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London wide skid policy

London wide skid policy. November 2009 Martin Sachs, Mark Stephenson. Presentation outline. London-wide work by LoTAG HMSG Skid Resistance Policy one of several London-wide projects Aims of project and project initiation Overview of work carried out by WDM for roads 2000

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London wide skid policy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. London wide skid policy November 2009 Martin Sachs, Mark Stephenson

  2. Presentation outline • London-wide work by LoTAG HMSG • Skid Resistance Policy one of several London-wide projects • Aims of project and project initiation • Overview of work carried out by WDM for roads 2000 • London wide skid policy and guidance documents • Overall benefits of policy • Deficiency listing and site investigation • Case studies

  3. LoTAG Highways Maintenance Steering Group • Highways Maintenance Steering Group set up in 1997 • Set up to bring “practitioner” voice to LoTAG Group 2 • Aims- to identify and encourage best practice in Highways Maintenance • Federal structure- Steering Group made up of Sector Chairs • Activist agenda- benchmarking, sharing solutions and joint projects

  4. London-wide Projects • London-wide Asphalt Project • Trials Database • CDM Competences Training • Site Card • Winter Service • London-wide Skid Resistance Project

  5. Project Aims and Delivery • To provide generic policy for use across London • To develop consistent approach and draw on existing standards • To focus (for now) on TLRN and principal roads • Project placed with WDM as extension to Road2000 work • Project Board appointed by HMSG • Delivery- Generic policy and guidance emailed out last Thursday!

  6. WDM work on project • Analysis of accidents and SCRIM data • Development and agreement of Initial Investigatory Levels • Policy and Guidance documents • Training (March/ April 2009) • Production of deficiency listing and maps for 2008 • In productions – deficiency listing for 2009 • London wide site ranking?

  7. Skid policy and guidance documents • Policy is template for adaption by boroughs • Guidance document gives procedures to follow • Issued as draft in April, final last week • Together will assist in casualty reduction and risk management

  8. Policy benefits • Guidance document gives overview of benefits at network level • Can apply same principle to each borough • Is it correct to apply network wide assumptions to individual site? • Adopt process similar to that used in local safety schemes – first year rate of return (FYRR) = cost of accident x no of accidents saved cost of scheme

  9. Deficiency listing • Combines accident and SCRIM data • Is a tool to prioritise sites for investigation. • 2009 deficiency listings to be provided that consider 2009 survey data, and 3 year accidents to April 2009

  10. Case study 1: South London bend

  11. Case study 1: South London bend • Top ranked site in borough on deficiency listing • Site is 0.12 deficient • 8 injury accidents, of which 5 in wet, all involving loss of control • Investigation • Surface condition • Geometry • At initial level a surface treatment is likely to bring some accident savings and have good FYRR

  12. Case study 2: North London crossing and junction

  13. Case study 2: North London crossing and junction • high ranked site in borough on deficiency listing. • Classified as approach to crossing, but close to junction as well. • Site is 0.13 deficient. • 19 injury accidents in 3 years, of which 6 in wet. 4 pedestrian casualties. • A lot going on at the site – may warrant wider review and additional treatment as well as surface.

  14. Case study 3: East London crossing V1 approached controlled pelican crossing. Traffic light were flashing amber ready to go green. Injured pedestrian rain into the carriageway from the north footway on

  15. Case study 3: East London crossing • 15th ranked site in borough on deficiency listing • Classified as approach to crossing • Site is 0.11 deficient • 1 serious injury accident in wet • Deficiency cause for concern • Lower priority to treat – but harder to make the decision

  16. Timeline • Included in guidance document • Suggests overall programme for survey, production of deficiency listing and investigations • Likelihood is that sites identified in year 1will be treated in year 3 • May need mechanism to fast track sites with high accidents rates/ high deficiency

  17. Further work WDM can: • Produce 2010 deficiency listing • On site training in carrying out investigations • Review policy and guidance v new HD28 • Assist in developing policy for other roads • Miscellaneous training for boroughs • Audit implementation of policy

  18. Thanks to • London-wide Skid Resistance Policy Project Board • LBHF for project governance • TfL support • TRL • LB’s of Islington and Hammersmith and Fulham for hosting meetings.

  19. Questions

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