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Explore the causes, alliances, and the Schlieffen Plan that led to the outbreak of World War I, and understand the consequences it had on the rest of the 20th century.
Unit 6: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (Chapters 33-37) 6.1 Science and the Environment 6.2 Global Conflicts and their Consequences 6.3 New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, & Culture
Article Packet: World War I and Its Consequences 1. How many soldiers participated in WWI? How many were killed and wounded? What countries/regions of the world contributed soldiers? • According to Marks, what were the immediate causes for war? What country was primarily to blame? What evidence does Marks use to support this claim? • What does Marks mean by “young” and “old” states? How does this factor into the causes of war? • List five of the developments within Germany that Marks says developed since unification and contributed to the outbreak of WWI. • How was imperialism a cause of war? • How was the European power balance shifting as WWI approached? • What were some social/intellectual/popular ideas that contributed to WWI? • What part did the alliance systems that formed play in WWI? • Read the quote on page 382. According to O’Shea, what were the effects of WWI on the rest of the 20th century? Do you agree? Please explain.
WWI: “The Great War” “The War to End all Wars”
On the eve of WWI, where were the brewing conflicts? Europe on the eve of World War I, 1914
The main causes of WWI: Imperialism – the intense competition for control of colonial territory and the control of foreign markets. This included control of sea lanes and maritime trade. Nationalism – as democratic institutions developed, politicians sought to garner public favor and rally people behind national unification and national goals. Public education emerged in the 19th century, and often fostered nationalism and patriotic fervor.
The main causes of WWI: Militarism – The industrial revolution led to an intensified arms race among Western powers. National leaders and propaganda often fostered the idea that a strong military was key to national security and expansion. War was glorified. Alliance Systems – European powers formed alliances to further national goals and maintain power against rivals. *Triple Entente – alliance formed by Russia, Britain, and France to guard against German expansion and power *Triple Alliance – Germany responded to Triple Entente by forming an alliance with the Austro- Hungarian Empire and Italy.
July 1914 It began with the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, archduke Franz Ferdinand, in the city of Sarajevo. The act was carried out by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, a member of the secret organization "Mlada Bosna" (Young Bosnia), whose aim was Bosnia's independence from Austria-Hungary. The assassination was a formal excuse for Austria-Hungary to invade Serbia. Soon Germany, Russia, France, and Britain would be drawn into the war.
Archduke Franz (Francis) Ferdinand and Duchess Sophia just before the shooting,
Gavrilo Princip, on trial for the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, arrives at court .
Austria declares war on Serbia Serbia is unable to comply Austria-Hungary sends “ultimatum” to Serbia The Steps to WWI Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary Germany declares war on Russia and France France declares war on Austria-Hungary and Germany Germany goes through Belgium to invade France, so Britain declares war on Germany The Ottomans join the Central Powers to harm old enemy Russia
The Schlieffen Plan Overview In 1914, German leaders knew Russia’s entry into the war was extremely likely. If Russia declared war, Germany assumed France would also attack because of the Russian-French alliance and because French nationalists wanted revenge for losses in the Franco-Prussian war. German leaders were concerned about a two-front war, meaning they would have to divide forces between fighting the Russians in the east and the French in the west.
Germany planned to defeat France rapidly and then turn to the eastern front for a major offensive on Russia. This was the basis for the Schlieffen Plan.
In full knowledge of French defenses, Schlieffen proposed attacking France through Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg – the Benelux countries. Schlieffen planned to use 90% of German military forces to deliver a knock out blow to France. The remaining 10% would defend the eastern border of Germany against Russian attack. Assumptions Made by Germany *Russia would take at least 6 weeks to mobilize. *France would be easily defeated in 6 weeks. *Belgium would not resist any German attack. *Britain would remain neutral. Germany was wrong on all four counts.
What Really Happened On 2nd August 1914, the German army invaded Luxembourg and Belgium according to the Schlieffen Plan. The Germans were held up by the Belgian army, backed up by the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) which arrived extremely quickly. Russia mobilized in just 10 days and Germany was forced to withdraw troops from the Schlieffen Plan to defend the eastern border.
German students going to enlist at the beginning of the war German soldiers
Timeline of Events – WWI 1914 • Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28) • Austria declared war on Serbia (July 28) • Battle of Tannenberg began on the eastern front in August; Russia suffered a disastrous defeat; 30,000 soldiers killed and 9,200 prisoners taken • Battle of the Marne on the western front; people began to realize this would be a long and costly war (September) 1915 • Gallipoli Campaign began on April 25; however, this allied offensive against Turkey and Austria-Hungary failed. 1916 • The Battles of Verdun and the Somme on the western front were both costly and inconclusive. *Verdun – 11 month battle; ½ million lost on both sides *Somme – 5 month battle; over 1 million killed; the British first use the tank in battle.
