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The role of biomass resources in a 100 percent renewable energy system in Denmark. Henrik Wenzel University of Southern Denmark Seminar at Center for Environmental Strategy University of Surrey , UK January 19 th , 2012.
The role of biomass resources in a 100 percent renewable energy system in Denmark Henrik Wenzel University of Southern Denmark Seminar at Center for EnvironmentalStrategy University of Surrey, UK January 19th, 2012
How do wecreate a structurethatwill last a thousand years?The Cathedral in Seville- built 1402 – 1506- still as good as new
How do wecreate a structurethatwill last a thousand years? Keystone
Overview • What characterizes Denmark? • Sustainability criteria • Framework conditions of the fossil free society: constraints on land, biomass and carbon • The global view • Some key issues of the fossil free system • The Danish case • Closing the carbon gap by upgrading biomass and recycling carbon • Hydrogenation and CCR • Five-doubling the benefit of biomass • A back-of-the-envelope look at cost • Discussion Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
What characterizes Denmark- in a renewable energy supply context? Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
What characterizes Denmark- in a renewable energy supply context? High wind power potential: 300% of DK energy consumption High agricultural production: 3-5 times more manure and straw than average Low forest area/set-aside/natural land area: 15 % of DK Low solar radiation input Share electricity grid with Norway and Sweden: hydropower buffer High CHP and extended district heating systems: 400 DH grids Full implementation of waste incineration with CHP and district heating grid connection An extended natural gas grid Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
Sustainability criteria • Sustainability = long term viability/survival • Assess the long term viability/survival (of e.g. an energy technology) in multiple dimensions: • Technical: functionality, credibility, robustness, sufficiency, flexibility, safety, etc. • Economic • Environmental: climate, nature preservation, biodiversity, acid rain, waste, etc. • Resource supply: energy, food, area, water, protein, phosphorus, metals, carbon • Social/ethical: health, nutrition, education, human rights, etc. • Any sustainability assessment is comparative. There is always an alternative and always a prioritization and trade-off • Which criteria will dominate will be determined by future framework conditions • The fossil free society may run into severe sustainability problems – even more severe than the fossil society? • What are the sustainability issues of the fossil-based and the bio-based society respectively? DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
Sustainability criteria Now Fossil-based society Bio-based society • Technical • Economic • Environmental: climate, nature preservation, biodiversity • Resource supply: • energy, food, • water, protein, phosphorus, • land, biomass, carbon • metals • Social/ethical • Technical • Economic • Environmental: climate • Resource supply: energy • Social/ethical
Global land constraints • 13 Gha land area on Earth • 4.88 Gha used for agriculture: • 1.52 Gha used for crops (arable land and permanent crops) • 3.36 Gha used for permanent meadows and pasture • 8 Gha still “nature” • 4.0 Gha is still wooded (forest) • 2.5 Gha is ice, tundra & dessert • 1.5 Gha natural grassland, savannah, etc. (FAOSTAT. Retrieved in 2011)
The carbon, biomass and land constraints- the global view Comparison of food and energy World average food intake: 2700 kcal/pers/day ≈ 25 EJ/year Agricultural biomass today ≈ 100-150 EJ/year Fossil energy consumption today ≈ 450 EJ/year Biomass for full fossil substitution today ≈ 500-600 EJ/year → we need ≈ 5 times more biomass on top of today’s agricultural output for full fossil substitution Can agricultural yield increases reduce the gap? Yield increase in agriculture ≈ 1% per year → 0.8 % Consumption growth (GDP/capita) ≈ 3% per year → ?? % Land use increase from trend towards more meat on the menu ≈ ??% per year DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The carbon, biomass and land constraints- the global view • How much new land can be cultivated? • New cultivable land: Biophysical maximum ≈ 2,3 Ghamore • – most of which is in South America and Africa • (Ramancutty et al., 2002). • BUT: cultivating new land can imply a 2-9 times higher release of CO2 than energy crops can save over 30 years by substitution of fossil fuels (Righelato and Spracklen, Science 2007) – meaning pay back of 60 – 300 years. • Sustainable new land cultivation • 30-40% more (Danish Ministry for Food and Agriculture, 2008) DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
Biomassconstraints- a global viewon potentials Ref.: Hedegaard K, K Thyø and H Wenzel, EnvSci Tech, 2008
Land constraints– predictions of developmentstowards 2020 *About 40 % of the total wood removals from forests are due to the demand for fuel, either as fuelwood or charcoal (Kampman et al., 2008)
Land constraints– predictions of land demandincreasetowards 2020 • Potential for new cultivable land, based on geographical modelling: • 2.3Gha (Ramankutty et al., 2002) • 0.79 – 1.215 Gha (model from IIASA; in RFA, 2008) • Half of the biophysical maximal land potential to be used by 2020 ???? • ...and with only a few percent coverage of energy demand by bio-energy?
