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Classification of Organisms

Classification of Organisms. Pre AP Biology Spring ‘13. Taxonomy. Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying living organisms. Carl Linnaeus – 1750s begin to name organisms using 2 Latin words. This is called binomial nomenclature .

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Classification of Organisms

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  1. Classification of Organisms Pre AP Biology Spring ‘13

  2. Taxonomy • Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying living organisms. • Carl Linnaeus – 1750s begin to name organisms using 2 Latin words. This is called binomial nomenclature.

  3. We still use that system today and the two names are called the scientific name. • Many organisms also have a common name, but some such as e.coli are only known by their scientific names.

  4. Why we use scientific names • Scientific names are very specific. • There is more than one common name for some organisms (roach, cockroach, water bug) • Some common names refer to more than one species (fly, bass, deer) • Scientific names are the same in every language

  5. Scientific Names • The rules: • Must be in Latin (or “Latinized”) • Must be underlined if handwritten and in italics if word-processed (like the title of a book) • First name must be capitalized and second name must be lower-case

  6. Examples • Common name : dog • Scienitific name: Canis familiaris (or Canisfamiliaris) • First name is the genus (pl. genera), or group to which the animal belongs. • Second name is more specific and is the species.

  7. Species • Similar in appearance • Breed in natural environment • Can produce healthy fertile offspring

  8. Examples • Common name : wolf • Scienitific name: Canis lupus • Wolves belong to the genus Canis (same as domesticated dogs) • Wolves belong to a different species (lupus) than dogs (familiaris)

  9. Examples • Common name : tiger • Scientific name: Panthera tigris • Genus: Panthera Species: tigris • Common name: lion • Scientific name: Panthera leo • Genus: Panthera Species: leo • Common name: cat • Scientific name: Felis domestica • Genus: Felis Species: domestica

  10. Some organisms we already call by its scientific name • Scientific Name: Tyrannasaurus rex OR Tyrannasaurusrex

  11. Others we use a common name: Bluebonnet • Scientific Name: Lupinus texensis OR Lupinustexensis

  12. Others we use a common name: sparrow • Scientific Name: Passer domesticus OR Passerdomesticus

  13. Hierarchy of classification • Organisms are grouped together much like mail is delivered…from most inclusive to most specific: • Most inclusive: Country State City Zip Street address individual –most specific

  14. Domains • Most inclusive division is called a Domain • There are only 3 of these: eukary, bacteria and archea • All organisms fall into one of these three catagories. Two of them are prokaryotic and one is eukaryotic. We’re eukarya

  15. Kingdom and Phyla • Domains are divided into Kingdoms • There are 4 kingdoms within Eukary: Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals; we’re animals • Kingdoms are divided into Phyla (sing: Phylum) • We belong to phylum Chordata (had a nerve cord)

  16. Class and Order • Phyla are divided into Classes • We’re in the class mammalia (has hair, carries offspring in womb, feeds offspring milk) • Classes are divided into Orders • Were in the order primates

  17. Family Genus and Species • Orders are divided into Families • We’re in the family Hominidae (includes great apes chimpanzee, gorilla and orangatang) • Families are divided into Genera (sing. Genus) • We’re in the genus Homo (all others in the genus are extinct but include Homo erectus (walked upright) and Homo habilitus(made tools) • Genera are divided into Species • We’re in the species sapien

  18. Example: Honeybee Domain: Eukary Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Hymenopera Family: Apidae Genus: Apis Species: melllifera

  19. You need to know the levels in order: • Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. • Use a sentence to help you remember the order: • Ex: Does King Philip Come Over For Green Spinach?

  20. The Domains and Kingdoms

  21. The Domains and Kingdoms

  22. The Domains and Kingdoms

  23. The Domains and Kingdoms

  24. The Domains and Kingdoms

  25. The Domains and Kingdoms

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