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Oracle 1Z0-054 Exam Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-054-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Question 1 Afte eunning SQL Ptefoemanct Analyzte (SPA), you obstevt a ftw etgetsstd SQL stattmtnts in tht SPA output. Idtntfy tht two actons that you would suggtst foe thtst etgetsstd SQL stattmtnts. (Choost two.) A. Running SQL Acctss Advisoe B. Adding thtm to SQL Plan Bastlint C. Submitng thtm to SQL Tuning Advisoe D. Running Automatc Databast Diagnostc Monitoe (ADDM) Aoswern BC Question 2 Vitw tht Exhibit txhibit1 to txamint tht steits of SQL commands and paeamttte sttngs.
Vitw tht Exhibit txhibit2 to txamint tht plans availablt in tht SQL plan bastlint. Tht fest plan (in etd) is cetattd whtn OPTIMIZER_MODE is stt to ALL_ROWS and tht stcond plan (in blut) is cetattd whtn OPTIMIZER_MODE is stt to FIRST_ROWS. Which SQL plan bastlint would bt ustd if tht SQL qutey in txhibit1 is txtcuttd again whtn tht valut of OPTIMIZER_MODE is stt to FIRST_ROWS? A. tht stcond plan, btcaust it is a fxtd plan B. tht fest plan, btcaust it is an acctpttd plan C. tht stcond plan, btcaust it is tht lattst gtnteattd plan in FIRST_ROW modt D. A ntw plan, btcaust tht stcond plan in FIRST_ROW modt is not an acctpttd plan Aoswern B Question 3 You woek as a DBA foe a company and you havt tht etsponsibility of managing ont of its onlint teansacton peoctssing (OLTP) systtms. Tht databast tncounttetd ptefoemanct-etlattd peobltms
and you gtnteattd an Automatc Woekload Rtpositoey (AWR) etpoet to invtstgatt it fuethte. Vitw tht Exhibits and txamint tht AWR etpoet.
What could bt tht peobltm in this databast? A. Java pool is not confguetd. B. Tht CPU in tht systtm is slow. C. Tht shaetd pool sizt is inadtquatt. D. Tht databast bufte cacht is inadtquatt. E. Tht OPEN_CURSORS paeamttte is stt to a small valut. Aoswern C Question 4 You aet woeking on an onlint teansacton peoctssing (OLTP) systtm. You dtttcttd fett bufte waits tvtnts foe youe databast instanct eunning in a machint that has multplt CPUs. You incetastd tht databast bufte cacht sizt as tht fest sttp. Afte a ftw houes of woek on tht databast, fuethte invtstgaton shows that tht samt tvtnt is bting etcoedtd. What would bt youe ntxt sttp to avoid this tvtnt in futuet? A. Dtcetast tht valut of tht DBWR_IO_SLAVES paeamttte. B. Stt tht USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS paeamttte to TRUE. C. Incetast tht valut of tht DB_WRITER_PROCESSES paeamttte. D. Incetast tht valut of tht DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT paeamttte. Aoswern C Question 5 You aet woeking on a dtvtlopmtnt databast that was upgeadtd to Oeaclt Databast 11g feom Oeaclt Databast 9i. An ADDM fnding in this databast says that tht shaetd pool is inadtquattly siztd, as shown in tht Exhibit.
You diagnostd that this is dut to diftetnt kinds of woekloads and this occues only dueing ptak houes. You teitd to etsizt this by sheinking tht databast bufte cacht but that caustd inadtquatt bufte cacht peobltms. Tht following aet tht etlattd paeamttte sttngsg You want to balanct tht mtmoey bttwttn tht Systtm Global Aeta (SGA) compontnts within SGA without aftctng tht sizt of tht Peogeam Global Aeta (PGA). Which acton would solvt this peobltm? A. Stt tht SGA_TARGET paeamttte to 300M. B. Stt tht SGA_MAX_SIZE paeamttte to 400M. C. Stt tht MEMORY_TARGET paeamttte to 100M. D. Stt tht MEMORY_MAX_TARGET paeamttte to 300M. Aoswern A Question 6 You obstevtd that somt of tht quteits aet ptefoeming pooely on tht SALES_RECORDS tablt in youe databast. On fuethte invtstgaton, you fnd that at tht tnd of tach day tht conttnts of tht SALES_RECORDS tablt aet teansfteetd to tht SALES tablt and dtltttd feom tht SALES_RECORDS tablt. Tht dtltttd opteatons caust tht tablt to bt spaestly populattd. You dtcidtd to ust tht ALTER TABLE...SHRINK SPACE COMPACT command to sheink tht tablt. Why would you choost this mtthod? (Choost all that apply.)
