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CRJ 632 Entire Course of Ashford University | Just Question Answer Get help for CRJ 632 Entire Course of Ashford University. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subjects of Ashford University for Session 2018-2019. We are providing CRJ 632 Homework help, Study material, Notes, Documents, and CRJ 632 Write ups to the students of Ashford University. Just question answer is one of the best assignment helper of Advanced Studies in Crime Scene Investigation & Management (CRJ 632). Provides: - Ashford University Assignment Help
Ashford University Course Help CRJ 632 Entire Course of Ashford University CRJ 632 Week 1 Assignment Help | Ashford University Safety Considerations at Crime Scenes: Meth Labs Prior to completing this week’s written assignment, review relevant materials and resources from CRJ 622 and CRJ 627, read Chapters 1, 5, and 14 in Dutelle (2016), complete required readings for the week, and watch the video Meth Lab Explosion In addition, please read the article Meth Lab Training for First Responders Finally, you must research at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library relevant to this issue. You will use this information to determine the appropriate course of action and the reasons for those actions when encountering a methamphetamine lab. Scenario
The police have received an urgent 911 call to respond to a home in an upscale neighborhood where a man was shot and is believed to be deceased. Police first- responders arrived on the scene and entered the home where they, in fact, found a deceased man. As they moved through the home to be sure that no one else was injured, and that the perpetrator was no longer on the premises, they found materials used to manufacture methamphetamine. These materials included chemicals and containers, syringes, and empty boxes of pseudoephedrine. Consequently, at this scene, there was a death investigation and a drug lab investigation. Considering what you know about crime scene investigation based on your readings and research, write a three-to-four page paper in which you address the items listed below and support your responses with credible sources: Examine the first thing the police officers should do when discovering a methamphetamine lab along with its importance. · Analyze the inherent risks at a methamphetamine laboratory crime scene investigation. · Evaluate the universal safety precautions that should be taken in this scenario. · Analyze commonly accepted forensic and contemporary specialized techniques. Consider the following questions when composing your response: What is the level of personal protective equipment that you would recommend at this scene? Why do you think your recommendation is appropriate? · Identify what, if any, specialized personnel could/should be involved in processing this particular crime scene and evaluate the value to the investigation.
View details/61723/crj-632-week-1-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 2 Discussion | Assignment Help | Ashford University To Certify or Not to Certify: The Issue of Mandatory Accreditation and Certification of Laboratories According to the National Academy of Sciences 2009 report on improving the quality of forensic science in the United States, all forensic laboratories should be required to be accredited. After the report was issued, The Police Chief magazine called for mandatory accreditation in an article named The Need for Mandatory Accreditation and Certification (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (2009). Please read Chapters 2, 4, and 5 in the National Academy of Sciences 2009 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.report as well as the article and answer the following questions: • What role does the forensic laboratory play in crime scene investigation? • What is the difference between accreditation and certification? • What is the role of each (accreditation and certification) in forensic laboratories and crime scene investigation? • Based on your research into this issue, do you agree with the NAS (2009) and The Police Chief magazine position on mandatory forensic laboratory accreditation? Why or why not? Be sure to support your position with credible, scholarly evidence.
View details/61724/crj-632-week-2-discussion-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 2 Assignment Help | Ashford University Forensic Identification: Science or Pseudoscience? Crime scene management and investigation refers to the activity that goes on at an actual crime scene rather than in a forensics laboratory. However, the physical and trace evidence gathered in the field at a crime scene will eventually be analyzed in a forensics laboratory and the analyses conducted govern the types of evidence collected at a scene. Many individuals tend to accept as absolute truth that forensic laboratory testing and results are scientific in nature. However, much criticism has been leveled in recent years that many of the techniques used have never been validated and no known error rates have been
established. Without this information, we cannot be sure how often forensic examiners make errors in judgment or to what extent these errors are influenced by what the examiner already knows about the case. This has broad implications in criminal investigation. For this week’s assignment, you will step out of the crime scene and into the forensics laboratory for a look at some known issues and criticisms in forensic laboratory testing as well as in credentialing someone to be classified as an “expert” forensic examiner. It is beneficial to understand what happens with the evidence collected at the crime scene once it goes to the laboratory. Your research for this paper may cause you to question the reliability and validity of commonly relied upon forensic evidence in criminal trials. However, your job as a scholar (and criminal investigator) is to evaluate objectively what you are learning and arrive at a conclusion that is based on information from credible sources. First, watch the Frontline documentary The Real CSI (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and then discuss the following in your paper using the National Academy of Sciences 2009 report (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Chapters 2, 4, and 5) as a credible resource to support your assertions: • Summarize the Brandon Mayfield case, focusing on the idea that no two fingerprints are alike despite the fact that this has never been tested. Identify what type of testing would need to be done to ensure that the assertion that “no two fingerprints are alike” is true? Examine whether or not this type of testing is feasible and why or why not. • Analyze what role cognitive bias might play in influencing the forensic lab results of tests in areas such as fingerprint identification, firearms identification, bite mark identification, or the “smell of death” technique described in the Frontline film.
