves Menhennett at DSN 839-4856

  12. DeCA Form 10-21 • Common Submission Errors • Incomplete information • No Call Number • No Contract Number • Details missing • Not sent in within 24 hrs • Not submitted at all

  13. Better Cutting Practices • Cut What You Will Sell In One Day • How Much Frozen Markdown Is In Your Freezer? • Are The Same Cuts In Your Markdown Freezer Every Day? • Do You Need A Wavier?

  14. Frozen Meats (Flash) • Placing orders • How much back stock • Stock Rotation • Proper Slacking out • Correct sell by date

  15. Common I. G. Findings • Never Out Of Items • Wavier Requested • Ground Beef Fat Test Requirements • Outdated Deli Items being sold • Weekly Self Inspection Report

  16. Growing Sales Pay Day Promotions Advertise

  17. Questions?

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