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Higgs Physics at the Large Hadron Collider. Markus Schumacher , Bonn University 19th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Oct. 6th to 11th, 2003. Discovery Potential in the SM
Higgs Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Markus Schumacher , Bonn University 19th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Oct. 6th to 11th, 2003 • Discovery Potential in the SM • Investigations of the Higgs Boson Profile • Discovery Potential in the MSSM • MSSM versus SM (a first look) ?? • Invisible Higgs
bb WW ZZ tt cc tt gg gg Production and Decay of the SM Higgs Boson at LHC K>1.7 K~1.2 K~1.1 K~1.3 Having available four production mechanisms and observing several decay modes is the key for investigations of the Higgs boson profile HDECAY: Djouadi, Spira et al. Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Discovery Potential 2001 + Main Channels heavy Higgs boson M>2MZ Status 2001 • GF: HZZ4l, • WBF: qqqqH with HZZllnn HZZlljj HWWlnjj Require forward jet tagging light Higgs boson M<2MZ: gluon fusion GF with: H gg, H ZZ 4l H WW lnln associated production: tth, Hbb 2001: 10fb-1 from both experiments for discovery of small mass Higgs New: weak boson fusion WBF qqqqH with Htt and HWW Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Detectors optimised for low mass Higgs discovery • pixel vertex and strip track detectors b and t tagging (Htt, bb) • homogenous calorimeters to large h ~ 5 e/g measurement (Hgg, H4 leptons) forward jet tagging (VBF), missing energy (Htt, Hinvisible) • complex myon spectrometers m momentum accuracy and efficient trigger (HZZ4 leptons, A/Hmm) euds = 0.005 • key performance numbers obtained from full GEANT simulation mass resolutions, b+ t tagging efficiencies and rejection factors forward jet tagging, trigger efficiencies, PID,…. • current LHC schedule: start 2007 • > 10 fb-1 / yr at low luminosity (few 1033cm-2s-1) running • later 100 fb-1 /year at high luminosity (1034cm-2s-1) running Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Gluon Fusion: H gg and HZZ4 leptons H gg:Inclusive analysis: two high Ptg 100 fb-1 MH=130GeV • Cross sections under control (MH=120 GeV): • =20 pb (LO), 38pb (NLO), 44pb (NNLO) • (Ravindran et al., Harlander et al.) K=1.6 Irreducible BG dominant, estimate from sidebands Events / GeV Born S/BG ~ 1/20 NLO MC for signal + irreducible BG available (Binoth et al., Bern et al.): Preliminary ATLAS study: S/B from 4 to ~6 for 30 fb-1,M= 120 GeV sM: ~1GeV HZZ4 leptons: • 4 high pt leptons • narrow mass peak, very small background • irreducible BG: ZZ reducible BG: tt, Zbb • rejection via lepton isolation and b-veto ATLAS: preliminary study with NLO-MC indicates increase of significance by ~25% Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
sM ~ 15 GeV L = 30 fb-1 k = 1.5 ttH, Hbb signal: bqq bln bb lepton for trigger background processes: reducible tt+jets,W+jets (1/3) irreducible: ttbb (2/3 in ATLAS study) Selection: 4 b jets + 1 lepton full reconstruction of ttH final state b-tagging and jet energy performance crucial ! K=1.5 (signal, ttZbb): S/Ö B = 5.3 K=1 for all processes: S/Ö B = 3.8 For L = 30 fb-1 and MH = 115 GeV CMS: K=1.2 for QCD-Scale=(Mt+MH/2)(Beenakker et al., Dawson et al.) ATLAS: TDR: S/Ö B = 3.6for MH=120 GeV, L = 30 fb-1, K=1 New analysis: S/Ö B = 2.8 ttbb from AcerMC, new PDF, new QCD-scale Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Weak Boson Fusion Channels Higgs Decay Forward tagging jets Jet f h Jet Proposed by Rainwater, Zeppenfeld et al. • Strong discovery potential for low MH • Allows to measure Higgs couplings • Good for invisible decays Two forward tagging jets at large h, large Dh + little central detector activity Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Central Forward Experimental Issues Careful investigation of jet tagging with full simulation Forward jet reconstruction jet-veto