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The table lists the mean lengths of five species of finches. Order the finch species from shortest to longest. Writing Reciprocals. EXAMPLE 2. Biology. 5. 5 . 6 25. 5 . 5. 7. 5 . 4 375. 5.25. 3. 5 . 7 5. 5. 5. 5. =. =. =. 8. 16. 4.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The table lists the mean lengths of five species of finches. Order the finch species from shortest to longest. Writing Reciprocals EXAMPLE 2 Biology

  2. 5 5.625 5.5 7 5.4375 5.25 3 5.75 5 5 5 = = = 8 16 4 From shortest to longest the species are Painted Bunting, Lazuli Bunting, Indigo Bunting, House Finch, and Purple Finch. ANSWER EXAMPLE 2 SOLUTION Write all of the lengths as decimals. The onesdigits are all the same, so order according to the tenthsdigits.

  3. EXAMPLE 2 Check Graph the finches’ lengths on a number line. These lengths, from left to right, correspond to the answer.

  4. 0.51, 3 11 2 3. , , , 0.62 5 20 3 ANSWER From least to greatest 0.62 2 11 3 0.51 , , , 20 3 5 for Example 2 GUIDED PRACTICE Order the numbers from least to greatest.

  5. 4 3 , , 1.1 , 1.43 , – 4. – 1 –1 7 8 15 1 – 1 ANSWER From least to greatest 3 1 4 – 1.1 , , , , – 1.43 –1 –1 – 1 8 15 7 for Example 2 GUIDED PRACTICE Order the numbers from least to greatest.

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