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Regional policy implementation practice and perspectives. Piotr Żuber Director of the Department of Structural Policy Coordination Ministry of Regional Development. Riga , 2 nd December 2011. Phases of regional policy in Poland. Period from 1999 to 2004:
Regionalpolicyimplementationpractice and perspectives Piotr Żuber Director of the Department of Structural Policy Coordination Ministry of Regional Development Riga, 2ndDecember 2011
Phases of regional policy in Poland Period from 1999 to 2004: –Legislative basics of regional policy [Law on Regional Development, Self government Act], –First programming documents on national and regional level, –More pilot programmes financed by the national sources and the World Bank [for example for Silesia, rural areas], –More EU funds for regional development, entrepreneurship, rural areas [SAPARD] and infrastructure [ISPA] development Current period from the accession to the EU in 2004: –Increased role of regional Policy = EU cohesion policy – More complex approach [regulations on development policy], –Development of a set of strategic programming documents [National Development Plan, NSRF, National Development Strategy, new model strategies in different fields], –Multi-level and inter-sectoral mechanisms of coordination, –Decentralization of the EU fund management [since 2007]. Period from 1989 to 1999: – Lack of policy or very soft activities limited to coordination and monitoring of sectoral instruments, – A few pilot programmes financed by the EU-Phare and national sources, – Territorially different instruments of sectoral policies [labour policy, transport policy, restructuring of traditional industries] 2
2004-2006 period - lessons learnt • Decentralization of programming and implementation process in 2007-2013 financial period • Increasing the allocation for regional programmes, • Ministry of Regional Development as one, integrated management centre, • Additional support for five, poorest voivodships in the EU, • Necessity of simplification of implementation rules.
2007 -2013 - experimental field of the reformed CP • The Biggest allocation for Poland for 2007 2013 period: • More than 67 bln euro =20 % of the Cohesion Policy budget • OP Infrastructure and Environment – the biggest operational programme in the history of Cohesion Policy – 27,9 bln euro • OP Human Capital – the biggest operational programme from the ESF – 9,7 bln euro P o l a n d: • 20 OPs for ERDF/CF • 16 Regional Operational Programmes • 4 centrally managed OPs • 1 OP for ESF Success of Polish NSRF = success of 07-13 Cohesion Policy
Rationale behind the NSRD External determinants • Debate on the future of cohesion Policy: • Discussions on the theme of regions’ role versus states; • Discussion on efficiency versus convergence; • Territorial cohesion as a new dimension for the future of cohesion policy. • New European and global challenges, for example globalization, demography, energy, crisis; • Debate on a role of territorially oriented public policies in socio-economic growth and regional policy; National determinants • Introduction of a new system of development management; • Works on the National Spatial Planning Concept BUT lack of a document concerning regional policy; • Review of 10 yearsof territorial self-government functioning; • New actors – metropolises. Discussions on a new multi-level system of development management; • Use of experiences connected with the EU funds – ex-post evaluation: Impact of CP on cities 2004-2006. 5
Long-term national development strategy • Medium-term national development strategy National Strategy of Regional Development Transport Development Strategy Strategy of Innovation and Economic Efficiency National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural areas and Agriculture Energy Safety and Environment Human Resources Development Strategy Social Capital Development Strategy Efficient State Target system of strategic documents - national level National Spatial Development Concept (NSDC) 9 integrated strategies with a strong territorial dimension
Vision and goal of the Polish spatial policy COMPETITIVENESS AND INNOVATION • It changes the approach to the vision of the national spatial development; • It introduces the category of Functional Areas; • Includes the marine zone into the development mainstream; • It suggeststerritorialization of transport policyand prioritizing investments; • It promotes new solutions in legal and institutional systems. WEALTH AND BIODIVERSITY SPATIAL ORDER SAFETY INTERNAL COHESION
NSDC - actions and goals Improving the competitiveness of major urban centres Improving national internal cohesion
National Strategy of Regional Development NEW QUALITY • Regional policy perceived broader than before – as a public intervention aimed to achieve development goals, through territorialy oriented measures, where regional level is a main level of planning and implementation; • Regional policy is an integrated element of development policy contributing to achieving national objectives through involving territorial resources. As a consequence: • Defines objectives and strategy of activities of public entities in reference to territories, to achieve strategic development objectives on national level; • Reforms the way of planning and implementing the regional policy, including public policies with territorial influence [managing these policies, cooperation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation]; • Includes the proposals of a new role of voivodship self-government and other public entities in the implementation of regional policy;
National Strategy of Regional Development PARADIGM SHIFT Each region is different, but each has endogenous development potential, therefore… • Regional policy is not only policy for poor areas – it does not forget about them but first of all it is policy for all Polish regions and territories supporting in the best possible way in using their development potential and where is a necessity providing external resources; • Regional policy is effective – in order to deliver, it supports necessary institutional, legal and financial changes. • Regional policy has integrated character: • allows regional integration of different public policies on national and regional level[national meets regional] • forces the coordination of national policies, makes them territory conscious and territory oriented [national meets national in territorial context];
Objective 1 Objective 2 Competitiveness Cohesion Objective 3 Efficiency Strategic Objective NSRD 2010-2020 Regional policy objectives • Objectives of NSRD reflect the main areas of intervention of the strategy until 2020 • They create the „triad”: competitiveness – cohesion – efficiency 11
