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University of Sussex ITE Partnership School Direct Mentor and Professional Tutor Briefing July 8 th and September 3 rd 2014 4.30-6pm. To give you. Clearer idea of how SD will work at Sussex this year and confidence about starting your trainee off
University of Sussex ITE Partnership School Direct Mentor and Professional Tutor Briefing July 8th and September 3rd 2014 4.30-6pm
To give you • Clearer idea of how SD will work at Sussex this year and confidence about starting your trainee off • An understanding of some of the differences and similarities with PGCE • An idea of some key decisions e.g. second school placements and taught course attendance • your trainee off
What is School Direct?…..An opportunity for schools to • Recruit high quality trainee teachers with skills and experience needed by the school ‘grow your own teacher’ • Work in local partnerships managed by a Lead School to request places from the NCTL and to share training opportunities • Make decisions about what kinds of places will suit them and which training providers or universities to work with • Develop their own partnership ‘training character’
School Direct at Sussex; summary of particular features • Fully supported bidding and recruitment process for lead and partner schools • One integrated ITE course with SDs receiving the same training and support as mainstream PGCEs and access to a PGCE qualification (up to 90 M level credits) • Once trainees have started workload for schools largely same as for PGCE – same paperwork and processes • Flexibility on subjects offered and model of second school placement • CPD for mentors and research partner opportunities plus new package for all NQTs in partnership schools
To date our partnership offerswe will consider any subject schools request Primary Early Years Key Stage 1&2 Secondary English Drama Chemistry Physics Biology Science Art and Design Mathematics Classics History Geography Computer Science Economics Psychology MFL PE Music Health &Social care Religious Education DT
School Direct Routes 1. School Direct (Training) - very much like a mainstream PGCE Full time training in school & university resulting in QTS and a Sussex PGCE up to 90 M Level credits. Candidates pay a tuition fee of £9000 (via Student Loan Company) and may be eligible for bursaries, scholarships and student finance. Recruited by school- £3000 per trainee to school Two contrasting placements; one long, one short. After 2-3 week fulltime induction in September 4 days a week in school and Fridays at University until February halfterm alongside PGCEs
School Direct Routes2. School Direct (Salaried) – like GTP Employment based – Trainee on a contract as fulltime unqualified teacher and paid a salary (approx £16K) School pays £3000 training fee to the University plus salary on-costs – but receives an NCTL salary grant of 14k or 19k towards salary costs (subject depending) Also 4/1 split of School and University training Directed at career changers with previous work experience - as teaching timetable can be given from earlier on than other routes best suits those with more school experience – no supernumerary requirement QTS only – but optional access to a Sussex PGCE (PP) for an additional fee.
School Direct Routes3. School Direct (Self Funded) Candidates recruited by the school, employed and paid as fulltime unqualified teachers and have their own timetable over 4 days. Like the School Direct salaried route but without the NCTL salary grant; Schools pay full salary costs plus £3000 tuition fee to university Candidates often existing members of staff Suits independent schools or state schools where there is no allocated place Also 4 day school/1 day university (Fridays)
Same as PGCE • All one ITE course at Sussex with same training entitlement for all SD/PGCE/SD Salaried trainees • Same assessment and paperwork • Very similar training and support provided by the school
Different to PGCE • Recruits through School • Perhaps greater ‘ownership’ of trainees by the school • Opportunities for additional experiences and responsibilities • Shorter second placement • Often know the school already or have at least met key staff • Can attend school on DTS days during university induction
Line Management • SD(S) Subject to contract with school under employment law • All SD - Headteacher as line-manager sets out expectations - should adhere to professional values and culture and ethos of school e.g. time keeping, dress. • Follow all school procedures and policies • Attend Staff + dept meetings, INSET planning and preparation/assessment extra curricular activities
PGCE Pedagogy and Practice for Salaried Trainees Optional Sussex award for those on QTS only SD Salaried Programme – 60 Masters Credits 30 credits Curriculum Assignment 1 & 30 Credits Final Assessment Interview. Fee payable by individual trainee as £3k tuition fee paid by school is for QTS only Supports future progression onto MEd and for teaching in some non EU countries.