Some key issues of the fossil free society • Balancing supply and demand of electricity, storable fuels • Energy dense fuels for mobility purposes • Carbon feedstock • => Constraints on carbon, biomass and land? DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The carbon/biomassbottleneck- a breakdown of the global view (projected to 2030) * With present conversiontechnology DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
El demand & Wind power supply From 20 % to 50 % wind share – within 10-15 years. DK west. Balancingsupply and demand January 2008Januar 2008 + 3,000 MW wind Alternative drivmidler og www.energinet.dk
Balancingsupply and demand 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 El (MW) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 721 781 841 901 961 1021 1081 1141 1201 1261 1321 Classic el use Wind-Wave-Solar Wind, solar & wave 60 daysJan-Feb Need to integrate (store) at max production Need to supplement at min. production Alternative drivmidler og www.energinet.dk
The Danish case The carbon/biomass bottleneck - the Danish case (2050 projection), 3 different studies
The Danish case- how do weclose the carbongap? Biomass Chemicals & materials • Transport: • Long distance road • Air • Sea Industry El-buffer Heat pumps El-driven transport Electrification DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The Danish case- how do weclose the carbongap? Biomass Chemicals & materials Where do weget the keystone? • Transport: • Long distance road • Air • Sea Industry El-buffer Heat pumps El-driven transport Electrification DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The Danish case- how do weclose the carbongap? Biomass Chemicals & materials Import? • Transport: • Long distance road • Air • Sea Industry El-buffer Heat pumps El-driven transport Electrification DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The Danish case- how do weclose the carbongap? Biomass Chemicals & materials Danish agriculture? • Transport: • Long distance road • Air • Sea Industry El-buffer Heat pumps El-driven transport Electrification DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The Danish case- how do weclose the carbongap? Biomass Chemicals & materials Danish nature? • Transport: • Long distance road • Air • Sea Industry El-buffer Heat pumps El-driven transport Electrification DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
The Danish case- how do weclose the carbongap? Biomass Chemicals & materials Hydrogenation and CCR? • Transport: • Long distance road • Air • Sea Industry El-buffer Heat pumps El-driven transport Electrification DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
Closing the carbon gap- upgrading biomass and recycling carbon • Hydrogenation to methane: • biomass hydrogen methanewater C6(H2O)5 + 12 H2 6 CH4 + 5 H2O 2,8 MJ 2,9 MJ 4,8 MJ CCR to methane: carbondioxide hydrogen methanewater 6 CO2 + 24 H2 6 CH4 + 12 H2O 0 MJ 5,8 MJ 4,8 MJ Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
Closing the carbon gap- the CCR vision, carbon capture and recycling Wind or solar power El Biomassor CH4 from biomasshydrogenation Electrolysis O2 El Power plant Chemical synthesis CO2 + H2 Ashes El Fuels: methanol, methane, etc., Chemicals Upgrading Fertilizer DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
Closing the carbon gap- five-doubling the benefit og biomass by upgrading and recycling bio-C Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
Closing the carbon gap - letting wind power replace land use by upgrading and recycling bio-C • Off-shore wind turbines with a yearly production of 100 PJ can save 5000 km2 agricultural land with a crop production equivalent to the yearly calorific intake of 10 million world average citizens Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
Closing the carbon gap- the RE gas vision of Energinet.dk, the Danish TSO El-transmission El at ’lowprice’ Peak elGas-turbine,fuelcell, CC Gas- system/ storage El ’highprice/peak load’ H2 Electro- lysis District heating DH Biofuel Catalysis MethanolDME Biomass- gasification Biomass & waste District heating O2 DH Upgrading to Methane District heating Gas-transmission www.energinet.dk Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi
The Danish case The ceesa 2050 scenario www.ceesa.dk, Brian Vad Mathiesen
Electricitystorage – example 2035+ Storagecapacity (as input el) Investmentcosts in storage Storage as methane (exist. Gas storage) 0,07 €/kWh (methane) Storage as hydrogen (exist. Gas storage) Seasonal-storage Heatpump (HP) in DH 0.5 - 1€/kWh Indiv. HP Batteries: 30-80 €/kWh BEVs Seconds Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months =100 GWh Alternative drivmidler og www.energinet.dk
Closing the carbon gap- a back-of-the-envelope look at the cost of recycling bio-C • Based on the following assumptions: • Off-shore wind power: 10 eurocents/kWh • Energy efficiency of electrolysis: 75 %, i.e. 44 kWh/kg H2 • Operation cost of hydrogen: 4.4 €/kg = 1.5 €/kg oil equivalent = 215 €/barrel oil equivalents • Total cost of hydrogen including amortized investment: 250 – 300 €/ barrel oil equivalents • Total cost of methane: max 350 €/barrel oil equivalents • Petrol reference: 75 €/barrel oil equivalent • we find an extra cost of CCR fuel = 350 – 75 = 275 €/barrel oil equivalent. • At 100 PJ CCR fuel/year this would imply and extra cost of 4.2 billion €/year, being equal to 2 % of Danish GDP today. Or 1% of Danish GDP in 2050? Kattegat bridge: 15 billion €. DetTekniskeFakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- ogMiljøteknologi
Transport pose a veryhigh portion of the costscompared to otherenergyservices • Direct economicadvantagesin transition • In addition: • More stable costs • More jobs • More export • Lowerhealthcosts www.ceesa.dk, Brian Vad Mathiesen
Discussion Future Road map diskussion CCS LUC CCR Fossil Bio Gasification Fermentation Youarehere Det Tekniske Fakultet, Institut for Kemi-, Bio- og Miljøteknologi