• There is much criticism that techniques used in fingerprint identification and other types of forensic identification described in the NAS report (Chapter 5) are inherently unscientific because there have been no validation studies. Without validation studies that establish known error rates, these methods cannot be said to be scientifically sound. Recommend whether or not to use commonly accepted scientific techniques that have not been scientifically validated and supports these recommendations with research materials. • Suggest at least one intervention to overcome the effects of cognitive bias that may influence a forensic examiner’s identification decision. • Analyze the type of training and credentials forensic examiners should have in order to work in a forensics lab. Provide recommendations for training and credentialing forensic examiners to ensure that they are adequately trained. View details/62124/crj-632-week-2-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution-
CRJ 632 Week 3 Discussion | Assignment Help | Ashford University The Living who Speak for the Dead: Combining Scientific Expertise to Locate and Identify Crime Victims This discussion will focus on analyzing the issues surrounding the collaborative efforts of scientific experts and police investigative experts in locating and evaluating clandestine graves or other atypical situations involving the discarding and/or hiding of deceased victims. Explain how these experts’ process and retrieve trace evidence with an emphasis on contemporary specialized techniques concerning clandestine graves. Analyze the accepted methodologies that are employed concerning crime scene management in light of the areas of expertise of the various participating experts. Prior to completing this discussion, please read the required resources for this week; chapter 16 of the text, the article by Sanders, the article by Costandi, and visit the Necrosearch, Intl. website. Using a minimum of two scholarly and/or professional sources from the Ashford University Library or another scholarly source of information, identify one example where a consortium of scientific experts or individual scientific expert(s) worked in conjunction with law enforcement to locate and identify a clandestine grave and determine the nature of the expertise they provided. View details/62125/crj-632-week-3-discussion-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 3 Assignment Help 1 | Ashford University
Body Identification Laboratory Activity Report At the conclusion of each lab project, a written report will be required. This is your opportunity to show the instructor what you have learned from the weekly content by focusing on the criteria listed below. Your lab report should display critical thinking as well as demonstrate a grasp of how the information in this week’s class builds on previous class materials. Your report must address the following elements: • Explain how to process and retrieve trace evidence at the scene of a death. • Evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management relative to death investigations. • Analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques available for death investigations. • Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators in death investigations. The Laboratory Activity Report: • Must be approximately 1,000 words (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. View details/62126/crj-632-week-3-assignment-help-1-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution-
CRJ 632 Week 3 Assignment Help 2 | Ashford University Jon Benet Ramsey Murder Case and Crime Scene Management Analysis Annotated Bibliography You were informed of the Annotated Bibliography in Week One although it is not due until Week Three. This will enable you to thoughtfully consider how you will approach the Summative Assignment. Prior to beginning work on this assignment carefully review requirements for the Summative Assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in developing research analysis skills including critical thinking, writing, and literature research skills. This annotated bibliography assignment will provide you with an opportunity to locate resources for your Crime Scene Management Analysis in Week Six. (There is a Sample Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.in the Ashford Writing Center for additional assistance.) The resources you identify for this Annotated Bibliography will be used to enhance your knowledge of the techniques of crime scene management and to support the Summative Assessment. Each resource must address at least one of the topics listed below. Further, each of the below topics must be addressed at least once within your five selected resources. The resources you identify for this assignment must cover the following: • Explain how to process and retrieve trace evidence relative to the JonBenet Ramsey Murder. • Evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management with the methodologies employed at the JonBenet Ramsey Murder scene.
• Analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques relative to the JonBenet Ramsey Murder. • Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators as they relate to the JonBenet Ramsey Murder. View details/62127/crj-632-week-3-assignment-help-2-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 4 Discussion | Assignment Help | Ashford University
Evidentiary Issues in a Fire/Arson Investigation: The Jack Dempsey Case In 1995 Jack Dempsey was convicted for setting fire to a Cleveland, Ohio building. Firefighters found Mr. Dempsey unconscious in the basement of the building as it burned. Police charged him with arson and he served more than six years in prison. However, his conviction has been overturned and he has been awarded more than $300,000 in damages. You can read about the case and Mr. Dempsey’s settlement here: http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2016/02/cleveland_man_wrongfully_co nvi.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. There are additional resources on this case listed here: • Supreme Court of Ohio Appellate Court Decision (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. • Court News Ohio article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. • National Registry of Exonerations article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After reading the assigned chapter (Chapter 17) and the provided resources about the case, please answer the following questions about the case. Be sure to use scholarly and professional sources to support your assertions. Cite your sources throughout the body of your work and list your references at the end of your initial post: • Based on the chapter reading and the provided case history, analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques regarding fire/arson investigation focusing on whether or not they were used in this case and how that use, or failure to use, influenced the investigation. Discuss why you think
police believed Mr. Dempsey set fire to the building? Briefly define cognitive bias then discuss what role cognitive bias may play in classifying a fire as an arson. • Discuss some motives for committing arson including the most common. Based on what you read in the news story, did it appear that Mr. Dempsey had any motive to set the building on fire? Evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management and how these methodologies were or were not employed in this investigation. • Generally speaking, what are the challenges for CSIs with determining whether a fire scene is actually arson or simply an accident? Include a brief explanation of how to process and retrieve trace evidence in a fire scenario. View details/62128/crj-632-week-4-discussion-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 4 Assignment Help | Ashford University Fire Investigation and Arson Laboratory Activity Report At the conclusion of each lab project, a written report will be required. This is your opportunity to show the instructor what you have learned from the weekly content by focusing on the criteria listed below. Your lab report should display critical thinking as well as demonstrate a grasp of how the information in this week’s class builds on previous class materials. Your report must address the following elements:
• Explain how to process and retrieve trace evidence as it relates to fire, arson, and explosives. • Evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management in relation to fire, arson, and explosives investigations. • Analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques available for investigations of fire, arson, and explosives. Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators in fire, arson, and explosive investigations. The Laboratory Activity Report: • Must be approximately 1,000 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. View details/62129/crj-632-week-4-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 5 Discussion | Assignment Help | Ashford University Ballistics Evidence: Scientific Support of Repudiation of Eye-Witness Statements in Ferguson, Missouri
The purpose of forensics investigations and the analysis of evidence is to exonerate the innocent and to provide evidence against the guilty. Physical evidence is used to support or repudiate eyewitness testimony. As this week’s articles and videos suggest, even physical evidence may be difficult for some to accept. Drawing on the readings and additional research, this discussion asks you to evaluate the value of firearms and ballistics evidence and to analyze why it is sometimes brought into question. Evaluate the circumstances that might result in some not believing the scientific evidence. Although you may be inclined toward one position, being able to debate your position involves being aware of the opposing position. In this debate- style discussion, we may have heated arguments and everyone’s commitment to netiquette and mutual respect is expected. Therefore, even if you adamantly oppose the position formulated by a peer, remember to support your opposition using the resources you consulted and ensure your opposition represents an informed opinion. Using the required readings for this week and two additional scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library or other professional resources, evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management that relate to firearms and ballistics evidence and how these influence the validity of the evidence. Analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques that relate to firearms and ballistics evidence, and evaluate how the use or failure to use these techniques impacts the value of the evidence. Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators that relate to firearms and ballistics evidence and how the actions, inactions, and the statements of investigators impact the validity and value of evidence. Provide at least one argument in support of each side of the controversy. After considering both sides of the issue, clearly state your position and rational.
