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U.S. Technical Advisory Group Meeting Recap of the October London PC 283 Meeting November 15, 2013. Agenda. I. Opening Remarks Vic Toy II. London Meeting Review a. Overall review of process (Document N73) (Kathy Seabrook) i. Key points (Document N 67) ii. Time lines (Document N 68)
U.S. Technical Advisory Group MeetingRecap of the October London PC 283 MeetingNovember 15, 2013
Agenda I. Opening Remarks Vic Toy II. London Meeting Review a. Overall review of process (Document N73) (Kathy Seabrook) i. Key points (Document N 67) ii. Time lines (Document N 68) iii. Resolutions (Document N70) b. Review development of a working draft i. Section 4 context of the organization, 5 Leadership/Participation, Support (Kathy Seabrook) ii. Section 6 Planning 6 (VicToy) iii. Section 8 Operation (Todd Hohn) iv. Section 9 performance evaluation and 10 Improvement (Thea Dunmire) v. Terms and Definitions (Thea Dunmire) III. Next Steps (Vic) a. Mirror TAG working groups b. Remote meetings on development of working draft c. Face to face meeting January 14-17th. IV. Administrative items a. TAG organization / working groups (Vic Toy) b. Committee Updates (Kathy Seabrook, Jim Howe) c. OHSAS Ballot (Vic Toy, Tim Fisher) d. ISO Management System Education Module (Vic Toy)
Meeting Objectives Overall Objective: The purpose of this meeting is to give the U.S. TAG Attendees a recap of the London Meeting and to start planning for review and action on the proposed standard. • Review and impressions from the October PC 283 Meeting • Enhanced understanding of the process • Strategies and plans for moving the work and organization of the TAG Forward
Principle goals for your delegation • Establish and nurture key relationships • Provide positive participation with impactful (U.S. position) input • Develop cadence and improve rhythm with the U.S. delegation
London Meeting ReviewISO 45001 OHSMS – Requirements Presented by Kathy A. Seabrook
ISO PC 283 – Meeting Participants 83 delegates (Experts) 27 Member bodies 5 Liaison members Some participated by webinar
Goals - Inaugural Meeting To review the comments: Revised “proof of concept” draft and to Begin to produce a first Working Draft (WD1) of ISO 45001. Design Specification to develop the final document. (Live Document) Address agenda items for the Project Committee (PC) Open Forum.
Goals - US Delegation Establish Key Relationships – Secretariat, Country allies & alliances Advocate for US positions based upon Z10 and US Comments in (most comments were accepted): Proof of Concept Document Design Specification Open Forum (as applicable)
Key points - Takeaways Developed good relationships with the Secretariat, Chair - Working Draft 1 (WD1), various key countries US Comments on PoC and Design Specification were accepted for the most part
Key points - Takeaways Open Forum Key issues for resolution by the PC: The application of “risk”; “people” under the control of the management system; the understanding of what constitutes the “workplace”; ‘participation’ in the setting of policies and objectives.
Key points - Takeaways Standard to include an Annex with guidance (ISO/TMB must approve – (PC not TC so approved for Requirements only) WD1 will be completed
Terms Working Draft (WD) – First draft developed by the Project Committee and experts (US will have TAG input) Committee Draft (CD) –First public draft for circulation to public for comments Draft International Standard (DIS) Final Draft International Standard (FDIS)
Timeline – 3 Years (N68) Dec 2013 –Working Draft 1 (WD1) circulated Working Group 1 (WG1) Jan 2014 – Submit Comments on WD1 Jan 2014 – US TAG Face to Face Meeting (to develop US positions/concerns on WD1) March 2014 – PC Meeting – Development of Committee Draft 1 (CD1)
Timeline – 3 Years (N68) November 2014 – PC Meeting – Development of Draft International Standard (DIS) November 2015 –PC Meeting – Development of Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) October 2016 – Publish ISO 45001 - 3 Year Process -
London Review Process 5 Task Groups TG1: Section 4 the organization, 5 Leadership/Participation, 7 Support TG2: Section 6 Planning TG3: Section 8 Operation TG4: Section 9 Performance Evaluation and 10 Improvement TG5: Terms & Definitions (Formed at the end of meeting)
Key Resolutions (N70): Resolution 1/2013 - Following consideration of its Scope, and agreement to develop guidelines as an annex to ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements (in a similar manner to ISO 14001, Annex A) ISO/PC 283 resolves: To request the ISO/TMB to extend the scope of the PC to cover the development of such guidelines To request the ISO/TMB to change the title of the PC to reflect such a change in scope (either to “Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use” or to be brief to just “Occupational health and safety management systems”) To change the title of WG1 to “Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use”
Key Resolutions (N70): Resolution 2/2013 - Following consideration of the various timeframe options ISO/PC 283 resolves to: Follow the 3 year “default” timeframe for the development of ISO 45001 Resolution 3/2013 - Following a review of the comments received on the draft “Design Specification” (document N21), and its amendment, ISO/PC 283 resolves to: Adopt the “Design Specification” for the development of ISO 45001 given in document N69
Key Resolutions (N70): Resolution 5/2013 - Following consideration of the resources needed to complete its task, ISO/PC 283 resolves to: Impose a limit of 3 Experts per member on ISO/PC 283/WG1
Thank you! Any Questions?