A. btcaust it can bt ustd dueing ptak houes B. btcaust it avoids unntctssaey cuesoe invalidaton C. btcaust it adjusts tht high-watte maek (HWM) immtdiattly D. btcaust you havt long-eunning quteits that might span tht sheink opteaton E. btcaust it dots not allow any data manipulaton languagt (DML) opteatons, thtetby making tht sheink opteaton fastte Aoswern ABD Question 7 Vitw tht Exhibit and txamint a poeton of tht output obtaintd feom tht following quteyg SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sys_tmt_modtll Stltct thett coeetct inttepettatons of tht tmt modtl statstcs. (Choost thett.) A. DB tmt includts tht wait tmt of all tht nonidlt and idlt uste stssions. B. SQL txtcutt tlapstd tmt includts tht tmt sptnt in ptefoeming fttchts of qutey etsults. C. DB CPU includts tht CPU tmt sptnt on databast uste-ltvtl calls and backgeound CPU tmt. D. SQL txtcutt tlapstd tmt includts compontnts of tht haed paest tlapstd tmt likt bind tlapstd tmt. E. DB tmt includts tht conntcton managtmtnt call tlapstd tmt txcluding tht backgeound peoctss tmt. Aoswern BDE Question 8 A batch woekload that histoeically compltttd in tht mainttnanct window bttwttn 10g00 PM and midnight is cueetntly showing pooe ptefoemanct and complttng at 2 AM. To htlp in tht diagnosis of tht ptefoemanct dtgeadaton, tht stnioe DBA in youe oeganizaton asks you to txtcutt tht aweddept.sql sceipt to peoduct a Compaet Pteiods etpoet. Which two stattmtnts aet teut about tht etpoet peoductd by this sceipt? (Choost two.)
A. It is etfetshtd automatcally bastd on tht moving window bastlint. B. It compaets dttails bttwttn any two stltcttd tmt pteiods of tht samt dueaton. C. It noemalizts tht statstcs by tht amount of tmt sptnt on tht databast foe tach tmt pteiod. D. It compaets dttails bttwttn two constcutvt tmt pteiods of tht samt oe diftetnt dueatons and is etfetshtd tvtey 60 minutts. Aoswern BC Question 9 You plan to ust adaptvt thetsholds as paet of tht ptefoemanct tuning actvity. You dtcidt to incetast tht window sizt of tht dtfault moving window bastlint foe all mtteic obstevatons and compaeisons in youe databast. Tht following teeoe occues whtn you tey to incetast tht window sizt theough Enttepeist Managteg Failtd to commitg ORA-13541g systtm moving window bastlint sizt (1296000) getatte than etttnton (1036800) ORA-06512g at "SYS.DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY", lint 601 ORA-06512g at lint 2 Which acton would allow you to ptefoem tht petctding task succtssfully? A. incetasing tht fashback etttnton pteiod B. incetasing tht etttnton pteiod foe SQL Managtmtnt Bast C. incetasing tht undo etttnton pteiod foe tht databast instanct D. incetasing tht Automatc Woekload Rtpositoey (AWR) etttnton pteiod Aoswern D Question 10 Idtntfy two coeetct stattmtnts about tht Actvt Stssion Histoey (ASH) data. (Choost two.) A. A paet of SGA mtmoey is ustd to stoet ASH data as eolling bufte. B. Tht ASH data can bt analyztd bttwttn any two small tmt inttevals. C. All ASH data in mtmoey aet fushtd to disk by MMON in tvtey 3 stconds. D. All ASH data in mtmoey aet fushtd to disk by MMNL peoctss whtntvte tht bufte is full. Aoswern AB Question 11 A uste in a stssion txtcuttd tht following SQL stattmtnt to stt tht optmizte modtg ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_MODE = ALL_ROWS What impact would it havt on tht goal of tht optmizte foe that stssion? (Choost all that apply.) A. Stattmtnt ltvtl OPTIMIZER_MODE hints takt petctdtnct ovte tht stssion-ltvtl sttng. B. Tht OPTIMIZER_MODE paeamttte stt at instanct ltvtl takts petctdtnct ovte tht stssion-ltvtl valut. C. Tht optmizte usts a cost-bastd appeoach, etgaedltss of tht petstnct of statstcsl it optmizts with a goal of btst etsponst tmt.
