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Chapter 3 Analysis: The Clash of Amateur Armies

Chapter 3 Analysis: The Clash of Amateur Armies . The American Civil War Mr. Contipodero . The Basics. Both armies were not ready for war Confederacy – no arms/weapons Union – lack of organization in military. “Cotton is King”. Confederacy wanted England and France to intervene in war

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Chapter 3 Analysis: The Clash of Amateur Armies

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  1. Chapter 3 Analysis: The Clash of Amateur Armies The American Civil War Mr. Contipodero

  2. The Basics • Both armies were not ready for war • Confederacy – no arms/weapons • Union – lack of organization in military

  3. “Cotton is King” • Confederacy wanted • England and France to intervene in war • If England couldn’t get cotton from mills • The South could send cotton for troops • The South put on the pressure

  4. Making Weapons • South reluctantly imported European goods • Small arms, gunpowder, bullets • Captured arms from the Union

  5. First Battle of Bull Run

  6. Main Characters - North • General Irvin McDowell • “Forward to Richmond!” • Northern troops were not fast-moving • Urgency develops

  7. Main Characters - Confederacy • General P.G.T. Beauregard • General Joseph Johnston • Colonel Thomas Jackson

  8. 1st Battle of Bull Run • July 1861 Manassas Junction in VA • “The Fight of the Amateurs!” • Various uniforms • Soldiers would break ranks to • Drink water, get shade, eat blackberries • Some men ran away but most fought

  9. 1st Battle of Bull Run Stats Union • 2,896 Casualties • General McDowell • 28 – 35,000 troops Confederacy • 1,982 Casualties • 32-34,000 troops

  10. The Tide Has Turned • McDowell’s troops pushed through Confederates • Thomas Jackson’s Stand • “There is Jackson standing like a stonewall!” • Rally cry for the Virginians • Confederates pushed forward

  11. The Result • McDowell called for the retreat • Union troops remained steady • Not enough drilling for counterattack • Retreated to Centerville – closer to Washington • Confederates did not pursue – very tired

  12. The Traffic Jam? • Hundreds of Washingtonians • Wagons, buggies, etc… • Both sides unorganized • The Realization…

  13. Your Assignment • Open your notebooks • Create a notes section titled, “The First Battle of Bull Run” • Complete Discussion Questions

  14. Discussion Questions • How did Virginia Military Institute (V.M.I.) Professor, Thomas Jackson get his nickname? • According to the chapter and the PowerPoint presentation, name 3 unique occurrences before, during, and/or after the First Battle of Bull Run. • After the First Battle of Bull Run, what realities of war did both sides discover?

  15. Sources • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Battle_of_Bull_Run • http://americancivilwar.com/bullrun.html

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