fake rate due to pile up ATLAS Low Lumi ATLAS High Lumi pT>20GeV Low Lumi • Channels considered: • all by ATLAS, red by CMS • HWWllnn and lnjj • Httllnnnnlnnhad • Hgg • Only low lumi running investigated so far Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Weak Boson Fusion: HWW Cross section: 500 to 2000 fb for MH = 120 to 190 GeV Dominant backgrounds • tt WWjj, W + 4 jets Selection: tag jets with rapididty gap, central jet veto, b-jet veto, mjj, lepton angles (Spin 01), transverse mass (llETmiss) 60 fb-1 significance > 5 for 10 fb-1 and MH=135 to 190 GeV (WWllnn and lnjj, incl. DBG = 10%) 10 fb-1 WWe MH=160 GeV CMS ATLAS Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Weak Boson Fusion: HWW ATLAS mT(lln) with (left) and w/o (right) lepton cuts background estimation at level of 10% from data + shape from MC Transverse mass Signal Region Outside Signal Region • Evidence for Spin 0 • in H->WW->ll mode between leptons W from H opposite spins leptons same direction • + add. BG normalisation MT<175 GeV MT>175 GeV Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Weak Boson Fusion: Htt Cross section: 300 to 64 fb for MH = 120 to 150 GeV Dominant backgrounds: Zjj, Wjj EW&QCD tt production Selection: VBF cuts as for WW + reconstruction of t and Mtt F: angle between tagging jets Plehn et al. Sensitive to CP structure of couplings Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Weak Boson Fusion: Htt Mass can be reconstructed in collinear approximation xt =momentum fraction carried by tau decay products 30 fb-1 sM = 11 to 12 GeV Htt Wjj ATLAS • significance > 5 for 30 fb-1 and • MH=110 to 140 GeV (tt em, tt ll , tt lhad) • background estimate: ~10% • for MH>125 GeV from side bands • for MH>125 GeV from normalisation of Ztt peak Httem 30 fb-1 Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
SM Higgs: Discovery potential incl. VBF • VBF channels largely increase discovery potential for low mass region • 10fb-1 at one experiment sufficient for discovery • several channels observable over full mass range robust discovery and coupling dtermination • Future work on VBF channels: • high lumi running performance • mass measurement • reinvestigate potential with NLO-MC (not yet avaiable) improved matching ME to parton shower Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Higgs Boson Mass • Direct where Higgs mass can be reconstructed: HggHbbHZZ4l • “Indirect”from Likelihoodfit to transverse mass spectrum: HWWlnln WHWWWlnlnln • Uncertainties considered: i) statistical ii) absolute energy scale 0.1% (goal: 0.02%) for l,g 1% for jets iii) 5% on BG and signal rates for HWW channels ATLAS • No theoretical errors considered: • Effect of PDF <<10 MeV • Large MH, shift in position due to interference of Higgs signal and non resonant background DM/M: 0.1% to 1% VBF with Htt or WW not studied yet ! Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
f- angle between decay planes in the rest frame of the Higgs boson q - angle between leptons and the momentum of the Z in the rest frame of the Z (Gottfried Jackson angle). Spin and CP Quantum Numbers • observation of Hgg or ggH rules out Spin=1(Young theorem) • sensitivity through polarisation correlations of Higgs decay products one possibility HZZ4 leptons Higgs rest frame SN-ATLAS-2003-025 Sensitive observables investigated: Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Theoretical prediction Spin and CP Quantum Numbers • Exp. Results after L=100fb-1 After background subtraction : for MH>250 GeV clear discrimination between Spin = 0 or 1 and CP even or odd MH<250 GeV: only dicrimination between SM-Higgs and S=0, CP=-1 Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Spin and CP Quantum Numbers q f Discrimination dominated by q (polarisqation) especially for larger masses q For MH>250 clear discrimination between Spin = 0 and 1 CP = even or odd f q f • discrimination of CP via tth(A) production under study ! Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Higgs Couplings to Bosons Uncertainties on rates: statistics, 2% efficieny, 10% luminosity, 5% background Couplings to bosons W and Z 1) direct: 2) indirect: GW = a Gg Da/a = 10% 3) indirect: Assuming uncertainties of 20% gluon fusion, 5% VBF Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Coupling to Fermions and Gtot Direct: VBF Indirect: e.g. • Assume: (Zeppenfeld et al.) • SU(2) relation for GW/GZ • Gb/Gt = 3c(mb/mt )2 • Gtot =G(detectable)+e e<<1 (in SM mainly Hcc) indirect determinationof Gtot Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Coupling Determination: New Study Analysis used in this study (ATLAS) ttH with Htt also avaiable, but not yet included for VBF channels only int. luminosity of 30 fb-1 assumed Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Parameter Determination: 4 Scenarios • CP-even, Spin=0 (several mass degenerate states fine) measurement of rates • only one Higgs boson measurement of ratios of branching ratios = measurement of ratios of partial decay widths • only dominant SM couplings are present, no extra particles or strong couplings to light fermions measurement of ratios of couplings and lower limit on total width from visible decays • visible decays ~ visible decays in SM measurement of absolute couplings and total decay width Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
CP even Spin 0: Measurement of Rates Simultaneous global likelihood fit of signal rates sxBR in all channels to number of selected events • Takes into account: • cross talk between channels (e.g. GF events selected in VBF analysis) • statistical fluctuations • detector effects: uncertainties of lumi measurement , efficiencies for tau, b-, forward jet tagging, g and electron reconstruction • background estimates: sidebands + shape + theoretical prediction • uncertainties to signal rate from PDFs and QCD corrections Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
1 Higgs Boson: Ratio of Partial Widths fit parameters: All rates can be expressed by above parameters H WW chosen as reference as best measured for MH>120 GeV Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Ratio of Couplings assumptions: only SM particles couple to Higgs boson no large couplings of light fermions fit parameters: Fix scale as GH not measurable Production cross sections a from theory with assumed uncertainty Da b loop neglected for now in ggH Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Ratio of Couplings Branching ratios Db=1% Rate as function of xi, e.g. Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Top Quark Yukawa Coupling: effect of b-loop Effect of b loop: ~5% in SM + t b For MH<150 GeV b-coupling determined from ttH,Hbb For larger MH, b coupling only via GF effects top coupling determination 1) Limit b coupling to less that 10 (50) x SM value 2) No b-loop determination only via ttH, HWW Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Total Decay Width GH for MH200 GeV, Gtot>1GeV direct measurement from mass peak in ZZ4 leptons Below 200 GeV: indirect split into and lower limit on GH Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Absolute Coupling Measurement + GH Assume: sum of visible BRs have SM value detectable ZZ, WW ttbb gg only detectable ZZ, WW Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
MSSM: Heavy Higgs Bosons H,A,H+- • Neutral: H and A • Main discovery decay modes: • H/Amm and H/Att • enhanced with tan b • Production: direct gg->H/A and associated ggbbH/A • MA>300, tanb>10: >90% from ass. NLO-MC needed for more sophisticated studies! • Charged: H+- H+-tnand H+-tb for MH>Mt Decay modes: Production: • MH<Mt: top pair production with decay tb H+- • 2) gbt H+- gg(qq)tbH+- qqH+- Transistion region around mt not studied yet (now in HERWIG) M. Guchait a. S. Moretti, T.Plehn 2 to 2 2 to 3 Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
