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Climate and Water Cycle Jeopardy Hosted by Miss Bernal

Test your knowledge of the water cycle, climate factors, and geographical influences on climate in this Jeopardy game hosted by Miss Bernal. Questions range from ocean currents to soil types and more.

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Climate and Water Cycle Jeopardy Hosted by Miss Bernal

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  1. Jeopardy Hosted by Miss Bernal

  2. ESRT 1 Water Cycle Climate Part 2 Questions 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400

  3. Row 1, Col 1 B. Southwest coast of South America • Which coastal location experiences a cooler climate • because of ocean currents? • Southeast coast of North America • Southwest coast of South America • Northeast coast of Australia • Northwest coast of Europe

  4. 1,2 Each beaker has equal porosity. Which beaker of sediment has the greatest porosity?

  5. 1,3 Soil type • Which of these is not a factor affecting • climate? • latitude • location near water • soil type • elevation

  6. 1,4 Snow melt and more rain in April Explain one possible reason why this stream’s discharge in April is usually greater than this stream’s discharge in January.

  7. 2,1 California Current Which ocean current cools the western coast of North America?

  8. 2,2 B. Permeable and unsaturated • Rainfall is most likely to sink into soil • that is • Permeable and saturated • Permeable and unsaturated • Impermeable and saturated • Impermeable and unsaturated

  9. 2,3 Warmer and drier Compared to the air temperature and humidity at Point A, the air temperature and humidity at point B are usually…

  10. 2,4 As the streams discharge increases, velocity and discharge increase. State the relationship between this stream’s discharge and the amount of suspended sediment that can be carried by this stream.

  11. 3,1 Silt Soil composed of which particle size usually has the greatest capillarity?

  12. 3,2 C Which arrow represents the process of transpiration?

  13. 3,3 D Which location would most likely Experience the smallest range in temperature?

  14. 3,4 The valleys are on the leeward side of the mountain. Explain why the valleys have lower amounts of precipitation than points on the western slopes of the mountain ranges.

  15. 4,1 violet Which color of visible light has the shortest wavelength?

  16. 4,2 D. Steep slope, heavy rain and frozen ground • Which conditions produce the most • surface water runoff? • Gentle slope, heavy rain and frozen ground • Gentle slope, gentle rain and unfrozen ground • Steep slope, gentle rain and unfrozen ground • Steep slope, heavy rain and frozen ground

  17. 4,3 D. High elevation and high latitude • Which combination of climate factors • generally result in the coldest • temperatures? • Low elevation and low latitude • Low elevation and high latitude • High elevation and low latitude • High elevation and high latitude

  18. 4,4 It will moderate the temperature making it milder in winter. Describe how the Atlantic Ocean surrounding climate region 5 has most probably influenced the average temperatures of this region during January, February and March.

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