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詞 : 洪啟元 年歲的冠冕 曲 : 陶曉蕾、張證恩、游智婷. 清早時 , 我要歌唱你慈愛 , 日落時 , 我要歌唱你大能。 急難時 , 你作我的避難所 , 危急時 , 你作我的高台。 在 每一日 , 我體會你的信實。 在每一刻 , 我經歷你的恩典。 你以恩典 - 為我年歲的冠冕 , 我歌頌你 , 歌頌那賜恩的神。. 我一生要讚美你 I’ll Praise You All My Life. 詞曲 : 游智婷 高唱主 -- 我愛你 , 高舉我雙手 -- 來讚美你 . 我的心 -- 充 滿歡喜 , 我要歌唱 -- 來頌揚你 .
詞:洪啟元年歲的冠冕 曲: 陶曉蕾、張證恩、游智婷 清早時, 我要歌唱你慈愛, 日落時,我要歌唱你大能。 急難時,你作我的避難所, 危急時,你作我的高台。 在每一日,我體會你的信實。 在每一刻,我經歷你的恩典。 你以恩典-為我年歲的冠冕, 我歌頌你,歌頌那賜恩的神。
我一生要讚美你I’ll Praise You All My Life 詞曲:游智婷 高唱主--我愛你, 高舉我雙手--來讚美你. 我的心--充滿歡喜, 我要歌唱--來頌揚你. 高唱哈-利路亞, 我的心--充滿歡欣. 高唱主--我愛你,我一生--要讚美你. 讚美之泉/全新的你
詞:游智婷 主耶和華, 我願常住在你的殿中, 日日歌頌讚美你, 瞻仰你的榮美; 主耶和華, 我必靠著你力量得福. 我雖經過流淚谷, 你使祂為泉源之地, 曲:曾祥怡 Al-mig-ty God, I long to be in Your dwell-ing place, I will dai-ly lift my voice, And gaze up-on Your beau-ty, Al-mighty God, I know that Your joy will be my strength, in the val-ley of my tears, You’ve made a place of flow-ing springs and blessed me with autumn rain. 秋雨之福Autumn Blessings
(副歌) 求你垂聽我的禱告, 我的日頭我的盾牌, 我要單單倚靠仰望你, 我的神啊,我的王啊. 求你賜下恩典榮耀, 我的避難所我的山寨. 我要單單倚靠仰望你, 我的神啊,我所依靠的. (讚美之泉/讓愛走動) Hear my prayer my Sun and my Shield. I will trust You my God and King, Let me see Your face and Your beauty, I place my hope in You my Lord. You’re my fort-ress my hid-ing place, I will set my heart u-pon Your strength. Let me see Your grace and Your glory, I trust in You, trust in You my Lord.
生命在於你My Life Is in You, Lord(Words and Music by Daniel Gardner) 生命在於你主!力量在於你主!盼望在於你主! 在你, - -在於你; ; (x 2) 我要以-生命來-讚美你,我要盡-全力來-讚美你; 全心-讚美你,全力-讚美你。我-的盼望-在於你。 My life is in You, Lord, My Strength is in You, Lord, My hope is in You, Lord, in You, it’s in You; ( x 2) I will praise You with all of my life, I will praise You with all of my strength; With all of my life, with all of my strength. All of my hope is in You.
Daniel W. Whittle James McGranahan (第一節 First verse) 從前在罪中遠離神, 心懷毫無亮光. 從主言語中才覺悟, 基督活在心中. Once far from God and dead in sin, No light my heart could see, But in God’s World the light I found Now Christ liv-eth in me. 主活在我心Christ Liveth in Me
(副歌 Chorus) 主活在我心, (x2) 啊--!何等奇妙救主,基督活在我心. Christ liv-eth in me, -- (x2) What a sal-va-tion this– That Christ liv-eth in me.
(第二節 Second verse) 好像太陽放出光芒,遍地花朵開放. 自從基督活在心中,才有生命愛光. As rays of light from yon-der sun, The flow’rs of earth set free, So life and light and love came forth From Christ liv-ing in me (副歌Chorus)主活在我心, (x2) 啊--!何等奇妙救主,基督活在我心. Christ liv-eth in me, -- (x2) What a sal-va-tion this– That Christ liv-eth in me.
