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Session 8 The role of CILT – the National Centre for Languages (Teresa Tinsley)

Session 8 The role of CILT – the National Centre for Languages (Teresa Tinsley).

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Session 8 The role of CILT – the National Centre for Languages (Teresa Tinsley)

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  1. Session 8 The role of CILT – the National Centre for Languages (Teresa Tinsley) • CILT - the National Centre for languages has counterparts in Scotland, Wales, and the Northern Ireland. Together with its network of 16 ‘Comenius’ regional centres in England, it promotes professional development, in-service training and research in MFL, produces an extensive range of publications, offers an information service for business and education, and access to a specialist reference library. • Teresa Tinsley, Assistant Director (Communications) illustrates how CILT supports language education and national capability in languages and its role in implementing various national initiatives on behalf of the DfES and other bodies.

  2. CILT, the National Centre for Languages Promoting a greater national capability in languages

  3. Background • Established in 1966 • Registered charity supported by • Central Government grants • income generated by programme activities • funds received for specific projects • CILT’s main objectives • to support and develop multilingualism and intercultural competence in all sectors of the population

  4. CILT > the network • A unique UK national resource • CILT (London); SCILT (Stirling); NICILT (Belfast); CILT Cymru (Cardiff with Bangor and Aberystwyth) • (Regional) Language Networks • The Comenius network • Wide range of partnerships

  5. What do we do? • Promoting languages • Teacher training and professional development • Support for innovation • Business skills and services • Information provision and library • Regional support • Publications • Further information at www.cilt.org.uk

  6. National initiatives • Support for implementing the National Languages Strategy in primary schools (NACELL) • Teacher recruitment and retention • Language Colleges • Promoting languages for business and employment in the regions • Developing work-related language learning

  7. Other key activities • Careers information (Languages Work) • CLIP (Content and Language Integrated Teaching Pilot) • Database of Research in Modern Languages • European Awards for Languages • European Day of Languages • European Language Portfolio • Business Language Champions • Linguanet Europa

  8. www.cilt.org.uk Plus … • Standards and accreditation • On-line services • Community languages • Higher Education Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies

  9. www.blis.org.uk BLIS Services • BLIS Courses – database of UK language courses supported by learndirect • BLIS Jobs – the job site for people with languages • BLIS Professionals – free database of translators, interpreters, cultural consultants and language trainers • BLIS Facilities – directory of facilities to help with all your international communication needs

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