CMS 30fb-1 H/A mm and tt H/Amm require two m and 1 or 2 b-tagged jets CMS:20fb-1 tanb=30 M=130 GeV • good mm mass resolution ~1% might allow • to disentangle A,H for specific scenarios (e.g. intense coupling scenario) • determine total width of A which may be a few to 10 GeV Mmm(GEV) H/A tt Low mass <~ 400: tt lep. nn lep. n n tt lep. n n had. n Tau ID and missing E resolution crucial ATLAS 30fb-1 Large mass >~400: tt had. n had. n larger rate, trigger on hard tau jets Eff.(LV1TR)= 80% =95% offline selected events Tau ID: Eff(tau)=55% Rejection(QCD)=2500 Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Discovery Potential for H and A • intermediate tanb region not coverable by SM decay modes • consider SUSY decays of H/A or H/A in SUSY decay decades (proposed e.g. by Djouadi et al.) e.g. A,H c 2 c 2 4 leptons + Emiss 0 0 CMS L=100 fb-1 isolation + Z veto SM BG veto nr. and energies of jets, limit on EmissSUSY-BG signal discovery potential depends on SUSY parameters: BR, M signal and BG BG: SM+SUSY Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
300 fb-1 5s contours Higgs Decays to Gauginos CMS: Specific set M1=60 GeV M2=120/180 GeV M=-500GeV Ml=250GeV Mq,g=1TeV ATLAS: Scan in mSUGRA M1/2= 100 to 300 GeV M = 50,100,150,200 GeV Sign(m)=+ Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Masses and tanb from neutral Higgs bosons Error on masses Dm/m = 0.1 to few % VBF h/Htt not studied yet ATLAS TDR Error on tan b Dtanb/tanb = 15 to 5 % from rates of H/Amm,tt Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
MH<mt: tt, tbH+- ,H+- tn BR (H±) 100 % for mH<mtop • Leptonic channel (ATLAS and CMS): tH+b; H+; hadr. + t bW bln Look for an excess of leptons over SM predictions • Hadronic channel (ATLAS): tH+b; H+; hadr. + tbWbqq Transverse mass (t jet, Emiss) can be used for mass measurement in likelihood fit: ATLAS 10 fb-1 t Mgen=127.0 GeV Mrec=128.4±1.0 (stat) GeV but error dominated by systematics (~4 GeV) energy scale, background shape,.... Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
MH>mt: gbtH+-H+-tn and H+-tb tt background t -> p+n rT ,a1T rL rL ,a1L Signal H+; hadr. t bW bqq • determine MT(t jet, ETmiss) CMS L= 30 fb-1 • reconstruct had. top decay and taujet • use spin corr. in decay (spin 1 versus spin 0) Pp/E(t-jet) CMS L= 30 fb-1 H+tb t bW blnqq large background (tt+jets) reconstruct tops and Higgs MH Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Discovery Potential for Charged Higgs Boson ATLAS, 30fb-1 Hadronic channelanalysis closes „hole“ at tanb~7 (2) Further studies (proposed by Moretti et al) 1) correct handle of 2 to 3 process transition 2) ggtbHtbtbblnbqq for high mass region 3) investigate decay modes in SUSY particles (3) (1) CMS: gbtH+, H 2,30 1,2 3l+ETmiss • M2 = 210 GeV, • = 135 GeV, Msleptons = 110 GeV, Msquark, gluino = 1TeV Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Masses and tanb from charged Higgs bosons DM/M ATLAS study Dtanb/tanb tb tn tn From transverse mass in Htn case. From invariant mass in Htb case. Precision dominated by statistics. Systematics: bg rate and shape, energy scale. sxBR ~ tan2 b for large tanb Precision limited by uncertainties in luminosity and systematics. Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Updated MSSM Scan (ATLAS) • New calculations for masses and branching ratios (Feynhiggs1.3, Heinemeyer et al., HDECAY3.0, Spira et al.) • New channels added, in particular VBF channels • New benchmark scenarios considered (proposed by Carena et al.) • Influence mainly phenomenology of light Higgs boson h • MHMAX scenario(MSUSY=1 TeV ) maximal theoretically allowed region for mh • Nomixing scenario (now MSUSY= 2 TeV, 1TeV almost excluded by LEP ) • small mh difficult for LHC • Gluophobic scenario(MSUSY=350GeV) • coupling to gluons suppressed (cancellation of top + stop loops) • small rate for gluon gluon H, Hggand Z4 leptons • Small a scenario(MSUSY = 800 GeV) coupling to b (and t) suppressed (cancellation of sbottom, gluino loops) for large tanb and MA 100 to 500 GeV Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
