信息科技英语翻译之 口译笔记法缩写法
四. 口译缩略符号(左栏为原词,右栏为缩略符号)the - for f that -t from fr and & if .f are r is z he e be b or o you u to t your ur in n an a of v so s at @ me m all l they -y but bt this -s would (d there -r which (c has hs what (t had hd was (s have hv whom (m she )e will (l shall )l when (n most m- can kn my m.go g new nw
some sm any an could kd first /- thing -, well (el think -nk say sa do d next nx lie l. until tl time t.m cannot knt send s+ more mo very vr easy ezAffix缩略语A accom, accor aG aggra, aggre, agre C circu, circum
K cog, col,con,com,cor D des,dis m em,im n en,in X extra,extri H hydra,hydro N insta,inste,insti I inter,enter,intro,intre nK incla,incli.inclu L letter,liter mG magna,magni M mis
P pr,per,pur,pre,pro,pri R reco,recom,recon.recor rK recla,recli.reclu S suspe,suspi,suscep T trans U ulta,ulte,ulti V. Suffix --------------------- B ble,able,ible,ably,ibly g/ age " ance,inse,ancy,ensy + and,end,ant,ent r/ ary,ery,ory,ury
N antic,entic T atic,etic,itic,otic S asict,istic,ostic,ustic J cient,cience,sient,tience ' cial,sual,tual,tial,tially : der,ter,tor,ther v/ ever F ful,fully f/ fication , ing t/ ity,oty,ety,uty K ical,acle,icle,cal G ology,alogy,ulogy
V ive,sive,tive L ly,ely,ily n/ ness P ple,ply ! sion, tion - st,est,ist,ost ; ted D tude R ure s/ us,ous,ious缩略语和符号中国人民-中人中国政府-CHN gov美国人民-美人;A人按我国有关规定-国定 现代化-现h 可行性-可行x 企业家-企业j 投资回报率-投回 ROL 改革开发政策-改开 感到特别亲切-特亲 特殊政策和灵活政策-特灵 GDP-国民生产总值 GNP-国内生产总值 5yrP- five year plan SOE-国有企业 FIE-外资企业 JV-合资企业 • JCCT China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade 中美商贸联委会
high-tech high-technology 高科技 eg for exampleetc and so on ie that is cf compareesp especiallymin minimummax maximumusu usuallyref referenceCo companystd standarddept departmentSH shanghai⊙ conference/meeting • □ country□ /□ country and country↑ decrease /ascend/go up /rise up/raise/move up/mount up/rise↓ descend/drop/fall/decline / go or come down↑↑ more and more strong↓↓ more and more weak