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Estimating Human Body Configurations using Shape Context Matching

Estimating Human Body Configurations using Shape Context Matching. Greg Mori and Jitendra Malik. Problem. Approach: Exemplar-based Matching. Set of stored exemplars with hand-labeled keypoints Obtain sample points Deformable matching to exemplars:

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Estimating Human Body Configurations using Shape Context Matching

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  1. Estimating Human Body Configurations using Shape Context Matching Greg Mori and Jitendra Malik

  2. Problem

  3. Approach: Exemplar-based Matching • Set of stored exemplars with hand-labeled keypoints • Obtain sample points • Deformable matching to exemplars: • Shape context matching to get correspondences • Kinematic chain deformation model • Estimate 3D body configuration

  4. Comparing Pointsets

  5. Shape Context Count the number of points inside each bin, e.g.: Count = 4 ... Count = 10 • Compact representation of distribution of points relative to each point

  6. Shape Context

  7. Comparing Shape Contexts Compute matching costs using Chi Squared distance: Recover correspondences by solving linear assignment problem with costs Cij [Jonker & Volgenant 1987]

  8. Deformable Matching • Kinematic chain-based deformation model • Use iterations of correspondence and deformation • Keypoints on exemplars are deformed to locations on query image

  9. Problem

  10. Estimate 3D Body Configuration [Taylor ’00] • Known: • Relative lengths of body segments • (x,y) Image locations of keypoints • “closer endpoint” labels for each segment • Scaled orthographic camera model • Solve for 3D locations of keypoints up to some scale factor • Scale factor can be estimated automatically

  11. Solving for Foreshortening

  12. Choosing Scale

  13. Results

  14. Multiple Exemplars • Parts-based approach • Use a combination of keypoints/whole limbs from different exemplars • Reduces the number of exemplars needed • Compute a matching cost for each limb from every exemplar • Compute pairwise “consistency” costs for neighbouring limbs • Use dynamic programming to find best K configurations

  15. Parts-based Approach

  16. Tracking by Repeated Finding

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