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周大福公司简介. 关于周大福集团有限公司 周大福珠宝集团有限公司是中国内地及港澳的领先珠宝商 , 并于 2011 年在香港联合交易所主板上市。本集团专注于主流珠宝及名贵珠宝产品 , 包括珠宝镶嵌首饰、黄金产品、铂金 ╱K 金产品以及钟表。 本集团标志性品牌「周大福」及 80 多年辉煌经营历史 是 其业务的关键竞争优势 , 「周大福」是信誉及 其货真价实 的象征 , 其产品则以设计、质量及价值闻名。
周大福公司简介 关于周大福集团有限公司 周大福珠宝集团有限公司是中国内地及港澳的领先珠宝商,并于2011年在香港联合交易所主板上市。本集团专注于主流珠宝及名贵珠宝产品,包括珠宝镶嵌首饰、黄金产品、铂金╱K金产品以及钟表。 本集团标志性品牌「周大福」及80多年辉煌经营历史是其业务的关键竞争优势,「周大福」是信誉及其货真价实的象征,其产品则以设计、质量及价值闻名。 周大福拥有广泛的零售网络,其于大中华区、新加坡与马来西亚的零售点合共逾1,600个。集团建立出一套全面的垂直整合经营的业务模式,使集团对整体业务作出有效和谨慎的监控,范围涉及原材料采购、设计、生产、市场推广以及通过庞大的零售网络进行销售。 About Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited is a leading jeweller in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. The Company was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 2011. Its principal products are mass luxury and high-end luxury jewellery products including gem-set jewellery, gold products, platinum/karat gold products and watches. The Group’s iconic brand “Chow Tai Fook” and long-standing history of over 80 years of operations represent key competitive advantages of its business. The Chow Tai Fook brand is recognised for its trustworthiness and authenticity, and its products are known for their design, quality and value. The Group has an extensive retail network, with over 1,600 points of sale in Greater China, Singapore and Malaysia. It also has an ecommerce presence. The Group has a sophisticated vertically integrated business model that gives it effective and tight control over its processes from raw material procurement to design, production, marketing and sales through its extensive retail network.