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T O T A L - Q U A L I T Y - M G T. بسم اللــــــــــــــــــــــــــه الرحمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــن الرحيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــم. P R E S E N T A T I O N A B O U T :. GURUS. In Q U A L I T Y MANAGEMENT …. GURUS. P R E S E N T E D BY : .
T O T A L - Q U A L I T Y - M G T بسم اللــــــــــــــــــــــــــه الرحمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــن الرحيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــم P R E S E N T A T I O N A B O U T : GURUS In Q U A L I T Y MANAGEMENT ….. GURUS P R E S E N T E D BY : A H /\/\ E D - KH. EL-RYAT! 1 2 0 0 6 - 1 4 0 4 1 2 0 0 5 - I B R A H E /\/\ SKA!K S U P E R V I S I O N B Y : E. B A S E L Q A N D E E L In Q U A L I T Y MANAGEMENT …..
The major eight participants in assessing (TQM) which strongly influenced by a number of gurus are : • Four main gurus are : • 1- Deming . • 2- Juran . • 3- Crosby . • 4- feigenbaum. • Other main gurus are : • 1- ISHIKAWA . • 2- Garvin . • 3- shingo . • 4- taguchi . • We never can consider neither one of those 8 gurus nor all of them who only contribute in developing the comprehensive knowledge of (TQM) . • Despite there are 8 gurus in asse3ssing (TQM) there are differences in their opinions . • So we can select the best fitness to our need in our organization.
1- Deming : -Dr . W Edward Deming , USA , 1900 . -Get his A bachelor's degree, MBA , PHD , in USA in physics and Mathis. -Get his first employment chance in an electricity company in Chicago. -He taught physics , Mathis , statistics , and quality in Japan . -Deming is the revered figure ( father ) of quality management . -He guide the statistical revolution in (QM) depending on SHEWART studies in (SPC). -SHEWART : the first person who evolve the statistical diagramming systems of (SPC) of quality in (WW2). -DEMING focus in five ideas : 1- statistical process controlling (SPC) concept . 2- Deming philosophy . 3- Deming 14 points . 4- Deming comprehensive strategy for continuous improvements ( Deming cycle) . 5- seven deadly diseases of quality .
1- Statistical process controlling : it’s a process which aims at achieving good quality during manufacture through prevention rather than detection . Ex ,sales. - It concerned with controlling the process (machine) which make the product through inspecting the machine rather than the product itself . For EX, : why the sales man cannot sell exactly the same amount every month? SPC process can will answer this question by discovering and analyze these items: 1- common causes : which inherent to the process . as machine fail . 2- special causes : not inherent and must defined . As poor performance. 3- natural variation : producing certain amount of defects . 4- significantly different variation : discovering exactly where it is by management . So , Deming said that : -80% depend on management . -20% depend on employee . 2- DEMING philosophy : the quality and productivity increase , when process fluctuations decrease .
3- Deming 14 points : for a comprehensive quality improvements . 1- determining the goal from improving productivity and quality : internally persuading process . 2- the adaptation with new philosophy : build the new philosophy to achieve objectives during exceeds the pervious defects . 3- decrease dependency on inspection : make a comprehensive (QM) from start point to the end point . 4- the continuous improvements process for products and services : focusing on both products and services . 5- find the integration between new methods with training : adopt the training with the modern ways . 6- find the conformance between management , monitoring , and controlling : 7- eliminate the fairness : try to discover why we improve , and eliminate the defects causes. 8- eliminate the barrier between management levels : adoption the team group philosophy . 9- eliminate the barrier in communication : to easy speed process with a high quality and a little defects .
10- do not have a silly slogans that mean nothing : • 11- build up the development training programs : • 12- decrease work standards and numerical quotas : • 13- remove barriers that prevent employees having pride in their work : • Barriers such as : • -Unrealistic quotas • -Time pressure • -Focus on profit rather than quality • 14- create an organizational structure that support the previous options :
4- COMREHENSIVE STRATEGY FOR COTIUOUS IMPROVEMENTS DEMING CYCLE Implement and standardize Plan : what is needed ?. ACT PLAN Check DO Does it work ? Do : try out on a small scale All processes have “NATURAL VARATION” due to “ COMMON CAUSES”.But if the distribution is not normal a special causes is taking place .
