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The letter G. GB. Gallbladder Attached to the liver, where bile is stored. GDM. Gestational diabetes mellitus A disorder, the body does not produce or properly use insulin. GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease Stomach and esophagus disease. GI. Gastrointestinal
GB Gallbladder Attached to the liver, where bile is stored
GDM • Gestational diabetes mellitus • A disorder, the body does not produce or properly use insulin.
GERD • Gastroesophageal reflux disease • Stomach and esophagus disease
GI • Gastrointestinal • Referring to the stomach and intestines
gm • Gram a matter of measurement
gr • Grain A small particle
GSW Gun shot wound Wound by a gun
gtts Drops Administration by liquid droplets
GU Genitourinary Referring to the genitalia and urinary system
GYN; gyn Gynecology The study of the female reproductive system
h/hr hour One of the 24 divisions of the day
H & P • history and physical • Part of the patient assessment process
HA • Headache • Pain in the head
HASHD • Hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease • High blood pressure disease with hardening of the arteries
HBP • High blood pressure • hypertension; a condition in which there is higher than normal pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.
HBV • Hepatitis B virus • The more severe form of hepatitis, transmitted by blood and sexual contact
HCG/hCG • Human chorionic gonadotropin • A hormone produced by a pregnant mother at the time of implantation
HCO3 • Bicarbonate an acid carbonate; sodium bicarbonate.
Hct, hct • Hematocrit • a way of determining a persons complete blood count • A measurement tool
HCVD • Hypertensive cardiovascular disease • High blood pressure; pressure on the heart and vessels.
Sources • Unless otherwise stated, all pictures are from Microsoft Clip Art.