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Universal Precautions. Health Services Department. Why You H ave T his T raining.
Universal Precautions Health Services Department
Why You Have This Training • California Education Code Section 51935 - 51936 requires that schools provide annual training to all teachers and school employees to help them deal effectively with the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. • CAL-OSHA – Blood borne Pathogens Standard (8-CCR-5193) • California Health and Safety Codes, Sections 120875 and 120880
Presentation Overview The content for “Standard/Universal Precautions to Meet OSHA Guidelines” should include: • Hand washing • Use of disposable gloves • Waste disposal • Modifications for CPR & first aid involving contact with blood • Use of disinfectants • Steps to follow in case of exposure
What are Universal Precautions? “Universal Precautions” are the act of protecting yourself from coming in contact with another person's bloodborne pathogens or bodily fluids,which can be spread either directly or indirectly. Pathogens can enter the body through: • Breaks in the skin (tattoos, piercings, razors, needles) • Eyes • Mouth • Sexual transmission
What are Bloodborne Pathogens? Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood and some other bodily secretions that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B (HBV), and hepatitis C (HCV). http://scienceray.com/biology/microorganisms-and-its-effects-on-our-lives/
Bodily Fluids Bodily fluids that can be infectious include: • Blood • Feces • Urine • Vomit • Respiratory secretion (nasal discharge) • Wound drainage from scrapes and cuts • Semen • Vaginal secretions
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) • An infectious agent that invades and disables a person’s immune system. • Infection is through HIV‑infected blood , infectious body fluids such as semen and vaginal fluid, or injection drug use (sharing of contaminated syringes) • There is no cure for HIV infection. • Many people who are HIV-positive do not have any symptoms of HIV infection for many years
Symptoms Most of the symptoms and illnesses of HIV disease come from opportunistic infections that attack the immune system (flu, respiratory or gastrointestinal infections) • Fever • Chills • Rash • Night sweats • Muscle aches • Sore throat • Fatigue • Swollen lymph nodes • Ulcers in the mouth
Community Resources California HIV/AIDS Hotline 1-800-367-2437 CDC National HIV/AIDS Hotline 1-800-342-2437 English 1-800-344-7432 Spanish Free HIV and STD testing CARES 916.914.6305 1500 21st St. (near O Street) Sacramento, CA 95811 http://www.caresclinic.org/
Hepatitis B and C • Serious diseases caused by a virus that attacks the liver that can cause cirrhosis (scarring), liver cancer, liver failure, and death • Infection is through infected blood, sexual contact, sharing needles, syringes, drug-injection equipment, unsterile equipment, razors or toothbrushes. The virus can live on surfaces for several weeks. • A vaccine is available to prevent infection of Hepatitis B. • There is no vaccine for HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis C. • Both Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can remain dormant and asymptomatic for many years in your body.
Symptoms Symptoms of acute Hepatitis B, if they appear, can include: • Fever • Fatigue • Loss of appetite • Nausea • Vomiting • Abdominal pain • Dark urine • Clay-colored bowel movements • Joint pain • Jaundice (yellow color in the skin or the eyes)
Resources Additional information about HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis can be found at: • http://www.cdph.ca.gov/Pages/DEFAULT.aspx • http://www.cdc.gov
Preventing Transmission • Thorough hand-washing is the single most important factor in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. • All staff members and students should wash hands regularly
When To Wash • Before and after administering first aid • After removing disposable gloves • Before preparing food, before and after eating • After using the restroom • When hands are visibly dirty or after contact with contaminated body fluids (blood, saliva, vomit, feces, urine, semen, menstrual flow, wound drainage/dressings, nasal discharge, etc.) • After touching or caring for students, especially those with nose, mouth or other discharges
Handwashing OSHA recommends the following steps: • Wet hands with warm running water and apply soap from a dispenser. • Scrub hands for a minimum of 15 seconds, paying special attention to fingertips and nails • Rinse well under running water with water draining from wrist to fingertips. • Leave water running. • Dry hands with a paper towel and then turn off the water with paper towel.
Gloves WEAR disposable single-use gloves whenever you: • Anticipate contact with blood or other body fluids • Touch any body fluids, particularly blood • Examine the mouth or assist with dental care • Come in physical contact with anyone who has open cuts, lesions, etc. • Handle emergencies and regular care Gloves should be standard components of first-aid supplies and readily accessible for all
Gloves When should gloves be changed? OSHA recommends replacement of disposable gloves as soon as practical after they have become contaminated, or as soon as feasible if they are torn, punctured, or their ability to function as a barrier is compromised. Hands must be washed after the removal of gloves.
CPR and First Aid Modifications • Wear disposable gloves to avoid direct contact with skin and bodily fluids • Wash hands immediately after contact with injured person and removal of gloves • Use a CPR device that prevents backflow of fluids from victims mouth
Cleanup and Disposal of Soiled Materials • Wear disposable gloves or reusable utility gloves • Place all soiled materials into containers or bags marked biohazard, according to the American Red Cross • Place all needles or sharp objects in special puncture-proof containers • Use EPA-registered disinfectants according to the manufacture’s instructions
SCUSD Exposure Control Plan What should I do if exposed to body fluids (e.g. needlestick, splash, human bite, or human scratch)? • Clean injury with soap and water immediately; however, clean only with water on mucous membranes (eyes and mouth). • Notify your supervisor right away. Complete incident report. • Obtain any needed medical treatments, which may include vaccinations.
References • http://www.cdph.ca.gov/Pages/DEFAULT.aspx • http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/bloodbornepathogens/index.html • http://www.osha.gov • http://www.cdc.gov • Last Updated 9/2/12