5- Seven Deadly Diseases of Quality The amount of a severe criticism of Western management and organizational practices . 1- Lack of constancy of purpose . 2- emphasis on short term profit : it should be focusing on the whole financial periods rather than focus at the end . 3- Too much staff mobility : it occur when managers can NOT defined the actual problems, and NOT learn from it . 4- Over dependence on figures : as financial figures . 5- excessive legal costs . 6- excessive medical costs . 7- over emphasis on performance appraisal and merit rating . Deming noted that : It a worry to emphasis on short term results , rather than coaching and helping employees on the long run .
2- JURAN DR, JOSEPH JURAN . - He is given credit for developing Japanese quality in the 1950s . Juran presented ideas which include : 1- Quality definition . 2- Breakthrough concept . 3- Internal customer . 4- Quality trilogy . 5- Pareto analyses . 6- Costing of quality . 7- Quality council . ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1- Quality definition : QUALITY is ( FITNESS FOR PURPOSE ) . This statement not so easy , because it require ask many questions as : - for whose quality purpose ? - customers are internally or externally users ? - What the real purpose ? - who are the possible customers ? DR, JOSEPH JURAN Note that without know customers orientation , so good quality NOT possible .
2- Breakthrough Juran concept : A sequence of process improvements which take two journeys : 1- journey from symptom to cause . 2- journey from cause to remedy . Breakthrough methodology 1- selection the appropriate cause . Problem ( symptom ) 3- replicates the improvements . Remedy ( solution ) 2- implement necessary actions . Cause ( diagnosis ) 3- Internal customer : 1- Quality associated with customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction , and both require consideration . Satisfaction : occur when a product has a superior performance of features . Dissatisfaction : occur when there are deficiencies and defects . Customer satisfaction dimensions : a- an external one , concerned with matching customer requirements . b- an internal one , concerned with building the product an service correctly .
JURAN quality council : A group of people be responsible to the supervision in to application of quality . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JURAN big Q : Quality NOT just the concern of production or (TQ) within the organization , BUT it extends the linkage between organizational departments , services , and operations . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JURAN quality costs : 1- Failure costs : a- internally as scrap , rework . b- externally as guarantee claims , loss of custom . 2- Appraisal costs : As inspection . 3- prevention costs : as EDUACATION , TRAINING , AND ( SPC) IMPLEMENTAYTION .
JURAN three role model : every process has an internal customer and supplier , which linked with each other to quality result . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplier customer process JURAN pareto analysis concept : a universal problem solving methodology in which it list a key number of problems in a table and ranking it from highest to the lowest as ( A, B, C ) , and trying to solve defects . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Quality trilogy : JURAN link quality improvements with the extent of managerial efficiency . JURAN QUALITY TRILOGY Is a complete management process “Holding the gains” Quality planning Quality control Quality improvements “Breakthrough” Pareto analysis”“ Be completed …. Project -by - project
1- Quality planning : JURAN defines quality planning steps which include :- a – determine the organizational internal and external customers . b – determine the customers needs , requirements , and expectations . c – design products and services which achieve customer satisfaction . d – prepare an operational design in a shape to result a good quality . 2 – Quality controlling : a – determine the variation and make decisions . b – measure performance and real results . d – using statistical methodology . e - compare the results with a stated objectives . 3- Quality improvements : a – define the quality purpose , goal . b – train employees . c – develop work problem solving .
3- CROSBY PHIL CROSBY a very famous guru in quality management , and ha a prolific writer of quality management . Crosby present ( FOURR ABSOLUTES OF QUALITY ) , which include : 1- he define quality as (the conformance with requirements ) , SO he comment that its a big mistake to say that there is ( a good quality ) , or ( a bad quality ) , because quality something can NOT be measured , BUT the conformance can be measured . 2- the system of quality is prevention : It’s a matter to take prevention strategy for the basic , rather than appraisal or detection. and the prevention SHOULD be supported with ( SPC ). WHY ? -- TO UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS . -- LOOK AT THE WRONG BEFORE IT OCCUR . 3 – the measurements of quality is the price of NON-conformance : because costing quality is the prime motivation for management . to be completed ….
