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The Program for The Dialogue of Civilizations Dr. Nadia Mostafa Dr. Saif Abdel Fattah

The Program for The Dialogue of Civilizations Dr. Nadia Mostafa Dr. Saif Abdel Fattah. الفكر. G. Onsy. Think Hieroglyphic !. A Geometrical Approach to Crisis Analysis Dr. George Onsy.

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The Program for The Dialogue of Civilizations Dr. Nadia Mostafa Dr. Saif Abdel Fattah

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  1. The Program for The Dialogue of Civilizations Dr. Nadia Mostafa Dr. Saif Abdel Fattah

  2. الفكر G. Onsy Think Hieroglyphic! A Geometrical Approach to Crisis Analysis Dr. George Onsy

  3. The “Think Hieroglyphic!” approach is a visualization system that aims at presenting, analyzing problems/crisis of high complexities where the verbal approach has proved inadequacy to tackle. This system that I have used to practice at different dialogue forums and strategic centers is an application of the original inter-disciplinary thesis submitted in 1988 under American-Egyptian supervision and entitled: “A Geometrical Approach for Problem-Solving” and subtitled as: “From Sacred Geometry to Updated Model-Building for problem/Crisis analysis and decision making.

  4. General Structure of the Session (With a proposal of the sequential position of N 5) Conceptual Level 1- The Theory of Sustained Dialogue Lessons from Practice 2- Practice of Sustained Dialogue in Situations of Protracted Conflict 5- Images Prevalent in the West about the Arab World and How to Change Them Future Scenarios at the international Level 3- Future Scenarios for Western-Islamic World Relations Future Scenarios at the International-Regional Level 4- Future Scenarios of the European Role in the Arab Region

  5. Any problem or crisis is a complexity of factors accumulated from the higher levels down to the lower levels. So the schematic I’m proposing through the following slides is mainly composed of concentric circles presenting, consecutively, the Natural/Cosmic sphere, the international, the Regional, the National, the Social, the family and, finally, the personal sphere. The different factors mentioned by the speakers will be shown classified according to their nature and in hierarchical order of their effect each on the other.

  6. The conceptual frame Work (The Need for a Different Paradigm) Audience Comments THE THEORY OF SUSTAINED DIALOGUE 1 Dr. Harold Saunders Conceptual Level What is Politics? Politics is Power It is the Relational Paradigm The purpose of SD is to change relationships Transforming Society Needs Transforming Relationships Power is the Capacity to change The SD process is an instrument for social change Prepare the way amidst conflictual relationships Bringing People who are not ready to negotiate It is what comes from collections of H Beings solving their problems (Developing) The patterns of interaction Election-Mediation-Negotiation Global International Regional National Social Relations evolve from experience Then it becomes an instrument to apply Family & 1st level of Dialoguing Personal Trying to listen and understand The problem of persisting stereotypes What would we live or die for? Our sense of Identity The SD begins with the change in the way we think

  7. SD in the University compass Work Where SD has been practiced Tagestan Arab European Global International Regional National Social Audience Comments Family Personal PRACTICE OF SD IN SITUATIONS OF PROTRACTED CONFLICT 2 Dr. Randa Slim Working outside The Government The negative attitude has Lead to minimal progress The dialogue lasted 35 Mtgs Opening discussion Looking back to What we are Learning from previous experiences Realizing the importance of dialogue Creating task forces The SD is an instrument of social & political change How to work in harmony with the official Government New contacts between Those who have the power If not, asking about the alternatives Sharing lessons An unofficial space Complimenting the official Economical programs Why not working together Talking together Outreaching the dialogue Institutionalized NGOs Security - Economical - Social Programs Incorporating The Culture of Peace & Dialogue into schools & universities programs Dealing with the self segregation in the compass Giving students Experience & skills Empowering them Reluctance about dialogue: Piece is something concrete Studying the possibility to apply the SD Searching the real cause combining the problem-solving approach plus the Dialogue How can we develop The dialogue attitude working together The way the dialogue is handled aggravates the problem

  8. Global International Regional National Social Family Personal Audience Comments FUTURE SCENARIOS FOR WESTERN-ISALMIC WORLD 3 Dr. Richard Murphy Experience of absence of dialoguing in the Arab-Israeli conflict Testing the value of treaties US & Europe stepped back No Dialogue The West is discussing the nature of Islam between Moderation fundamentalism Today is different because of the long process The dialogue involves all specialists The reluctance about Dialogue is due to the fact that Piece is something concrete

  9. Slow response of Governments Europe Attitude Global International Regional National Social The European P Opinion(Iraq & Palestine) Audience Comments Family Personal FUTURE SCENARIOS OF THE EUROPEAN ROLE IN THE ARAB REGION 4 Dr. Basil Eastwood Questioning the ability of changing the course of politics Security concerns The European 4tet influences the governmental mechanism Pressure on Immigration Trying to influence the US Slow response of European governments EU not wishing to do any initiative Pulling to US policy Long term process (Helsinky) Institutional relationships Long talks & documents Europe supports the SD Wanting to play a role Energy problem - Women – information – social/Cultural - dialogue- Immigration Security & Economical clouds The West has different Agenda for the dialogue from that of the Arab/Islamic countries: Peace versus Justice Negative statements & reactions Reflections in the domestic dialogues & governmental situations

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