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Proverbs 31:30-31. Charm is deceptive and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned and Praise her at the city gates. She is clothed with strength and dignity. LAUGH?. She will laugh at the days to come!. Proverbs 31:25.
Proverbs 31:30-31 Charm is deceptiveand beauty is vain,But a womanwho fears the Lordis to be praised.Give her the rewardshe has earned andPraise her at the city gates.
She is clothed with strength and dignity LAUGH? She will laugh at the days to come! Proverbs 31:25
Yes,shewill Laugh!
Remember Sarah’s Laugh? • When first told she was going to have a baby in her old age, she laughed, but then denied it. Her only sin was that she wouldn’t laugh with God! (Genesis 18:1-14) • But when Isaac, whose name means laughter, finally arrived, Sarah laughed without shame! Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” And she added, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.” (Genesis 21:6-7)
You See, Sometimes MothersLaugh! After all, on some days,what other options are there?
She laughswith joy at thebirth of a child! And laughs evenmore at the birthof a grandchild!
She laughs at the familiarsmell of baby powder,the softness of her baby’s sweet cheeks,and the warmth of a precious bald head.
She laughs in the tender momentsof discovery and playas her baby learnsabout life andwonder andlove!
She laughs at her child’s thrillwhen learning new things and conquering new challenges. Even if it means lots of attention to an insecure little heart and a few skinned up knees. Because deep down she knows,her child is not hers, just a precious loan from God for awhile.
Even when she is not surewhat she should do, or evenwhat exactly is wrong, shewill laugh -- just so herchild won’t be afraid.
She laughs in thebusy-ness of herdaily life. Even ifthe only momentsshe can steal to be aloneare while running errands!
She laughs, even when it’s more a wrestlingmatch of wills, because she knows thestakes are too high to give up on her child,especially when that child can get thebest of her nearlyevery timetheyspar.
She laughs, because sometimes that’s all she knows to do! Likewhen she has be tough andhard-headed enough to outlastthe latest tantrum, rebellion, orugly thing that has come her wayfrom her “precious bundle of joy”who has suddenly found lots of thingswrong about her faith, values, and rules.
It doesn’t matter if herchild is young orold, she willlaugh as shetells aboutthe latest and greatestthing her childhas just accomplished.
Yes, mothers of faith laugh!They are daughters of Sarah.They have learned that when they laugh, God smiles, keeps his promises, and gives them His grace. For after all, they do His most important work on earth: They show His children that He loves them!
Dear Mom,Thanks for laughing! In the sound of your voice, I have anticipated the joy of heaven and feel at home.With all my love,Your Child
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