View details/62130/crj-632-week-5-discussion-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 5 Assignment Help | Ashford University Firearms and Ballistic Evidence Laboratory Activity Report At the conclusion of each lab project, a written report will be required. This is your opportunity to show the instructor what you have learned from the weekly content by focusing on the criteria listed below. Your lab report should display critical thinking as well as demonstrate a grasp of how the information in this week’s class builds on previous class materials. Your report must address the following elements: • Explain how to process and retrieve trace evidence involving firearms.
• Evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management relative to firearms. • Analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques available for crimes involving firearms. Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators involving firearms. The Laboratory Activity Report: • Must be approximately 1,000 words (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. View details/62131/crj-632-week-5-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution- CRJ 632 Week 6 Discussion | Assignment Help | Ashford University Explosion Investigation with Explosive Results: The Atlanta Olympics Bombings This discussion will center on the issues surrounding the use of physical evidence in the identification of a potential suspect and the legal and ethical obligations that surround official public statements by police. On July 27, 1996 a pipe bomb exploded in Centennial Park in Atlanta, Georgia. Two people were killed and 111 injured. The Olympic Games were underway. Richard Jewell was a security guard assigned to the park. Prior to the explosion, Jewell had observed an unattended backpack and notified an agent of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Jewell was aiding in evacuating the area when the bomb exploded. Originally praised for his heroic efforts, Jewell came under suspicion of having planted the bomb himself in order to then perform heroic acts. Jewell was publically acquitted two years later when serial bomber Eric Rudolph was arrested for multiple anti- abortion and anti-gay motivated bombings after being on the run for five years. This discussion will focus on evaluating accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management and how this process aids or hinders the investigation. It will include an analysis of commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques and the role they play in the exoneration or culpability of suspects. It will also examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators. Create an initial post of a minimum of 250 words in length. Using a minimum of two scholarly and/or professional sources from the Ashford University Library or another scholarly source of information, address the following: • Evaluate the circumstances that contributed to the early suspicions directed at Richard Jewell and the public disclosure of his identity. • Discuss how the misidentification of Richard Jewell as the suspect may have impacted the failure to identify Eric Rudolph sooner and, perhaps, disrupt his bombing crime spree. • Evaluate the impact this case has on how citizens and potential jurors view investigations, news reports, and the identification of suspects. View details/62132/crj-632-week-6-discussion-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution-
CRJ 632 Week 6 Final Paper | Assignment Help | Ashford University Crime Scene Investigation Management Analysis The final project for this course is an analysis of a crime scene investigation that was conducted concerning the death of JonBenet Ramsey in Boulder, Colorado. The purpose of the Crime Scene Investigation Management Analysis is for you to apply and demonstrate the learning achieved in the course by analyzing the work done by crime scene investigators. Determine what could and/or should have been done better and acknowledge what was done well. For this assignment, you will take on the role of an experienced and highly regarded investigator who has been called upon to present a Crime Scene Management and Investigation class at the police academy. The Scenario: The body of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of the family home on December 26, 1996. The murder and subsequent investigation remain mired in controversy. One arrest was made in the case when a known pedophile confessed to the crime. All charges against him were subsequently dismissed. The case remains unsolved. Case Summary: On the morning of December 26, 1996, the mother of JonBenet Ramsey found a ransom note on a stairway in the family home in Boulder, Colorado. The handwritten note stated JonBenet had been kidnapped and demanded a ransom. After telephoning
close friends, notification was made to the Boulder Police Department. Upon arrival, responding officers found the family and several family friends inside the home. The ransom note was reviewed and officers and family anticipated a telephone call from the kidnappers. A detective was summoned and arrived to oversee the investigation. When no call had been received from the kidnappers after a few hours, a police officer and JonBenet’s father began to search the home. JonBenet’s body was found in a locked storage room in the basement. View details/62133/crj-632-week-6-final-paper-assignment-help-ashford-university Answer: - https://www.justquestionanswer.com/homework-solution-