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Historical Roots of Biopsychology

Historical Roots of Biopsychology. Lesson 1. Major Issues in Psychology. Nature vs Nurture Mind/Brain relationship Freewill vs Determinism. The Mind/Brain Problem. What is the relationship between the mind and the brain? or Mind/Body problem Where is the seat of consciousness?

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Historical Roots of Biopsychology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Historical Roots of Biopsychology Lesson 1

  2. Major Issues in Psychology • Nature vs Nurture • Mind/Brain relationship • Freewill vs Determinism

  3. The Mind/Brain Problem • What is the relationship between the mind and the brain? • or Mind/Body problem • Where is the seat of consciousness? • Ancient Egyptians  heart & liver • Aristotle  heart ~

  4. The Mind/Brain Problem • Dualism • fundamentally different • body is physical matter • mind (soul?) is nonphysical • Problem: How do they interact? • Rene Descartes • interactionism • pineal gland ~

  5. The Mind/Brain Problem • Monism • only one form of reality • several types monism • mentalism, materialism • Identity position • operations of brain  mental events • mind cannot exist independently • Humans are mechanistic • behave according to physical laws ~

  6. The Mind/Brain Problem • Monism’s Problem: • How can a physical system produce mental states? • What about free will? • Modern scientists • dualists or monists? ~

  7. The Mind/Brain Problem: Dualism • Sir John Eccles • Nobel Prize (1963) • Neuroscientist • Point of interaction: • supplemental motor area ~

  8. The Mind/Brain Problem • Consciousness • unique property of brains? • Or could it exist in other entities? • Livers? • Computers? • No definitive answer yet ~

  9. Biopsychology: History • Trepanation • Evidence from 10,000 years ago • Stone surgery • Mind/Brain related ~

  10. Biopsychology: History • René Descartes (1596-1650) • Mechanical statues • reflexes • testable hypotheses • Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) • electrical stimulation of frog leg ~

  11. Biopsychology: History • Francis Gall (1758-1828) • phrenology • specifics discredited • Localization of function supported • Johannes Muller (1801-1858) • Localization of function • Doctrine of specific nerve energies ~

  12. Biopsychology: History • Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) • speed of conduction of nerve impulse • Fritsch & Hitzig (1870) • Electrical stimulation of brain • muscle movements ~

  13. Biopsychology: History • Charles Darwin (1809-1882) • Natural Selection • Organisms evolve • structure • physiology • behavior • Adaptive variations conserved • Relevance of animal research to human behavior ~

  14. Biopsychology: History • Paul Broca • (1824-1880) • Localization of language function • left hemisphere • clinical neuropsychology ~

  15. Biopsychology: History • Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) • Nature of the Nervous System • The Neuron Doctrine • Nervous system made up of discrete cells • Otto Loewi (1873-1961) • Signaling between neurons • Chemical neurotransmitters ~

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