(第三節 Third verse) 我心充滿渴慕之情, 能像恩主完全. 因有基督活在心中, 裡面充滿恩典. With long-ing all my heart is filled That like Him I may be, As on the wondrous thought I dwell, That Christ liv-eth in me. (副歌Chorus)主活在我心, (x2) 啊--!何等奇妙救主,基督活在我心. Christ liv-eth in me, -- (x2) What a sal-va-tion this– That Christ liv-eth in me.
將你最好的獻給主Give of Your Best to the Master Howard Grose Charlotte Barnard (1)將你最好的獻與主, 獻你年輕的力量, 獻你的精力為主用,為真理打美好仗, Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Give of the strength of your youth; Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ar-dor In-to the bat-tle for truth.
主耶穌必與你同在,勇敢堅定不懼怕, 你要忠心敬虔愛主,將最好的獻與祂. 將你最好的獻與主,獻你身心與力量, 穿上救恩全副軍裝,忠心為真理打仗. Je-sus has set the ex-am-ple – Daunt-less was He, young and brave; Give Him your loy-al de-vo-tion, Give Him the best that you have. Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Give of the strength of your youth; Clad in sal-va-tion’s full ar-mor, Join in the bat-tle for truth.
(2)將你最好的獻與主,獻你青春與情愛, 獻你的熱情與意志,堅貞愛主不後人, Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Give Him first place in your heart; Give Him first place in your serv-ice, Con-se-crate ev-’ry part.
名利美色雖甚動人,亦必拒與魔鬼交, 你要專心敬虔愛主,將最好的獻與祂. 將你最好的獻與主,獻你身心與力量, 穿上救恩全副軍裝,忠心為真理打仗. Give and to you shall be giv-en – God His be-lov-ed Son gave; Grate-ful-ly seek-ing to serve Him, Give Him the best that you have. Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Give of the strength of your youth; Clad in sal-va-tion’s full ar-mor, Join in the bat-tle for truth.
(3)將你最好的獻與主,主愛偉大無可比, 祂將自己作你贖價,天上榮耀賞賜你, Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Nought else is wor-thy His love; He gave Him-self for your ran-som, Gave up His glo-ry a-bove.
祂捨生命毫無怨言,救你脫罪把血灑, 你要專心敬虔愛主,將最好的獻與祂. 將你最好的獻與主,獻你身心與力量, 穿上救恩全副軍裝,忠心為真理打仗. Laid down His life with-out mur-mur, You from sin’s ru-in to save; Give Him your heart’s ad-o-ration, Give Him the best that you have. Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Give of the strength of your youth; Clad in sal-va-tion’s full ar-mor, Join in the bat-tle for truth.
喔 ! 主Oh! Lord! 詞曲:劉淑莉 喔!主,求你鑑察我,求你覆庇我,扶持我軟弱; 喔!主,白晝你保護,黑夜指迷途,你是我幫助. 喔!主,我心腸我肺腑,我呼吸我行路,你都已看顧; 喔!主,你真實不改變,除了你我還有誰,你是我一切. 有情天/活出真正的你
願你國度降臨May Your Kingdom Come 詞曲:簡雅姍 選擇你的道路雖然辛苦, 因為人的心思常反反覆覆; 但是我心裡卻永遠相信你是我主, 你會為我開道路. 我不要再為自己而活,只要單單來敬拜你; 我不要再再為自己的生活而忙碌, 我只願看見你國度降臨 有情天/活出真正的你
新天地New Heaven New Earth 詞曲:簡雅姍 我們要來到你面前,來到主你的寶座前, 歌頌你將那恩典豐富賜給我們; 我們要來到你面前,來到主你的寶座前, 舉起雙手來讚美你奇妙的作為. 哈利路亞來讚美主,哈利路亞來歌頌主, 因為你已經為我們創造美麗的新天地; 哈利路亞來讚美主,哈利路亞來歌頌主, 因為你已經為我們預備美麗的新天地. (有情天/嚴冬裡也有春天)
主啊我們也要Lord, We Want Your Revival 詞曲:王亞辰 我們要不住的禱告,直等到復興的來到, 我們要不住的禱告,懇求主聖火來焚燒; 哦主!我們呼求你的榮耀光照, 聽到古今復興的浪潮,主啊我們也要! (主我們也要見你的榮耀, 我們要見到你復興來到) x2 主我們也要 生命河靈糧堂/耶穌萬國的盼望