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Introduction to CS554 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

This course introduces the design requirements, timing constraints, and key concepts of real-time and embedded systems. It focuses on timing and quality-of-service issues, while also addressing power and reusability concerns. The course covers real-time scheduling, operating systems, databases, web servers, multimedia QoS management, communication, and wireless sensor networks.

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Introduction to CS554 Real-Time and Embedded Systems

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  1. Introduction to CS554

  2. Real-Time and Embedded Systems

  3. Real-Time Embedded System Design Requirements • Timing constraints • Not only functional correctness but also timing matters • Hard real-time vs. soft real-time • A deadline miss incurs a catastrophic result in hard real-time systems • Other key requirements • Cost, size, power, time-to-market, reliability/safety… • Focus on timing and QoS issues, dealing with power & reusability issues as time permits

  4. Course Information • Instructor: KD Kang • kang@cs.binghamton.edu • EBT16 • Office Hours: TR 4:15PM – 5:15PM • Course web page: http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~kang/teaching/cs554/main.htm • Recommended Text • Hard Real-Time Computing Systems, Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Kluwer Academic Publishers • Real-Time Systems, Jane W. S. Liu, Prentice Hall • You don’t have to buy them

  5. Course Objective • Learn key technologies for real-time computing • Introduction and Real-time scheduling • Real-time operating systems • Real-time databases • Real-time web servers • Multimedia QoS management • Real-time communication • Wireless sensor networks

  6. Evaluation • Midterm Exam: 25% • Final Exam: 25% • Programming Assignments: 30% • Paper Presentation: 20% • Relative grading

  7. Reading Assignment for Thursday • [I1] J. A. Stankovic, Misconceptions about Real-Time Computing: A Serious Problem for Next Generation Systems, IEEE Computer, 21(10), pp. 10-19, October 1988. • [S1] C. Liu and J. Layland, Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real-time Environment, Journal of the ACM, 20(1), pp. 41-61, January 1973.

  8. Any questions?

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