CROSBY quality costs : a- Price of NON conformance (PONC ): all the costs involved is not getting the product or a service right . b- Price of conformance (POC) : what costs for doing things right , prevention , and detection . 4- The performance standard are zero defects : make quality accepted by a number of a standard items , NOT to be less than perfect quality . And making the requirements right from the first place . NOTE : CROSBY said that : Quality are free , NOT gift , which making it right from the first time . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSBY has 14 points , like Deming , but : Deming focus on quality management . Crosby focus on action plan and implementation process . CROSBY 14 points
CROSBY 14 points are : 1- Management commitment . 2- Team establishment . 3-Quality measurements through (PONC,POC) . 4- BUILD AWARENESS. 5- Planning out . 6- Education employees . 7- Causes identification . 8- Improvements . 9- Recognition . 10- Quality councils. 11- PROBLEM SOLVING . QUALITY VACCINE : It related to Deming 14 points which are more strongly than Crosby 14 points. It a prevented machine for management against poor quality It a completed summary of what (TQM ) need . It have a practical advice on 21 areas with five sections, include : 1- Deal with integrity . 2- Deal with systems . 3- Deal with communication , to make a clear achievements for requirements and specifications. 4- Deal with clear consistent policy. • 5- Deal with operations : • -Working in development . • - prior preparing process . • -process improvements.
4- FEIGENBAUM Armand Feigenbaum , USA , American engineer . He is the first guru who presented the concept of TQM . TOTAL QUALITY MQNQGEMENT ( TQM ) : is an effective system of integrating quality developments , quality maintenance , and quality improvements efforts of the various group in an organization as to enable production and services at the most economical levels which allow full customer satisfaction . He referred to ( INDUSTRY CYCLE ) concept : The ongoing sequence of activities necessary to bring products from concept to market . -- in the industry cycle begin and ends points related customers , BUT every people who inside the cycle have responsibility to met the stated requirements . TQM presented by Feginbaum in 1950s , and it take a half of century for development . TQM DEVELOPMENT STAGES INCLUDE :
TQM development stages are : 1 -Before the 20 century : quality responsible by employees . 2 – From 1900-1918 : quality responsible by the employee boss . 3 – From 1919- 1937 : quality responsible by inspection system . 4 – From 1938 – 1960 : use ( SPC ) . 5 – From 1961 : start with TQM and TQC . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present hidden plant concept : In every factory a certain proportion of its capacity is wasted through NOT getting it right first time . And capacity wasted are 40 % of the plant .
5 – ISHIKAWA KAROU ISHIKAWA , JAPAN . He is the leading Japanese contributor to quality management . Ishikawa cmplete the worth of DEMING, JURAN, and FEGINBAUM . HE : -- present the concept of quality circles . -- present the concept of cause effect . -- focus in employees training and quality techniques . -- focus in decreasing the proportion of inspections . -- he see that employees contribution is the basic idea for success.
6- GARVIN DAVID GARVIN , Professor at HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL . He define a quality as strategy with 8 dimensions : 1- Performance : The primary operating features of a product or service as ( size, speed ,power , etc.) 2 – Features : It a tool for supplement the main performance features . 3 – Reliability : what may go wrong ? 4 – Conformance : The matching between design specifications , and what actually produced ? 5 – Durability : How often service is needed which also relevant . It concerned with mean time between failure (MTBF ) . 6 – Serviceability : concerned with mean time to repair (MTTR ) . 7- Aesthetics : appearance , style , impression .
8 – Perceived quality : feel , finish , reputation , friendless , and the manner of which customer served . NOTE : NOT all dimensions are applicable in the service sector , and may be added or substitutes . GARVIN present the conformance between : Place Price Performance Specification standards Marketing mix Quality mix Which cause understand the breadth of challenge involved in managing quality
7- SHINGO SHINGEO SHINGO , JAPAN . HE IS STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WTITH ( JUST IN TIME – JIT ) . He present the principle of ( POKAYOKE ) : it a bout adding devices to machines and processes in order assign defects which are simply not made . ( a fail safe devices ). it aims to carry out 100% inspection by providing : --- stop a process. ---give warning if defects are found . POKAYOKE should operate on tow levels : 1- defectives : which simply prevented from proceeding . 2- stoppages : a warning occur must be re corrected and underlying caue of problem Identified .
8- TAGUCHI GENICHI TAGUCHI , JAPANESE ENGINEER , 1980s his concepts start . Present the quality loss function (QLF ) : THE function which find the loss resulted from the changes in products and standard deviation which a community hold . Target spec Upper Spec limit Lower spec limit Loss function Good quality Bad quality Bad quality Taguchi view : Loss increase with distance from target value Traditional view : good and bad quality LEVEL OF QUALITY Robust SPC Product design INSPECTION Parameter design Quality process ,control , procedure and stage of evolution