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Most web applications have critical bugs (faults) affecting their security, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by hackers and organized crime. To prevent these security problems from occurring it is of utmost importance to understand the typical software faults. This paper contributes to this body of knowledge by presenting a field study on two of the most widely spread and critical web application vulnerabilities: SQL Injection and XSS http://kaashivinfotech.com/ http://inplanttrainingchennai.com/ http://inplanttraining-in-chennai.com/ http://internshipinchennai.in/ http://inplant-training.org/ http://kernelmind.com/ http://inplanttraining-in-chennai.com/ http://inplanttrainingchennai.com/ Contact Us 91 98406 78906, 91 90037 18877 kaashiv.info@gmail.com www.kaashivinfotech.com Shivanantha Building (Second building to Ayyappan Temple), X41, 5th Floor, 2nd avenue, Anna Nagar,Chennai-40
Automatic ECG anomalous identification using XML Data processing IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOM EDICAL AND HEALTH INFO RMATICS, VOL.9, MAY 2014 An Interoperable System for Automated Diagnosis of Cardiac Abnormalities from Electrocardiogram Data”.
A Software /Manufacturing Research Company Run By Microsoft Most Valuable Professional VenkatesanPrabu .J MANAGING DIRECTOR Microsoft Web Developer Advisory Council team member and a well known Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for the year 2008, 2009, 2010,2011,2012,2013 ,2014. LakshmiNarayanan.J GENERAL MANAGER BlackBerry Server Admin. Oracle 10g SQL Expert. Arunachalam.J Electronic Architect Human Resourse Manager
Abstract • Most web applications have critical bugs (faults) affecting their security, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by hackers and organized crime. • To prevent these security problems from occurring it is of utmost importance to understand the typical software faults. This paper contributes to this body of knowledge by presenting a field study on two of the most widely spread and critical web application vulnerabilities: SQL Injection and XSS. • It analyzes the source code of security patches of widely used web applications written in weak and strong typed languages. Results show that only a small subset of software fault types, affecting a restricted collection of statements, is related to security. • To understand how these vulnerabilities are really exploited by hackers, this paper also presents an analysis of the source code of the scripts used to attack them.
Existing System • A schema of Ontology is generated on the basis of cardiac diagnosis report prediction with the start, peak and End points of the ECG curve measured with the x and axis positions. • A XML schema is a description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntactical constraints imposed by XML itself. • A xml schema is designed from the generated ontological schema records for easier mapping for the input digital electrocardiographic data.
Proposed System • The manipulation of diagnosis report with the ECG curve acquires many variations in heartbeat such as irregular, slow, fast and normal. • An ontological schema is designed to identify the cardiac predictions of curves and xml schema is exploited in an approach to map the ontological schema information with the inputted image. • Existing system attains the problem of inappropriate diagnosis as the inputted ECG image sample acquires noisy information that leads to false prediction of syndromes. • The proposed system overcomes the problem of false prediction of syndrome by validating the input image using histogram techniques that validates the pixel for further processing.
System Requirements • Hardware Requirements: Platform : DOTNET (VS2010) ,C# .NET Dot net framework 4.0 Database : SQL Server 2008 R2 • Software Requirements: Processor : Core 2 duo Speed : 2.2GHZ RAM : 2GB Hard Disk : 160GB
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Services: A Software /Manufacturing Research Company Run By Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Inplant Training. Internship. Workshop’s. Final Year Project’s. Industrial Visit. Contact Us: +91 98406 78906,+91 90037 18877 kaashiv.info@gmail.com www.kaashivinfotech.com Shivanantha Building (Second building to Ayyappan Temple),X41, 5th Floor, 2nd avenue,Anna Nagar,Chennai-40.