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Push Pull Technology

Push Pull Technology. Push Pull Technology. What is it How does it work? Find a good Youtube video on this and send the URL to Mr. O No tow vidoe teh smae ?. www.Amazon.com. Read pages 473 474 in book for amazon Prepare a power point on its evolution?

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Push Pull Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Push Pull Technology

  2. Push Pull Technology • What is it • How does it work? • Find a good Youtube video on this and send the URL to Mr. O • No tow vidoetehsmae?

  3. www.Amazon.com • Read pages 473 474 in book for amazon • Prepare a power point on its evolution? • You will have to go to the website and look at how it operates • Think about its original business model • B2B, B2C and C2C, payement services and secure transactions, other business in Amazon • Portals, Amazon affiliate

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