Additional Role of Lead School • Bids for places on behalf of schools • Puts course details on UCAS and manages the online applications system • Leads on recruitment establishing partnership processes • Communicates and liaises with schools and university • Manages money coming in from University and NCTL and passes to schools
Role of Placement Schools • Induction (incl trainees already on the staff) • Weekly one hour logged mentor meeting comprising training input, regular review of progress and target setting • Weekly Professional Studies sessions (for some salarieds could be comb of ITT and NQT sessions) • For ‘additional’ Subjects a programme of curriculum studies and pedagogical input devised by school
Role of Placement Schools cont….. • Weekly observations by mentor PT or classteacher (training required where not the mentor) • Arrange second school placement and prepare for it • Day to day support and advice • Access to planning and department meetings, courses, staff meetings, INSET
Role of University • Induction weeks and taught sessions Fridays thereafter , lectures, seminars, workshops, school visits • Partnership tutor visit to school to discuss training and review progress with mentor, PT and trainee • Curriculum subject tutor visit once per placement minimum to observe lessons jointly with mentor
Role of University Cont….. • Telephone/email support • Academic support with assignments • Review tutorial twice per term on campus with tutor • Clear cause for concern procedures (in handbook)
Induction in School • Introducing trainees to school and staff • Highlight change of role • Preparation days before the new term starts – please make sure trainees know when to attend • Can be in school on DST days • DBS and health checks by school for SD(S) • DBS for SD (Training) trainees by end of Induction
Teaching Load (depending on individual experience and confidence) • Initially observe and support, team teach across the department. By mid October(ish) taught at least one lesson. • By October half-term teaching some whole classes (up to 2-3 weekly) • Formal weekly observations begin after halfterm (or before informally) • By Christmas 8 hours weekly whole class teaching (minimum- over 4 days) • Placement 2 (after Feb half term) building to 12 hours (minimum over 4 days)
Salaried Trainees – some principles of best practice • Supernumerary at first like GTP – observe, team teach etc • When timetabling must have at least 3 shared lessons a week to team teach/observe including with mentor • Top load school training into first half of year • Must have a lesson with their mentor for weekly observation • Must be released for Induction 1 & 5th Sept 8-12th Sept and more if possible • Must be released for Fridays
Salaried Trainees cont…. • Consider parallel class model for some lessons particularly in term 1 • Over timetabled and under supported SDS will underachieve at the expense of your students’ progress • Health and safety considerations • All SDS 2014 expressed concerns • Be very clear with trainees about expectations and the route they have chosen before the end of this term
SD Complementary Placement models - Minimum 20 days • 1. Primary style - after Easter for 5 weeks (all primaries go here) • 2. GTP style - for 4, 5 or 6 weeks after spring halfterm • 3. PGCE style – long second placement from Spring halfterm to Summer halfterm • 4. Serial Style – one day a week for 20 days minumum
Complementary School Placement • Experience of another school’s, organisation and ethos plus applying teaching skills in another environment/catchment area • Focus on aspects of teaching/standards not yet covered • School responsible for arranging placement and can seek ‘swops’ – Sussex can advise • Must be ‘complementary’ and give an alternative experience • We will distribute a list of trainees and schools
Training and Support for Schools • Launch day 17th September – training for all Mentors/PTs – flyer in due course. Evening reception optional for SDs and mentors – please liaise with your trainees!! • Course handbooks on Launch day • Mentor Training in January plus briefing meeting for mentors in second schools outside the SD partnership • Please put dates in your diary when you receive your handbook!
Contact us • Sally Dudley School Direct Lead s.e.dudley@sussex.ac.uk • Simon Thompson Director of ITE s.j.thompson@sussex.ac.uk • Jo Tregenza – Primary ITE Lead • j.tregenza@sussex.ac.uk • Sue Pinnick – Partnership Leader • s.a.j.pinnick@sussex.ac.uk • Greg Harris SD Admissions g.harris@sussex.ac.uk