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Electronic Customer Relationship Management

Electronic Customer Relationship Management. Created by :. Agnes Fitria Utami - 1501142983 Erni - 1501145575 Hanna Septiani - 1501148394 Novie Ratna Sari - 1501151786 Lianto - 1501171724. What is CRM?.

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Electronic Customer Relationship Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electronic Customer Relationship Management Created by : Agnes FitriaUtami - 1501142983 Erni - 1501145575 Hanna Septiani - 1501148394 NovieRatna Sari - 1501151786 Lianto - 1501171724

  2. What is CRM? CRM is a system that manages the current and future customer interactions. CRM also used to coordinate the business strategies, organizational structure, and culture of companies with the provided customer’s information. • e-CRM ? is a strategic using internet to do the customer relationship management, in order to maximize customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and revenue of the company.

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