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個人化藥品資訊服務網頁系統. 中文摘要 論文摘要 論文名稱:個人化藥品資訊服務網頁系統 研究所名稱:臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 研究生姓名:簡志峰 畢業時間:九十學年度 第二學期 指導教授:劉建財
個人化藥品資訊服務網頁系統 • 中文摘要 • 論文摘要 • 論文名稱:個人化藥品資訊服務網頁系統 • 研究所名稱:臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 • 研究生姓名:簡志峰 • 畢業時間:九十學年度 第二學期 • 指導教授:劉建財 • 醫院的藥師除要能正確依醫師處方給藥之外,也需要在忙碌的工作中提供病患及其他醫療人員正確的藥品資訊,因此在門診作業中常特別設立一個櫃台或窗口提供藥物諮詢的服務。然而一般所能給予病患的資訊一則恐過於簡略、二則較不夠具體可信,三則不確定是否能幫助後續的治療進行。然而在醫療改革的呼籲下,近來已有多項醫療過程中提供完整藥品資訊之法案頒行,雖有若干醫院積極針對藥袋標示、藥物諮詢的服務改進,但因藥袋面積有限、口頭解釋又常很快忘記,因此仍無法滿足一般民眾對用藥知識的需求。 • 本研究嘗試以資訊科技自動擷取醫院資訊系統中的病患處方資料,將此個人檔案與各個藥品的資訊內容加以連結組合,提供屬於病患個人的藥品資訊,並可呈現於瀏覽器網頁,以輔助院內藥物諮詢服務與病患用藥知識教育之不足。藥品資訊分別由藥師與各科醫師確認後,另加藥品外觀圖片及摘要,收載整合於系統資料庫中,不僅可針對病患本身病情及用藥組合提供貼切的說明指導,且因內容明確可信而具用藥教育意義與知識價值。 • 本「個人化藥品資訊網頁系統」於萬芳醫院上線試辦,針對到院就診之門診病患為抽樣調查之群體,以立意取樣方式隨機邀來實際使用本系統並填寫問卷,以瞭解病患是否滿意獲得更多藥品資訊,並對正確用藥認知與醫病關係有無影響。 • 原本醫界普遍存有讓病患獲得較多藥品資訊對遵醫囑用藥的順從性有不利影響之疑慮,但研究結果也顯示病患將因系統提供用藥資訊服務而對院方保障其健康所作的努力有所肯定,雖然病患對正確用藥的認知與醫病關係有關,但應是作用在引發醫病間的互動,實不須疑慮因處方透明化並提供藥品資訊而對醫病信賴關係造成負面影響。 • 由於推出本系統之重點是為提供個人藥物諮詢輔助服務,並對病患進行用藥教育,但原則仍應把握其使用的方便性、內容的信賴性與服務永續性及建構系統的經濟性,在數位落差漸趨減少而資訊透明化仍有待努力的現況下,藉此系統來協助對民眾以個人化方式進行用藥指導,將可使藥師在網路健康服務的推動與發展上佔有專業的地位,未來還可依病患用藥歷史加入交互作用檢查以提高其附加價值;由醫療服務品質提昇的課題來看,隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,有關方面尚有許多改善加強的空間,醫療過程中各項與個人有關的資訊,都可考慮以類似的機制來構成網頁的內容,呈現在病患的面前,以符合其參與維護本身健康的意願。 • 關鍵字:個人化 用藥教育 網頁系統 諮詢服務 資訊滿意度
A Web-based System for Customized Drug Information Support • 英文摘要 • Nowadays, people want to accumulate knowledge about their own health maintenance or health problems as much as possible. To increase the quality of medicare, we need to inform them about their medications in personal, timely, and informative. Professional’s suggestion is important: such as medication skills, indications and contraindications of the drugs, food-drug interactions, and how to preserve the medicine correctly. Pharmaceutical education can make patients trust in their caregivers, raise the relationship between patients and caregivers. The strategy to educate people with custom-tailored drug information by computer technology could be discussed. • In addition, some official information need to be presented for the customer, such as the registered number, the merchandiser and manufacturer information…especially, the expire-date or shelf life about the drug. However, all information mentioned the above, should be carried by user manual or the label within and without the package, but after repacking the drugs in hospital, there might without the manual to instruct or to inform patient. Thus, we offer to give patients more information about the drugs they are taking integrated by the computer. • The contents of information we provide will include the products’ user manual, patient education monograph, image of the appearance to identify the drug, common medication knowledge and etc. The web-based system for customized drug information support is constructed with active information integration, knowledge representation, could articulately show the personalized medical information on the browser at client computer. • At last, to validate if the patients’ requirements can be achieved, or their attitude about this service whether can be agreed or not, an evaluation was proceed. By the way, we found that the age distribution of users seems to be a factor will cause and affect the degree of satisfaction about the system, therefore, the design of our system should be improved in information interface or representation style according to their different age. We also assumed this service will make a positively effect for patient-physician relationship, the result can be identified with our statistical report of questionnaire surveillance. • .