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This review highlights traditional approaches as well as current advancements in the analysis of the gene expression data from cancer perspective. Due to improvements in biometric instrumentation and automation, it has become easier to collect a lot of experimental data in molecular biology. Analysis of such data is extremely important as it leads to knowledge discovery that can be validated by experiments. Previously, the diagnosis of complex genetic diseases has conventionally been done based on the non-molecular characteristics like kind of tumor tissue, pathological characteristics, and clinical phase. http://kaashivinfotech.com/ http://inplanttrainingchennai.com/ http://inplanttraining-in-chennai.com/ http://internshipinchennai.in/ http://inplant-training.org/ http://kernelmind.com/ http://inplanttraining-in-chennai.com/ http://inplanttrainingchennai.com/
SuperVisedMultiAttribute Gene ManipulationforCancer IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS, VOL. 11, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2014 Mining Gene Expression Data Focusing Cancer Therapeutics: A Digest
A Software /Manufacturing Research Company Run By Microsoft Most Valuable Professional VenkatesanPrabu .J MANAGING DIRECTOR Microsoft Web Developer Advisory Council team member and a well known Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for the year 2008, 2009, 2010,2011,2012,2013 ,2014. LakshmiNarayanan.J GENERAL MANAGER BlackBerry Server Admin. Oracle 10g SQL Expert. Arunachalam.J Electronic Architect Human Resourse Manager
Abstract • Thisreviewhighlightstraditionalapproaches as well as currentadvancements in theanalysis of the gene expression data fromcancerperspective. • Duetoimprovements in biometricinstrumentation and automation, it has becomeeasiertocollect a lot of experimental data in molecular biology. • Analysis of such data isextremelyimportant as it leads toknowledgediscoverythat can bevalidatedbyexperiments. Previously, the diagnosis of complexgeneticdiseases has conventionallybeen done basedonthe non-molecular characteristicslikekind of tumor tissue, pathologicalcharacteristics, and clinicalphase. • Themicroarray data can bewellaccountedforhigh dimensional space and noise. Samewerethereasonsforineffective and impreciseresults. Several machine learning and data miningtechniques are presentlyappliedforidentifyingcancerusing gene expression data.
EXISTING SYSTEM • Gene expression is the activation of a gene that results in a protein which tends to indentify only the Gene manipulationfor Cáncer therapeutics. • In our existing approac , identification of cancer by the gene expression have been implemented. • The Genome of a Differentiated Cell Contains all the Genes required to find the affected cells using Microarrays to Investigate the “Expression” of Thousands of Genes at a Time. • Splicing • Polyadenylation • Stability • Discretized gene expressions can be used as descriptors of the specific states of gene for the cancer prediction analysis.
ProposedSystem • Predicting Cancer by analyzing gene and converting the gene expression is the proposed concept of our project, which leads to identifying and analyzing the cancer result set . • Controlling Gene Activity From Gene to Functional Protein & Phenotype has also been analyzed in order to identify the cancer cells. • In our proposed methodology, the experts documental DNA data methylation(Gene expression segments) is a kind of binding site for proteins which make DNA inaccessible to be in alive state. • Semantic Ontology based Mining Gene Expression analysis tends to Compare the gene expression values by using the comparative Knowledge Consolidator.
System Architecture • HARWARE REQUIREMENT: Processor : Core 2 duo Speed : 2.2GHZ RAM : 2GB Hard Disk : 160GB • SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT: Platform : DOTNET (VS2010) , ASP.NET Dotnet framework 4.0 Database : SQL Server 2008 R2
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Services: A Software /Manufacturing Research Company Run By Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Inplant Training. Internship. Workshop’s. Final Year Project’s. Industrial Visit. Contact Us: +91 98406 78906,+91 90037 18877 kaashiv.info@gmail.com www.kaashivinfotech.com Shivanantha Building (Second building to Ayyappan Temple),X41, 5th Floor, 2nd avenue,Anna Nagar,Chennai-40.