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MOCK TEST 15 (2013-14). DETAILED ANALYSIS. INTRODUCTION. Mock Test 15 follows the CLAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both in terms of question type and level. The mock test comprises of five sections with a total of 200 questions.
INTRODUCTION • Mock Test 15 follows the CLAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both in terms of question type and level. • The mock test comprises of five sections with a total of 200 questions. • A student is expected to attempt this test in an actual test like environment wherein he has 120 minutes to complete the test and thus need to schedule his/her time accordingly.
ENGLISH The difficulty level of this section was from moderate to difficult. The section consisted of: 4 RC passages (9 questions, 10 questions, 11 questions and 10 questions in the order) The various questions are now described in detail:
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE • This section of MOCK TEST – 15 was based on the pattern of CLAT test and thus has 50 questions in all. • This test paper was almost balanced as it has 29 questions from static GK and 21 questions from current GK. No. of questions were more from history and next weight was on economy. • Over all difficulty level was moderate. • Current affairs were mainly based on misc. persons, sports and on misc. Overall difficulty level was moderate. • Further, the final break-up summary can be analyzed with the help of following table:
mathematics This section of the test was of Easy to Moderate level of difficulty. This section consisted of 9 questions of Arithmetic 1 question of Algebra 3 questions of Number System 2 questions of Geometry & Mensuration 3 questions of Modern math 2 question of Simplification
reasoning Verbal Logic:The difficulty level of this section was moderate. The section consisted of: • 10 questions on Assertion - Reason • 8 questions on Statement - Assumption • 5 questions on Course of action • 2 questions on Analogy Analytical Reasoning: This section of the test was of Easy to Moderate level of difficulty. This section consisted of • 5 questions of Analytical Reasoning • 2 questions of Series • 1 question of Coding Decoding • 1 question of Calendar • 1 question of Clock • 2 questions of Blood Relation • 2 questions of Directions The various questions are described in detail ahead:
Legal aptitude This section had 50 questions on Legal Aptitude comprising of Legal Reasoning questions only. Overall, the section was of reasonably easy level. The Legal Reasoning section tested the ability of students to understand and interpret questions with multiple principles and explanations and the combined application of the same to factual matrix to reach the best answer. An attempt between the range of 47-48 would be considered a good attempt for this section.
details Legal Reasoning: The Legal Reasoning section of Mock 15 was of a reasonably difficult level. As all the questions were reasoning based, the section was lengthy and quite time consuming. It required quick reading and fast understanding of the questions by the students. However, most of the questions were single principle based and easy in nature making it easy to understand and get in the flow of the paper. The section was dominated by questions from Criminal Law, Law of Contracts, Law of torts and , Constitutional Law. Apart from that, the paper had questions from most of the topics like International Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property law and General Principles of Law; making it a good set for practice.
Question analysis Mock 15 based on the CLAT pattern was a quite easy paper. It consisted of only Legal Reasoning questions and most of them were one principle based. The nature of the question was also simple and easy to understand. Question 186 : The question is based on the principles of Criminal Law on the concept of Criminal Conspiracy. There are three principles followed by a set of facts. In the given fact scenario, although A and B decided not to adhere to the contract but this would not amount to criminal conspiracy because an agreement to make a breach of a contract is not an illegal act under IPC. And Principle 1 states that a person can be prosecuted for criminal conspiracy if they agree to commit an illegal act or a legal act by illegal means. Here, neither the act was illegal nor the means to do the act was illegal . Hence, (c) is the correct answer option.
Question analysis Question 189 : This question is based on the principles of Family law. There are two principles followed by a fact situation. The first principle states that a marriage can be dissolved by a decree of divorce on the ground that the party has ceased to be a Hindu by religion AND converted to another religion. While reading the principle this is the most important point to be read. As per the fact scenario and Principle 2, A, who was a Hindu, ceased to be a Hindu and declared the same to his family but B cannot get a decree of divorce on this ground because he did not convert to another religion. Hence, Option (b) will be the correct answer.