D. Tht optmizte usts a cost-bastd appeoach foe all SQL stattmtnts in tht stssion, etgaedltss of tht petstnct of statstcsl it optmizts with a goal of btst theoughput. Aoswern AD Question 12 You aet woeking on an onlint teansacton peoctssing (OLTP) systtm. By day most of tht applicaton ustes ptefoem quteits acctssing tht most etctntly addtd oe modiftd eows. Tht applicatons havt most of tht quteits bastd on multplt tablts. But at night, somt batch peoctssing is also dont. Which two actons would you etcommtnd to choost a goal foe tht optmizte bastd on tht nttds of youe applicaton? (Choost two.) A. sttng tht OPTIMIZER_MODE paeamttte to ALL_ROWS at tht instanct ltvtl B. sttng tht OPTIMIZER_MODE paeamttte to FIRST_ROWS_n at tht instanct ltvtl C. asking tht dtvtlopte to add a hint /*ALL_ROWS*/ in tht long-eunning batch peoctssing quteits D. asking tht dtvtlopte to add a hint /*FIRST_ROWS_n*/ in tht long-eunning batch peoctssing quteits Aoswern BC Question 13 Which thett factoes infutnct tht optmizters bthavioe whilt choosing an optmizaton appeoach and goal foe a SQL stattmtnt? (Choost thett.) A. paesing of a SQL stattmtnt B. opteatng systtm (OS) statstcs C. objtct statstcs in tht data dictonaey D. tht OPTIMIZER_MODE initalizaton paeamttte E. optmizte SQL hints foe changing tht qutey optmizte goal Aoswern CDE Question 14 Examint tht initalizaton paeamttte valuts foe tht instanct givtn btlowg ’
Tht indtx cetattd on tht column ustd in tht WHERE claust of tht qutey. You notct that tht qutey is not using tht indtx. Insttad of an indtx scan, a full tablt scan is ustd. Vitw tht Exhibit and txamint tht autoteact output foe a qutey. What could bt tht etason foe it? (Choost all that apply.) A. Tht OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ initalizaton paeamttte has a low valut. B. Tht DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT initalizaton paeamttte has a low valut. C. Tht statstcs foe tht tablt and all tht indtxts associattd with tht tablt aet not cueetnt. D. Tht tablt has ltss than DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT blocks undte tht high-watte maek. Aoswern CD Question 15 Examint tht initalizaton paeamttte valuts foe tht instanct givtn btlowg You notct that tht ont of tht quteits is using a full tablt scan (vitw Exhibit1) insttad of indtx uniqut scan (vitw Exhibit2). Tht indtx is petstnt on tht column that is acctsstd in tht WHERE claust of tht qutey. Tht cost foe a full tablt scan is moet than that foe an indtx uniqut scan.
Why would tht optmizte choost full tablt scan ovte indtx uniqut scan? (Choost all that apply.) A. Tht OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ initalizaton paeamttte is stt to a low valut. B. Tht OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ initalizaton paeamttte is stt to a high valut. C. Tht DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT initalizaton paeamttte is stt to a low valut. D. Tht statstcs foe tht tablt and all tht indtxts associattd with tht tablt aet not cueetnt. Aoswern BD