VBF, Higgstt: No Lose in MSSM Parton level study by Plehn, Rainwater, Zeppenfeld Maximal Mixing Scenario ,MSUSY=1TeV (for Mh/H>100 GeV) No lose in MSSM with 40 fb-1 ATLAS: MHMAX scenario ATLAS: (for Mh/H>110 GeV) htt, Htt MHMAX Scenario, MSUSY=1TeV Area not excluded by LEP covered with 30 fb-1 htt Htt Other benchmark scenarios not yet checked Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Mass of the light Higgs boson h 130GeV<Mh 120<Mh<130GeV 110<Mh<120GeV 100<Mh<110GeV 90<Mh<100GeV Mh<90GeV Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Light Higgs boson h: 30 fb -1 bbhmm VBF, htt VBF,htt+WW tthbb Excluded by LEP WWhlnbb VBF,hWW combined VBF channels cover large part of MSSM plane Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Light Higgs boson h: 10 fb -1 Almost no individual channel observable need combination of all channels 5s discovery 3s observation Excluded by LEP 5s discovery 3s observation Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Light Higgs boson h: 300 fb-1 For high lumi.: A: hgg B: tthbb C: hZZ4lcontribute Excluded by LEP All three A and B A and C only B bbhmm Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
h: Number of observable final states 300 fb-1 1 channel 2 channels 3 channels 4 channels Excluded by LEP 5 channels several channels observable allows parameter determination Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
How many can be seen: h,H,A,H+- ? MHMAX scenario 300 fb-1 1 boson h,H,A,H+- 2 bosons 3 bosons All 4 bosons h,H,A h only No holes ! Complete plane covered h,H,A Excluded by LEP (also in other 3 benchmark scenarios) Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Only h seen: is it the SM or the MSSM ? MHMAX scenario, 300fb-1 First preliminary look From VBF (30fb-1) > 1 Higgs boson BR(htt) BR(hWW) R = D=(RMSSM-RSM)/sexp only h D>1 • > 2 Only statistical error Excluded by LEP >1 Higgs boson 5s 3s 2s Future work: apply coupling measurement study to MSSM How far SM vs MSSM discrimination in „wegde area“ ? Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Jet Jet Invisible Decays of the Higgs VBF most promising process !! Trigger on forward jets + missing ET CMS fine ! (eff.>95%) ATLAS: cal. trigger only up to h<3.2 so far studies in progress ! going to h<4.9 increase significance by factor 2.5 • Selection: • 1) VBF cuts: forward jet tagging central jet-veto, Mjj • 2) lepton veto, ptmiss • 3) Dfjj <1 ATLAS MH=130GeV Background estimate from qqZ(W) with Zll (Wln) to level of 3% Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Sensitivity to Invisible Decays of Higgs • Difference due to survival probability of jet veto • CMS: parametrisations by Zeppenfeld et al. • ATLAS: cuts on PYTHIAMC • Both include 3% uncertainty on background estimation • w/o syst uncertainty sensitivity increased by factor 2 • ATLAS: • preliminary investigations of • tthblnbqq inv. + Zhll inv ATLAS Sensitivity lower by 1/3 to 1/6 Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Conclusions and Outlook • Very good SM and MSSM discovery potential in first years increased significantly by VBF channels light Higgs boson can be observed in several channels • Progress on coupling measurement also driven by VBF channels might be useful for discrimination between SM and MSSM • Sensitivity of LHC for invisible Higgs decays shown • Continue and reinvestigate channel studies with full simulation, NLO calculations, high luminosity scenario (e.g. potential of VBF, mass measurements) need NLC MC (e.e. bbA/H), matching ME to parton shower • Consider new Higgs scenarios MSSM with CP violation, NMSSM, Little Higgs (work started) • Improve and use coupling measurement to discriminate SM Higgs sector from ist extensions Markus Schumacher, Bonn University Higgs Physics at LHC WIN03 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin