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Cyprus Workers’ Confederation-SEK S ynomospondia E rgazomenon K yprou

Cyprus Workers’ Confederation-SEK S ynomospondia E rgazomenon K yprou. Opening Slide. Presenting SEK 1944-2006 62 years of responsible trade union activity!. General reference to the history of SEK. SEK – the beginning The beginning 29 October 1944

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Cyprus Workers’ Confederation-SEK S ynomospondia E rgazomenon K yprou

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cyprus Workers’ Confederation-SEK Synomospondia Ergazomenon Kyprou Presenting SEK

  2. Opening Slide Presenting SEK 1944-2006 62 years of responsible trade union activity! Presenting SEK

  3. General reference to the history of SEK SEK – the beginning • The beginning • 29 October 1944 • 1949- SEK as founder member of ICFTU • 1960 – The independence of Cyprus • 1962 – SEK reorganizes into its present structure Presenting SEK

  4. Organisational Structure of SEK by district Presenting SEK

  5. Organisational Structure of SEK by sector Presenting SEK

  6. Organisational Structure of Federations Presenting SEK

  7. Internal Structure of SEK Presenting SEK

  8. General reference The Industrial Committee of SEK • Responsible for forming the positions and decisions of SEK on industrial subjects Presenting SEK

  9. General reference International / European Relations (1/3) • ICFTU • ETUC –ETUI-REHS (Research, Education, Health and Safety) • CTUC- Commonwealth Trade Union Congress • Friendly relations with national organizations of other countries • ILO Presenting SEK

  10. General reference International / European Relations (2/3) • European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees • EU tripartite Bodies: • EESC- European Economic Social Committee • ESF- European Social Fund • ACVT-Advisory Committee on Vocational Training • Leonardo da Vinci Committee Presenting SEK

  11. General reference International / European Relations (3/3) • EU tripartite Bodies (continued): • CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) • European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions • EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work) Presenting SEK

  12. General reference National Relations (1/2) • National Social Dialogue • Labour Advisory Board • Economic Advisory Committee • Assistant Judges at the Labour Court • HRDA-Human Resource Development Authority • Members of numerous tripartite committees dealing with housing, land development, education, training, consumers’ protection, etc) Presenting SEK

  13. General reference National Relations (2/2) • Industrial Relations Code (1977) • All-Cyprus Trade Unions Forum Presenting SEK

  14. General reference on departments and services of SEK • Departments • SEK Trade Union School • Newspaper “Ergatigi Phoni” – “Workers’ Voice” • Department of Economic Studies • Health and Safety Department • Projects Department • IT Department • Youth Department • Women's Department • Pensioners’ Department • Cyprus Social and Labour Studies Foundation-IKEM Presenting SEK

  15. General reference on departments and services of SEK • Services • Cyprus Co-operative Bank of Private Sector Employees (SYTIEK) • The SEK Health Scheme • Consumer Protection Service of SEK • Holiday Resorts • Excursions abroad • Blood Bank • Pancyprian Workers’ Athletic Association (PASEK) • Employed-Consumers Organization • Legal Consulting Services Presenting SEK

  16. Cyprus Workers’ Confederation-SEK • Ευχαριστώ • Thank You • Merci beaucoup Presenting SEK

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