Task Group (TG 1) Section 4: The OrganizationSection 5: Leadership/Participation Section 7: Support Presented by Kathy A. Seabrook
In General Reviewed and resolved 32 comments from the POC Country comments Identified areas for further work and provided wording where there was agreement amongst the TG. Identified need for further defining: workplace, worker, participation, consultation, interested parties, internal and external Issues and organization. TG5 (Terms & Definitions task group) Guidance on ‘participation’ definition taking information from Z10, ILO.
In General Guidance on Competence included Raised concern on how Scope is determined, tied to yet to be defined terms and concepts of workplace, worker, and control of activities. Scope should be defined at least the boundary of the workplace.
5. Leadership Policy to include commitment by Top Mgmt for worker/employee participation 5.3 Guidance - Assuring the organizations performance review, compensation, reward and recognition systems are aligned with the OH&S policy and OH&S management system performance objectives
7. Support 7.4.2 C –obstacles and barriers to participation – Z10 Language in requirements and guidance (ILO agreed) Guidance on competency to include re-training and recertification as well as meeting regulatory compliance. Guidance: relevant means making sure each person in the organization has what they need to be effective in carrying out their obligations in the management system.
TG1 Participants: Peck Thian Guan, TG Leader, Singapore Kathy Seabrook, Scribe, US Barbara Libowitzky, Austria Yusuke Chiba, Japan Catherine Brakenhielm, ILO Trevor Dodd, UK Sigrid Hansen-Tangen, Norway Emily Sims, ILO Eckard Metze, Germany Ian Wrightson, UK Peter Kwan Ming Cheng, Hong Kong Julio Diaz Gerardi, Argentina
Thank you! Any questions?
Task Group (TG 2) Section 6: Planning Presented by Vic Toy
Section 6: General Remarks from TG2 • Discussion of the type of definition we prefer for “risk” • Brief review of 11 comments on Section 6, and 3 comments on Risk • Clause by Clause review and adjustment of Section 6 • Final review and “sentencing” of comments • Final review and adjustment of Section 6 • Definition of Risk (Annex Sl or 18001/Z10) • OHS risk and organisational risk • Meaning of Opportunity
Eckehard Bauer (Austria) Hilde Vatslid (Norway) Seiji Machida (ILO) Abdeljalil El Kholti (Morocco) Mohd Rafee Baharudin (Malaysia) Roque Portillo (Argentina) Luisa Pellares (Columbia) Yoshito Hirambayashi (Japan) Janet Asherson (IOE) Chen Quan (China) Wang Shunqi (China) Martin Cottam (UK) Sally Swingwood (BSI) Frans Geijlvoet (Netherlands) Gilbert Ljungberger (Sweden) Leonardo Omodeo-Zorini (IIOC) Antonio Terracina(Italy) Miriam Shalom (Israel) Uwe Marx (Germany) Maria McKeown (Ireland) Aykut Kirbas (Turkey) Vic Toy (U.S.) Stan Rogers (TC 207) Christele Hubert (France) Norma McCormick (Canada) Task Group 2 Planning
Section 6 Planning 6. Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 Hazard identification 6.1.2 Determination of compliance obligations 6.1.3 Determining and assessing risks and opportunities 6.1.4 Planning to take action 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them New subsections (additions to Annex SL Language) to address content clarity and organizational issues.
Section 6 Planning 6. Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 Hazard identification 6.1.2 Determination of compliance obligations 6.1.3 Determining and assessing risks and opportunities 6.1.4 Planning to take action 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them Subdivided into activities to be considered and potential impacts • Guidance considerations • “normal & abnormal activities • Change mgmt/Life cycle impact • Impact from “other factors”
Section 6 Planning 6. Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 Hazard identification 6.1.2 Determination of compliance obligations 6.1.3 Determining and assessing risks and opportunities 6.1.4 Planning to take action 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them Terminology: “legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes” • Guidance considerations: • collective agreements, good practice etc.
