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THIS. IS. Jeopardy. Your. With. Host. Mr. Oswald. Jeopardy. 15.3. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 15.1. 15.2. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THIS IS Jeopardy

  2. Your With Host... Mr. Oswald

  3. Jeopardy 15.3 14.1 14.2 14.3 15.1 15.2 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. This is the economic and political domination of a stronger nation over another nation. A 100

  5. What is imperialism? A 100

  6. In this type of colony, the imperial power allows the local rulers to stay in control and protect against local rebellion, but the imperial power is still “pulling the strings”. A 200

  7. What is a protectorate? A 200

  8. This philosophy refers to the idea that English speaking nations are superior. A 300

  9. Who is Anglo-Saxonism? A 300

  10. This crop played a large role in America’s annexation of Hawaii in the 1890s. A 400

  11. What is sugar? A 400

  12. The Commercial Bureau of the American Republics is now known as this. A 500

  13. What is the Organization of American States? A 500

  14. The Spanish-American War was really a conflict over this area. B 100

  15. What is Cuba? B 100

  16. America attacked the Spanish fleet here so it could not sail east and attack the U.S. B 200

  17. What is the Phillipines? B 200

  18. This Amendment set out the guidelines for what would happen to Cuba after the war ended. B 300

  19. What is the Platt Amendment? B 300

  20. This Act established the relationship between the U.S. and Puerto Rico after the war ended. B 400

  21. What is the Foraker Act? B 400

  22. This treaty, signed in this decade, ended the war. B 500

  23. What is the Treaty of Paris in 1898? B 500

  24. Secretary of State John Hay was the architect of this policy to ensure American access to the Chinese market. C 100

  25. What is the Open Door Policy? C 100

  26. Roosevelt received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for negotiating an end to a war between these two nations. C 200

  27. What are Russia and Japan? C 200

  28. In building the Panama Canal the U.S. had to figure out how to convince this country to allow it to build in the first place. C 300

  29. What is Colombia? C 300


  31. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated this. C 400

  32. What is that the United States would intervene in Latin America if necessary in order to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere? C 400

  33. Wilson detested this man, which is a major reason he refused to recognize the new Mexican government established by this man in 1913. C 500

  34. Who is Victoriano Huerta? C 500

  35. Progressivism was partially a reaction against this economic philosophy. D 100

  36. What is laissez-faire? D 100

  37. These journalists investigated social conditions and political corruption. D 200

  38. Who are muckrakers? D 200

  39. This state became a laboratory of democracy, largely as a result of the work and ideas of governor La Follette. D 300

  40. What is Wisconsin? D 300

  41. This allows voters to vote on proposed laws directly without going to the legislature. D 400

  42. What is a referendum? D 400

  43. These two women played a major role in the suffrage movement, which ended with women getting the right to vote with the passage of this amendment. D 500

  44. Who are Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and the 19th amendment? D 500

  45. He wrote The Jungle. E 100

  46. Who is Upton Sinclair? E 100

  47. In the Coal Strike of 1902 Teddy Roosevelt encouraged both sides to accept this type of settlement offered by an outside part since he believed both sides were hurting the nation by pursuing only their own interests. E 200

  48. What is arbitration? E 200

  49. This Act, passed in 1906, prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure or falsely labeled food and drugs. E 300

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