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Seeing Patterns in Randomness: Irrational Superstition or Adaptive Behavior?. Angela J. Yu University of California, San Diego March 9, 2010. “Irrational” Probabilistic Reasoning in Humans. “hot hand” 2AFC: sequential effects (rep/alt). (Gillovich, Vallon, & Tversky, 1985).
Seeing Patterns in Randomness:Irrational Superstition orAdaptive Behavior? Angela J. Yu University of California, San Diego March 9, 2010
“Irrational” Probabilistic Reasoning in Humans • “hot hand” • 2AFC: sequential effects (rep/alt) (Gillovich, Vallon, & Tversky, 1985) (Wilke & Barrett, 2009) (Soetens, Boer, & Hueting, 1985) Random stimulus sequence: 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 … 1 2 1 2
Trials repetitions alternations O oo o o oO O oO o O O… fast fast slow slow “Superstitious” Predictions Subjects are “superstitious” when viewing randomized stimuli • Subjects slower & more error-prone when local pattern is violated • Patterns are by chance, not predictive of next stimulus • Such “superstitious” behavior is apparently sub-optimal
t-3 t-2 t-1 t “Graded” Superstition (Cho et al, 2002) (Soetens et al, 1985) [o o O O O] RARR = or [O O o o o] RT Hypothesis: Sequential adjustments may be adaptive for changing environments. ER
Outline • “Ideal predictor” in a fixed vs. changing world • Exponential forgetting normative and descriptive • Optimal Bayes or exponential filter? • Neural implementation of prediction/learning
… ? I. Fixed Belief Model (FBM) hidden bias ? observed stimuli R (1) A (0) R (1)
II. Dynamic Belief Model (DBM) ? .3 .3 .8 changing bias observed stimuli ? R (1) A (0) R (1)
FBM Subject’s Response to Random Inputs What the FBM subject should believe about the bias of the coin, given a sequence of observations: R R A R R R A R bias
FBM Subject’s Response to Random Inputs What the FBM subject should believe about the bias of the coin, given a long sequence of observations: R R A R A A R A A R A… A R bias
DBM Subject’s Response to Random Inputs What the DBM subject should believe about the bias of the coin, given a long sequence of observations: R R A R A A R A A R A… A R bias
FBM: belief distrib. over DBM: belief distrib. over Probability Probability Simulated trials Simulated trials Randomized Stimuli: FBM > DBM Given a sequence of truly random data (= .5) … Driven by transient patterns Driven by long-term average
FBM: posterior over DBM: posterior over Probability Probability Simulated trials Simulated trials “Natural Environment”: DBM > FBM In a changing world, where undergoes un-signaled changes … Adapt rapidly to changes Adapt poorly to changes
Human Data (data from Cho et al, 2002) FBM P(stimulus) RT DBM P(stimulus) Persistence of Sequential Effects • Sequential effects persist in data • DBM produces R/A asymmetry • Subjects=DBM (changing world)
Outline • “Ideal predictor” in a fixed vs. changing world • Exponential forgetting normative and descriptive • Optimal Bayes or exponential filter? • Neural implementation of prediction/learning
Optimal Prediction What subjects need to compute Generative Model What subjects need toknow Bayesian Computations in Neurons? Too hard to represent, too hard to compute!
(Sugrue, Corrado, & Newsome, 2004) Simpler Alternative for Neural Computation? Inspiration: exponential forgetting in tracking true changes
Linear regression: R/A R/A Human Data (re-analysis of Cho et al) Coefficients Trials into the Past Exponential Forgetting in Behavior Exponential discounting is a good descriptive model
Linear regression: R/A R/A DBM Prediction Coefficients Trials into the Past Exponential Forgetting Approximates DBM Exponential discounting is a good normative model
= .95 = .77 Probability Simulated trials Simulated trials Discount Rate vs. Assumed Rate of Change … DBM
= .77 = .57 Reverse-engineering Subjects’ Assumptions DBM Simulation Human Data Coefficients = .57 Coefficients = .57 Trials into the Past Trials into the Past = p(t=t-1) 2/3 changes once every four trials
nonlinear Bayesian computations 3-param model 1-param linear model Quality of approximation vs. .57 .77 Analytical Approximation
Outline • “Ideal predictor” in a fixed vs. changing world • Exponential forgetting normative and descriptive • Optimal Bayes or exponential filter? • Neural implementation of prediction/learning
Repetition Trials Subjects’ RT vs. Model Stimulus Probability R A R R R R …
Repetition Trials Subjects’ RT vs. Model Stimulus Probability R A R R R R … RT
Alternation Trials Repetition Trials Subjects’ RT vs. Model Stimulus Probability R A R R R R … RT
Subjects’ RT vs. Model Stimulus Probability Repetition vs. Alternation Trials
DBM 2 1 Multiple-Timescale Interactions Optimal discrimination (Wald, 1947) • discrete time, SPRT • continuous-time, DDM (Yu, NIPS 2007) (Frazier & Yu, NIPS 2008) (Gold & Shadlen, Neuron 2002)
RT hist <RT> Timesteps Bias: P(s1) 0 tanh x Bias: P(s1) x SPRT/DDM & Linear Effect of Prior on RT
Empirical RT vs. Stim Probability Predicted RT vs. Stim Probability <RT> Bias: P(s1) SPRT/DDM & Linear Effect of Prior on RT
Outline • “Ideal predictor” in a fixed vs. changing world • Exponential forgetting normative and descriptive • Optimal Bayes or exponential filter? • Neural implementation of prediction/learning
bias • Perceptual decision-making (Grice, 1972; Smith, 1995; Cook & Maunsell, 2002; Busmeyer & Townsend, 1993; McClelland, 1993; Bogacz et al, 2006; Yu, 2007; …) • Trial-to-trial interactions (Kim & Myung, 1995; Dayan & Yu, 2003; Simen, Cohen & Holmes, 2006; Mozer, Kinoshita, & Shettel, 2007; …) input recurrent Neural Implementation of Prediction Leaky-integrating neuron: = 1/2 (1-) 1/3 2/3
(Yu & Dayan, Neuron, 2000) NE: Unexpected Uncertainty bias Trials input recurrent Neuromodulation & Dynamic Filters Leaky-integrating neuron: Norepinephrine (NE) (Hasselmo, Wyble, & Wallenstein 1996; Kobayashi, 2000)
… … Bayesian Learning .3 .3 .9 Iteratively compute joint posterior … … 0 0 1 Marginal posterior over Marginal posterior over Learning the Value of Humans (Behrens et al, 2007) and rats (Gallistel & Latham, 1999) may encode meta-changes in the rate of change,
error gradient learning rate Neural Parameter Learning? • Neurons don’t need to represent probabilities explicitly • Just need to estimate • Stochastic gradient descent (-rule)
Bayesian Learning Stochastic Gradient Descent Trials Trials Learning Results
Summary • H: “Superstition” reflects adaptation to changing world • Exponential “memory” near-optimal & fits behavior; linear RT • Neurobiology: leaky integration, stochastic -rule, neuromodulation • Random sequence and changing biases hard to distinguish • Questions: multiple outcomes? Explicit versus implicit prediction?
Unlearning Temporal Correlation is Slow Marginal posterior over Probability Marginal posterior over Probability Trials (see Bialek, 2005)
Ex: visual illusions (Adelson, 1995) Insight from Brain’s “Mistakes”
lightness depth context Insight from Brain’s “Mistakes” Ex: visual illusions (Adelson, 1995) Neural computation specialized for natural problems
Exact inference is non-linear Linear approximation Empirical distribution Discount Rate vs. Assumed Rate of Change Iterative form of linear exponential
Optimal Prediction (Bayes’ Rule) Generative Model (what subject “knows”) Posterior Bayesian Inference 1: repetition 0: alternation
Generative Model (what subject “knows”) Optimal Prediction (Bayes’ Rule) Bayesian Inference
Human memory Natural (language) statistics (Anderson & Schooler, 1991) Hierarchical Chinese Restaurant Process (Teh, 2006) … 10 7 4 Power-Law Decay of Memory Stationary process!
Stroop Eriksen GREEN SSHSS Ties Across Time, Space, and Modality Sequential effects RT (Yu, Dayan, Cohen, JEP: HPP 2008) (Liu, Yu, & Holmes, Neur Comp 2008) time space modality
DBM R PFC A Sequential Effects Perceptual Discrimination Optimal discrimination (Wald, 1947) • discrete time, SPRT • continuous-time, DDM (Yu & Dayan, NIPS 2005) (Yu, NIPS 2007) (Frazier & Yu, NIPS 2008) (Gold & Glimcher, Neuron 2002)
Monkey F (Sugrue, Corrado, & Newsome, 2004) Coefficients Trials into past Monkey G = .72 = .63 Coefficients Trials into past Exponential Discounting for Changing Rewards
Monkey F Human Coefficients Trials into past Monkey G = .72 = .63 Coefficients Trials into past Human & Monkey Share Assumptions? Monkey ! ≈ = .80 = .68
Simulation Results Learning via stochastic -rule Trials