What do you observe in this photo? • Does the photo seem like natural evidence or staged? • What can you deduce about the early years of the war? Allied troops landing in war-torn Belgium
Russian peasants “volunteering” Prisoners of War
Poison gas was used, making WWI the first modern war in which chemical warfare was used.
The Landship Its codename “ tank” was given because the shape of the shell resembled water carriers. The name stuck and was assigned in December 1915. The tank was first used by the British in WWI.
In 1914 the Allies had 220 airplanes, the Central Powers 258. The Germans also used Zeppelins and by 1918 had over 100 of these airships capable of bombing missions. The German Fokker aircraft was an early example of a successful fighter plane. At first pilots used rifles and pistols in air battles, although machine guns were soon introduced.
1917 • The Russian Revolution began in March • The United States entered the war in April; fresh troops increased allied morale 1918 • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Germany and Russia was signed in March; Russia then withdrew from the war • The last German offensive took place in spring, but an allied counteroffensive finally defeated the German army • Armistice began November 11, 1918 1919 • The Paris Peace Conference began in January
Territories surrendered by Soviet Russia due to Brest-LitovskTreaty with Germany. The Russians lost more than 300,000 square miles of territory and in excess of 50 million people. Of greater significance, however, was the loss of huge sources of iron and coal in the ceded areas.From the Allied perspective, the treaty was a disaster in that it allowed the Germans to transfer soldiers to the Western Front, where they immediately gained numerical superiority.
At first, Woodrow Wilson did not want to spend too much presidential time on foreign affairs. When Europe plunged into war in 1914, Wilson, who like many Americans believed in neutrality, saw America's role as that of a peace broker. The sinking of the passenger liner Lusitania by a German U-boat helped to shatter that hope. The Lusitania, though a British ship, had many American passengers aboard. This incident, along with the Zimmerman Note, started to change public opinion about entry into the war.
Wilson demanded an apology from Germany and stayed his neutral course as long as possible. Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare, however, started to turn the tide of public opinion.At the start of 1917, British intelligence intercepted the Zimmerman telegram, a secret German communication to Mexico promising United States territory to Mexico in return for supporting the German cause. On April 2, 1917, Wilson finally asked Congress for a formal declaration of war.
Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36 Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XPZQ0LAlR4&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9&index=36 • According to John Green, in what ways was WWI a new kind of war? How did it change other wars? • According to John Green, what were some global effects of the war? (Effects outside of Europe)?
Australian trench Australian artillery
Propaganda: • The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, cause, or person. 2. Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or damage an opposing cause. Important: Total war means the government must get the entire population behind the war effort. This means intense propaganda campaigns.
As you analyze this WWI propaganda, think about what tactics are being used.Are specific groups targeted in different posters?What clues about society – and pop culture – are revealed? 1.
1. 3.
Germany 5. “I ring war, I sing warwith open handprotect the land.” 8th warloan
Austria-Hungary "We did our duty,you do yours!"
The Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles • Kaiser William II abdicated in November of 1918 and Germany was declared a republic (known as the Weimar Republic) • The Hapsburg monarchy and empire was dissolved • The Allies divided the remains of the Ottoman Empire, and also took control of German colonial territories • Some terms of the Treaty of Versailles: 1. Germany was reduced in size 2. The German army was reduced in size 3. conscription was banned 4. Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France 5. an independent Poland was re-established 6. Germany was to pay immense war-time reparations (over $30 billion) 7. League of Nations founded (though this was Wilson’s idea, the U.S. never joined)
The map of Europe was re-drawn. Some new nations (or re-established nations) included: -Finland -Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania -Poland -Czechoslovakia -Yugoslavia (dominated by Serbia) • Other effects and outcomes of WWI: -Over 8 ½ millions soldiers killed, about 20 million soldiers wounded, about 13 million civilians killed -Increased social and political instability in Europe (remember, the governments of Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire had collapsed) -Persecution and genocide of Armenians in Turkey began during WWI and continued after the war. About one million Armenians were killed during this time. -WWI actually helped the U.S. economy – U.S. business men before 1917 did business with both sides -Plus, the U.S. was not as devastated by the war as European nations. -More women in the workforce – women in the U.S. and most western nations got the right to vote after the war.
The Allies meet in Paris to work out a peace agreement at the end of the war.
Russia: Land of Tsars Documentary Questions – The end of the czarist empire, and the Bolshevik Revolution 1. What were the problems surrounding the leadership of Czar Nicholas II? What decisions and challenges weakened his position as czar? 2. Why was Rasputin part of the czar’s inner circle? 3. What led to the end of the czar’s rule – the end of the empire? 4. What “ghosts” of the czarist past were “resurrected” in the U.S.S.R.?
Hussein-McMahon Letters: 1915-16 ....Britain is prepared to recognize and uphold the independence of the Arabs in all regions lying within the frontiers proposed by the Sharif of Mecca.... Hussein ibn Ali,Sharif of Mecca