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Pedagogic project Orchestres sans papier

Pedagogic project Orchestres sans papier. Musical workshOPS to include PWFO (people with fewer opportunities ) and dicriminateD. Association Ballade Strasbourg. If it was possible to lessen the cultural gap between initiated and remote from culture…

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Pedagogic project Orchestres sans papier

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  1. Pedagogicproject Orchestres sans papier

  2. Musical workshOPSto include PWFO (people withfeweropportunities) and dicriminateD Association Ballade Strasbourg

  3. If itwas possible to lessen the cultural gap betweeninitiated and remotefromculture… If music couldbeplayed by any kid…

  4. All children in our country have access to school, knowledge. But do they have access to culture, all to the same culture? How canweteach to play a musical instrument to youngsterswhofailatschool, with socio educativelack, refugees, Roma?

  5. Association Ballade has - SomeknowledgeKnow how to teach by ear, withoutsheet-paper, in a non-formal, ludicway. - Somemusicians trained to teach in such a way - A musical repertoireadapted. -Someexperience.

  6. A non competitiveactivityhelps to socialise, makefriends, confrères, DeVELOPCReATIVITy, express onself.Emotion on stage motivateswork.

  7. Intervenants Papyros’N Musicians www.papyrosn.comFbPapyros’N

  8. Musiciansinvolvealso in international project BalsiKa-Tumbalalaïka.

  9. European Project BalsiKa-Tumbalalaïka Helps us to enrichourpratice and pedagogythroughothercountries’ musiciansexperience. Many groups have alsoartistic socio-pedagogicprojects.

  10. innovaTIVE ASPECTS • Adaptability of thisnon-formal, ludicmethod to various publics. • Learning methodadapted to variousrepertoires.

  11. Strasbourg Is a cosmopolitantown Withmulticommunautarian area, migrants, immigrants, refugees, Roma, travellers… Youngsters, distant from culture or havingaccessonly to communautarian culture (as well as childrenwithsocio-educativefailure ) attend musical workshops , which open them to multiculture and givesthemaccess to instrumental pratice & on stage emotion in a space for a creativefraternity.

  12. Objectif n°1: Gather & reduce cultural gap betweenpopulations & communauties Through musical ludic instrumental practice & on stage sharedemotionsupervised by musicians-pedagoguesaware of their social function.

  13. Objectif n°2: Open to culture PWFO by givingthemsome clues. . Understanding of their instrument & how works music. . Melodies,learned by ear and by heart, .Feel the pleasure to playalone& emotion on stage with the group. .This practice will open hiscuriosity to a multicultural repertoire &any musical style. (musiques du monde valorisant ses racines, jazz, musiques populaires, musiques savantes)

  14. Objectif n°3 : Promotediscriminatedchildren & improvetheirlisteningcapacity, their attention. & leur confiance de soi.

  15. Collective Pratice based on learning main melody by everybody. As arrangement is free and canvary, instruments canvary and musical levelstoo(orchestre canbeeach time differentlike in tarafs); Beginnercanlisten and sing notes or play a few basses or chords or evenonly one note in rythm(Doïna).

  16. Play together! Sharedemotionis a muticulturalway of living together.

  17. No selection, no competition, no hierarchy : No need of gift or musical competences to begin. Workshops are in their living space, in touchwith PWFO. Participation isfree, instruments lended.

  18. Social artist • A knowledge: • Musician & pedagogue • Trained to thoseteachingmethods • & knowing to use tools. • A skill: • Aware of his social impact,trained to non-formalteaching. • A know-how-to-be: • psychologue, • Taught about the specificities • of the PWFO heisteaching to.

  19. PRELIMINARIES • TRAIN TRAINERS TO BE • - GOOD TEACHERS • - TRAINED TO HIS SOCIAL ROLE. • Developtools: • - Pedagogictools • Cloud-spacewithrecordings • and some clues to teach • (simplified partitions…)

  20. Running PROJECTS 3 expEriences3 Challenges!+ TRAVELLERS SEPT 2017 Objectives ARE NOT QUITE THE SAME. Projet M.I.R.A.C.L.E. In socio-éducative boardingschool Papyros’N6T In QPV de Cronenbourg Projet Hoche With Roma children

  21. Papyros’N6T inCronenbourg OBJECTIF n°1: Intercommunautarylink

  22. SecundaryObjectiVEs SCHOOL SUCCESS culturAlpluricommunautaRIANLUggage

  23. Projet M.I.R.A.C.L.E. à l’ERPD Projet Hoche Papyros’N Hoche OBJECTIF n°1:Prepare theirINTeGRATION

  24. Objectifs secondaires French language. DISCIPLINE. Be proud of theirCULTURalroots.

  25. PROJET M.I.R.A.C.L.E boardingschool OBJECTIF n°1: Rebild SELF-CONFIdANCE & relations withtheir PARENTS

  26. Objectifs secondaires Learn how to listen, to behave cultural opening

  27. Travellers Very few go regularily to school. Parents know how to count but only few canread and writesothat home-workis not controlled. Tradition isthat a childlearnsfromhisfamily, hedoesn’tneed to go to school. Recentpedophilicscandalsmakethemeven more suspicious. Constats lors de visites avec Médecins du Monde

  28. Their musical appetitecouldgivethemprerequisites, givewill to workand desire to aquireknowledge. These areas are verymany in Alsace, gatheringfamilieswhoonlytravel a few months /year. Most stay in same area about 9 months/year. Families are quitekeen on sendingtheirchildren to learn music.

  29. Saturday in Conservatoire

  30. Saturday in Conservatoire

  31. Participation to musical workshops with Conservatoire pupils&europeAn YOUTH EXCHANGES Concerts WITH PUPILS FROM VARIOUS WORKSHOPS in their place or elsewhere, sometimeswithothermusicians. Integrationprogressivelyin Papyros’N workshops & orchestre & pedagogical training.

  32. Workshops take place as much as possible in their close surrounding. Repertoireisadapted to specificities of this public. Startingwith musical pieceslinkedwiththeir cultural roots(espace-cloudavec compilation en cours). Singing, rythm and collective workshops. Learning by ear but singing the notes. Learning to readsheet- papersis an easystep whenyoungmusician realisesheneeds that to have some autonomy..

  33. Participation to many concerts Allows to visit places and hearvarious music. (Conseil de l’Europe, Lieu d’Europe, Conservatoire, Salles de spectacle)

  34. Best way to predict future is to createit

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