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Das Perfekt The Past (Perfect) Tense

Das Perfekt The Past (Perfect) Tense. This is used to describe what has happened in the PAST. Examples in English. I have eaten pizza I have watched Big Brother on the TV I have surfed the net I have had a shower I have listened to the Radio One Roadshow I have fed my cat

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Das Perfekt The Past (Perfect) Tense

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  1. Das PerfektThe Past (Perfect) Tense This is used to describe what has happened in the PAST

  2. Examples in English • I haveeaten pizza • I havewatched Big Brother on the TV • I havesurfed the net • I havehad a shower • I havelistened to the Radio One Roadshow • I havefed my cat • I haveinvited my friends to a party

  3. In English we often omit the “have”: • I saw Spiderman at the cinema • I went to the disco last night • I went roller-skating at the weekend • I helped my Dad with the barbeque • I went bowling with the family • I ate a Big Mac as a treat IN GERMAN the “have” is always included.

  4. There are two ingredients needed for the Past Tense: • I haveeaten pizza • I havesurfed the net The “have” is called the: AUXILIARY VERB The “eaten”, “surfed” are called the: PAST PARTICIPLES i.e. the Past forms of the verbs to eat, to surf

  5. ich habe du hast er hat sie hat es hat wir haben ihr habt sie haben Sie haben I have You (fam. sing) have He has She has It has We have You (fam. pl.) have They have You (polite) have Auxiliary Verb “haben”

  6. The Past Participle To make the Past Participle 1. Take the INFINITIVE OF THE VERB (i.e. the form in the dictionary) e.g. spielen = to play, basteln = to do DIY 2. Put a “GE” on the front: spielen – GEspielen basteln – GEbasteln 3. Remove the final “en” or “n” and add a “T” GEspielen – GEspielT GEbasteln – GEbastelT

  7. Make PAST PARTICIPLES from: tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced • kochen = to cook

  8. Make PAST PARTICIPLES from: tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced • kochen = to cook kochen – GEkochen – GEkochT = cooked

  9. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 2. malen = to paint

  10. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 2. malen – GEmalen – GEmalT = painted

  11. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 3. lernen = to learn

  12. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 3. lernen – GElernen – GElernT = learnt

  13. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 4. wohnen = to live

  14. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 4. wohnen – GEwohnen – GEwohnT - lived

  15. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 5. kaufen = to buy

  16. Make Past Participles from: Tanzen – GEtanzen – GEtanzT = danced 5. kaufen – GEkaufen – GEkaufT = bought

  17. AUXILIARY VERB + PAST PARTICIPLE = PERFECT TENSE Ich habegekocht Ich habegelernt Ich habegewohnt Ich habegemalt Ich habegekauft

  18. ACHTUNG! • Verbs ending in “ten”, “nen” or “den” add an ET to the end of the PAST PARTICIPLE in order to make pronunciation easier: arbeiten = to work GEarbeiten – GEarbeitET – worked

  19. ACHTUNG! • Verbs ending in “ten”, “nen” or “den” add an ET to the end of the PAST PARTICIPLE in order to make pronunciation easier: regnen = to rain GEregnen – GEregnET – rained

  20. ACHTUNG! • Verbs ending in “ten”, “nen” or “den” add an ET to the end of the PAST PARTICIPLE in order to make pronunciation easier: baden = to have a bath GEbaden – GEbadET – had a bath

  21. ACHTUNG • Verbs beginning with: BE, EMPF, ENT, ER, MISS, VER, ZER DO NOT add a GE to front of the PAST PARTICIPLE

  22. NO GE ON PAST PARTICIPLE • besuchen = to visit Ich habebesucht I have visited

  23. NO GE ON PAST PARTICIPLE • bezahlen = to pay Ich habebezahlt I have paid

  24. NO GE ON PAST PARTICIPLE • verkaufen = to sell Ich habeverkauft I have sold

  25. NO GE ON PAST PARTICIPLE Also verbs ending in “ieren” do not add a “GE” to the front of the past participle: reparieren = to repair Ich habe repariert.

  26. NO GE ON PAST PARTICIPLE Also verbs ending in “ieren” do not add a “GE” to the front of the past participle: telefonieren = to telphone Ich habe telefoniert.

  27. WEAK (REGULAR) VERBS • Verbs which make their PAST PARTICIPLE by adding a GE to the front of the verb and a T to the end are called WEAK VERBS or REGULAR VERBS (they behave exactly according to a pattern) e.g. Ich habe gespielt – I have played

  28. WEAK (REGULAR) VERBS • Even verbs which DO NOT add a GE to the front of the PAST PARTICIPLE but which do end in T are called WEAK or REGULAR: • E.g. Ich habebesucht – I have visited Ich habe mich rasiert – I have had a shave

  29. Have you mastered it? • Now have a go at the Perfect Tense Weak Verb worksheet.

  30. RICHTIG ODER FALSCH ? • A: • 1. Ich habegefragt. • 2. Ich habegehoert. • 3. Ich habegesagt. • 4. Ich habegespart.

  31. RICHTIG ODER FALSCH ? • A: • 5. Ich habegelacht. • 6. Ich habegesammelt. • 7. Ich habegetraeumt. • 8. Ich habegemachtt.

  32. RICHTIG ODER FALSCH ? • B: • 9. Ich habegeantwortet. • 10. Ich habegeoeffnet. • 11. Ich habegearbeitet. • 12. Ich habegewartet.

  33. RICHTIG ODER FALSCH ? • C: • 13. Ich habe bestellt. • 14. Ich habe telefoniert. • 15. Ich habe vorbereitet. • 16. Ich habe repariert

  34. How do I know if a verb is weak? • Look up the verb “spielen” in the Malvern Guide dictionary. • What information is given to you?

  35. WEAK (REGULAR) VERBS • spielen v reg. to play This means that the verb is Weak or Regular.

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