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How to d istinguish b etween w ild and domestic animals - effects on resulting responsibilities. Kurt Kotrschal Univ.Wien , Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, Wolfsforschungszentrum www.wolfscience.at. Long common h istory of humans with wolves / d ogs.
How to distinguish between wild and domestic animals - effects on resulting responsibilities Kurt Kotrschal Univ.Wien, Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, Wolfsforschungszentrum www.wolfscience.at
Long commonhistoryofhumanswithwolves/dogs Dog typesemerge in SE Asia~ 15 000 yrsago (Pang et al. 2009) HumansimmigratewiththeirdogsintotheAmericas ~ 20 000 yrsago Wolf-dog split Europe, ~ 25 000 yrsago First contacts: Near East? Homo: Out ofAfrica 85 000 yrsago
Howcome? Wolf domestication? Dogs: companions, strayanimals
Wolvesandhumansarebothhighlycooperativewithintheirgroups in .. .. raisingoffspringtogether .. huntingtogether .. scaring off competitorsandfoe .. wagingcruelwarsagainst „others“ (those „not us“) Humansandwolvesaresimilarbybeingthemostradicallysocialandcooperativeanimals .. .. basically, both form caringwarriorsocieties
Howarewolvesrelatedwithdogsanddogswithotherdogs(Parker et al. 2004)?
Howarewolvesrelatedwithdogs anddogs withotherdogs? genetically wolf-likedogs
Howarewolvesrelatedwithdogsanddogswithotherdogs(Parker et al. 2004)? – four genetic groups Wolf-like molosser all therest herding
Domestication - DOMESTICATION= Geneticandphenotypicchangeofspecies due toliving in a human – dominatedenvironment(human-facilitatedselection, mainlyselectionfortameness, Hare et al. 2012) - First split wolf-dog genome ~ 20 000 – 30 000 yrsago in Europe (Thalmann et al. 2013; Friedman et al. 2014)
Domestication - Dog types in SE Asia ~ 16 000 yrsago(Jung Feng et al. 2009) - Major mutationsfromwolftodogmainlyaffectbraindevelopmentanddigestion(Axelson et al. 2013) - Dogs lesscapablethanwolvestocooperateoverhuntingandraisingoftheiryoung(Cafazzo et al. 2011)
Whatwolvesanddogshave in common (WSC summary; Kotrschal 2012; Range & Viranyi 2011, 2013) - Identicalmeansofcommunicating, but depauperate in dogs - Similarsocialdispositionsandneeds, similarbasiccognitiveskills - Highlycooperative, amongthemselves (wolves) andwithhumans (wolvesanddogs)
Howwolvesanddogsdiffer(WSC summary; Kotrschal 2012; Range & Viranyi 2011, 2013) - Wolvesmoreindependent, less will toplease, sociallymorefinetunedthandogs - Dogs betterthanwolves in copingwith human pressureanddemand, muchmorereliable in executingcommands - Wolvesbyfarbetterproblemsolversthandogs .. dogforebrain 30% smallerthanwolf - Dogs bettermotivatedtocooperatewithhumans, different breedswithspecialskillsmuchbetterexpressedthan in wolves (wolvesgeneralists, dogsspecialists)
Summary - Dogs havethelongesthistoryofdomesticationof all animals - Dogs aregenetically, phenotypicallyandbehaviourallydistinctfromwolves - Dogs maybecomeferal, but neverreachthecompetitivenessandsocialskillsofwolves in huntingandcooperativebreeding
Summary - Dogs are NOT tamewildlife - Hence, by all means (Biology, Wildlife Management, Ethics), humansremainforeverresponsibleforindividualsdogsaswellaspopulations, beit human-associated, strayorferal - Attitudestowardsanimalscorrelatewithattitudestopeople – crueltytoanimalsis ALWAYS an indicatorforsocietalproblems(Milan Kundera)..
Thanks www.wolfscience.at