NSRD 2010-2020 - Objective 1 Supporting growth of competitiveness of regions • The objective covers the whole area of Poland. • Focus on: • making use of development potentials of growth poles [voivodships centers]; • creating conditions for supporting the diffusion and absorption mechanisms on European, national and regional level. Directions of measures Fostering the metropolitan functionsof the voivodship capitals and integration of their functional areas; Creating conditions for diffusion of development processes from voivodship capitals and their absorption in non-voivodship cities [transport accessibility, creating conditions for investments in sub-regional cities and rural areas and stimulating the urbanization process]; Creating basis for competitiveness of voivodships– thematic measures [horizontal]. 12
NSRD 2010-2020 - Objective 1 New model of regional policy Concentration of development processeson basicurbannetwork [voivodshipcities] accompanied by… Spreadingthe development processesfromtheabovementionedareas to other [outsidethefunctionalareas of voivodship,sub-regional and localcentres] Concentration and diffusion – the way we see it diffusion 13
2010 2030 Diffusion of development processes in NSDC - vision 2030
2010 2030 Stronger polycentric structure in NSDC - vision 2030
NSRD 2010-2020 - Objective 2 Establishment of territorial cohesion and preventing marginalization of problem areas • Objective onlycovers selected areas, which are endangered withexclusion; • Areas too distant from main urban centres or the scale of problem is too big fordiffusion; • These areas are so called problematic areas; • Five directions of measures: • Strengthening cohesion in national dimension; • Support to rural areas with the lowest level of inhabitants access to the goods and servicesfollowing from the development possibilities; • Restructurisation and revitalisation of cities and other areas losing their previously fulfilled socio-economic functions; • Overcoming the difficulties related to the situation of the border areas, especially along the external EU borders; • Increasing transport accessibility to voivodship centers situated within the areas with the lowest accessibility. 16
NSRD 2010-2020 - Objective 2 • Average GDP per capita in NUTS II and NUTS III in 2004-2007 towards national average 17
NSRD 2010-2020 - Objective 2 • Transport accesibility to voivodeship centres with the lowest accesibility Strenghtening cohesion in national dimension • Difficulties in border areas, especially along the external EU borders Rural areas with the lowest level of access to the goods and services Cities and other areas losing previous socio-economic functions 18
Functional areas in NSDC Functional Maritime Area Functional Rural Areas Integrated Costal Zone Management Functional Catchments Areas Functional Urban Areas Functional Mountains Area
NSRD 2010-2020 - Objective 3 Establishment of conditions for efficient, effective and partnership implementation of development measures targeted at territories • Horizontal - covers all institutions in the implementation of spatially oriented, public policies; • Increasing the role of voivodships –main decision and coordination centres on regional level; • More EFFECT oriented approach. • Directions of measures • Strengthening the strategic dimension of regional policy • National Territorial Forum [instrument of strategic discussion] + 16 regional forums; • Reconstruction and reinforcement of coordination in the multi-level governance system • New type of contractual instrument [territorial contract]. • Improving the quality of managing public policies, including proper territorial orientation • Including regional policy in the national system of strategic development; • Connection of planning and implementation systemswithin various sectoral policies; • Support to the construction of social capital for the regional development on the basis of network of cooperation between various actors of regional policy • Strenghtening and creating new partnership mechanisms, strenghtening the visibility and accountability of public enitities’ work 20
NSRD 2010-2020 Further steps to create the implementation system • Most important undertakings of the MRD to allow the implementation of NSRD: • Modification of allocation mechanisms to give theme more regional character; • Rationalization of self-government financing system; • Seting up rules of including the regional dimension in strategic documents on national and regional level; • Setting up standards of providing access to public services; • Creating national urban policy; • Setting up standards of functioning of institutions supporting regional development; • Pilot implementation of territorial contracts; • Preparing changes in competence acts regarding self-government and sectoral ministers. 21
New approach to development policy - summary In order to maximize the development effect: • Use of territorial potentials of endogenous growth • Coordination of territorialy oriented sectoral policies • Delivery mechanism that proved its worth in 2004-2006 and first years of 2007-2013 period - has everything what is required of effective policy: • Objective-oriented • Conditionality • Partnership principle • Effective monitoring system • Notable contribution to the shape of Cohesion Policy – mutual relevance • Polish response to financial crisis ? • thematic and geographical concentration • smart growth • ia. integrated approach
In practicepurely sectoral or integrated do not exist It is not possible to draw a single path of growth for different types of territories. There’s no „one size fits all’ policy solution. Any policy intervention in relation to the territory must be an adapted answer to the diverse and interrelated territorial contexts. General philosophy of integrated approach The integrated one takes into consideration objectives of several policies’ domains. The sectoral approach focuses on objectives of a specific policy domain. 16/09/2014 23
PRES PL - integrated approach to development REPORTS BR: How to strengthenthe territorial dimensionof ‘Europe 2020’ and the EU Cohesion Policy BR: The urban dimensionof thefuture Cohesion Policy ISSUE PAPERS IP: Territorial dimension of EU policies IP: Effective instruments supporting territorial development R E G U L A T I O N S 6 Oct. 2011 POLICY DOCUMENTS CONCRETE POLICY PROPOSALS OF DIRECTORS GENERAL - DG’s Meeting/03-04.11.2011/ MINISTERIAL CONCLUSIONS – Informal Ministerial Meeting /24-25.11.2011/
Thank you for your attention Ministry of Regional Development polityka.regionalna@mrr.gov.pl