Section 6 Planning 6. Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 Hazard identification 6.1.2 Determination of compliance obligations 6.1.3 Determining and assessing risks and opportunities 6.1.4 Planning to take action 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them Clarity around “opportunities” a.k.a. “positive risks” Consideration of OH&S risk and “organizational” risks Risk assessment process mentioned but methodologies missing * • Guidance considerations • On-going assessments vs. continual improvements • Who can conduct assessments
Section 6 Planning 6. Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 Hazard identification 6.1.2 Determination of compliance obligations 6.1.3 Determining and assessing risks and opportunities 6.1.4 Planning to take action 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them Mostly Annex SL language with some OHS descriptors added
Section 6 Planning 6. Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 Hazard identification 6.1.2 Determination of compliance obligations 6.1.3 Determining and assessing risks and opportunities 6.1.4 Planning to take action 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them Mostly Annex SL language Other key thoughts: Consideration of interested parties, initial reviews • Guidance considerations • Proactive & reactive indicators • Integration into business processes
Thank you! Any questions?
Report of Task Group 3SECTION 8 – Operation Presented by Todd Hohn
What we did Discussion of the Annex SL Text and other source/guidance documents (ILO-OSH 2001, Z10, ISO 9001, 14001, 55001) Review and disposition of 11 comments on clauses for Section 8 Clause-by-clause review and discussion of requirements Discussion of items to include in “Annex A” - Guidance Final review of work product
What we did Restructured Clause 8 as follows 8.1 Operational planning and control 8.2 Management of change 8.3 Outsourcing 8.4 Emergency preparedness and response
Main points of discussion – 8.1.1Operational Planning and Control Discussed definition and consistent use of workplace, worker, employee, personnel, contractors and contractors employees and outsourcing (TG5 – Terms and Conditions) Discussed guidance in the Annex in relation to providing examples “workplaces” and what constitutes a “workplace” (Z10) Discussed communication and information to suppliers and contractors/contractor employees as being adequately addressed in 7.4.1 (Communications) Inconsistent with the use of process and activities
Main points of discussion – 8.1.2Hierarchy of Controls A lot of discussion on local laws and regulations that legislate hierarchy of controls Guidance in the Annex is needed to provide examples, (example Z10) Group accepted wording in Z10 for the hierarchy of controls
Main points of discussion – 8.2Management of Change Originally discussed in one sentence – group expanded to a separate Clause Incorporated OH&S and included wording for planned, permanent or temporary Referenced Clause 6 for management of risks
Main points of discussion – 8.3Outsourcing Discussed “Outsourcing” and what it is and what it is not – definition for outsourcing will be important to this clause 207 Comment – Risk and Control of Influence Created sub – clauses for General, Procurement and Control of Sub – Contractors Definitions and guidance were discussed for contractors and communications (Z10, 5.1.4 and 5.1.5, OHSAS 18002, ILO 3.10.5)
Main points of discussion -8.4Emergency Preparedness and Response Discussed “potential” versus “anticipating” emergencies, “testing” and taking into account “needs” and “involvement” of interested parties Discussed guidance in the Annex on mitigation and prevention, training and information
Members of the Task Group 3 Elizabeth O`Ferrall, (Ireland) (TG 3 Chair) Hendri Farabi, (Germany) (Scribe) Berit Sørset, (Norway) Todd Hohn, (US) Tsuyoshi Kawakami, (ILO) Guillermo Zucal, (Argentina) Thierry Lannuzel, (France) Andrew Foster, (UK) Hussein Rahmat, (Malaysia) Damir Zorcec, (Indonesia)
Report of Task Group 4SECTION 9 – Performance EvaluationSECTION 10 – Improvement Presented by Thea Dunmire
What we did Discussion of the Annex SL Text and other source/guidance documents (CEN 17, ISO 14001) Review and disposition of 16 comments on clauses 9 & 10 Clause-by-clause review and discussion of requirements Discussion of items to include in “Annex A” - Guidance Final review of work product
Main points of discussion – 9.1.1Monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation Discussed definition of measurement and monitoring and the types of activities that are included in measurement, monitoring, analysis and evaluation (e.g. inspection) Discussed the requirements and suggested that clarification and guidance is needed – particularly for SMEs Need to expand in the guidance what is needed to ensure “valid results” (e.g. calibration) Discussed and added in language to address comment related to compliance monitoring (made by Stan in initial plenary)
Main points of discussion – 9.1.2Evaluation of Compliance Discussed definition of “applicable requirements (“legal and/or other requirements to which the organization subscribes”) but did not resolve what term to use – agreed that the intent of requirements is to evaluate compliance status of the “requirements” identified as applicable by the organization to which compliance was committed to in the OH&S Policy Discussed process for evaluation of compliance – decided to use ISO 14001 language since many organizations have integrated compliance assessment functions