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Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey. Mute witness of English history. Westminster Abbey. History. The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster has its origin in a fisherman who saw a vission of Saint Peter. In the present era, the Fishmongers´ s Company till gives a salmon every year.

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Westminster Abbey

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  1. Westminster Abbey Mute witness of English history

  2. Westminster Abbey. History • The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster has its origin in a fisherman who saw a vission of Saint Peter. In the present era, the Fishmongers´s Company till gives a salmon every year.

  3. Westminster Abbey. History • Between 1042 and 1052 Edward the Confessorrebuilt the Abbey in the Norman Romanesquestyle. When he died, he was buriedthere.

  4. Westminster Abbey. History • When the NormansconqueredEngland, theirduke, William I was crowned in 1066. Sincethen, the English kings and queens are crownedthere.

  5. Westminster Abbey. History • The current church were builtby Henry III in 1245. It was built in a new style, the Anglo-French Gothic. The workscontinueduntil 1517.

  6. Westminster Abbey. History • During the Anglicanreform, Henry VIII asumeddirect royal control of the abbey in 1539 and gave the abbey the status of cathedral. It was a cathedralonlyuntil 1550.

  7. Westminster Abbey. History • The last works were madebetween 1722 and 1745, when the two western towers were builtby Nicholas Hawksmoor.

  8. Westminster Abbey. Today • The abbey has hosted very famous eventslike the funeral and the wedding of Lady Di or the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

  9. Westminster Abbey. Ghosts • Somepeoplesay that in nights, the ghosts of John Bradshaw, a judge of the XVII century and of William of Canterbury, a monk, haunt the Abbey.

  10. Westminster Abbey. Ghosts • The ghost of William of Canterbury’s first apparition was three centuries ago. Someworkers were workingwhe the ghost appeared and started to blessthem.

  11. Westminster Abbey • The abbey is a indispensable landmark to visitifyou go to London so, come in and seeall of it!

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