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A first look at CitusDB & in-database physics analysis. M. Limper 19/06/2014. Introduction. Physics Analysis is currently file-based Scanning through large datasets can be cumbersome The idea: send jobs to the computing grid
A first look at CitusDB & in-database physics analysis M. Limper 19/06/2014
Introduction • Physics Analysis is currently file-based • Scanning through large datasets can be cumbersome • The idea: send jobs to the computing grid • In practice: bored waiting for grid-job to finish, scientists filter datasets, throwing away data until it fits on the physicist’ laptop • What if we could provide access to large datasets via a database?
Introduction In-database physics analysis: • SQL goes in, results come out! J/ψ Ψ(3686)
My data Test sample of 127 ntuple-files of collision-data recorded by ATLAS experiment => subset re-presenting 3 fat ‘LHC runs’, ~0.5% of total dataset • 7.1 million events total • 6022 “branches” per event • 2053 “scalar”-type branches • 3527 “vector”-type branches • 379 “vector-of-vector”-type branches • 63 “vector-of-vector-of-vector”-type branches • ~200 GB of data
Ntuple branch examples • 2053 scalar-type variables MissingEnergy: one value per branchevent Float_tMET_RefFinal_em_etx; Float_tMET_RefFinal_em_ety; Float_tMET_RefFinal_em_phi; Float_tMET_RefFinal_em_et; Float_tMET_RefFinal_em_sumet; Float_tMET_RefFinal_etx; Float_tMET_RefFinal_ety; Float_tMET_RefFinal_phi; Event Filter: one value per branch per event Bool_t EF_2b55_loose_j145_j55_a4tchad; Bool_t EF_2e12Tvh_loose1; Bool_t EF_2e5_tight1_Jpsi; Bool_t EF_2e7T_loose1_mu6; Bool_t EF_2e7T_medium1_mu6; Bool_t EF_2g15vh_medium_g10_medium; Bool_t EF_2g20vh_medium; Lots of variables but relatively small fraction of the total dataset
Ntuple branch examples • 3527 vector-type variables One value per electron per event vector<float> *el_E; vector<float> *el_Et; vector<float> *el_pt; vector<float> *el_m; vector<float> *el_eta; vector<float> *el_phi; vector<float> *el_px; vector<float> *el_py; vector<float> *el_pz; vector<float> *el_charge; vector<int> *el_author; One value per muon per event vector<unsigned short> *mu_allauthor; vector<int> *mu_author; vector<float> *mu_beta; vector<float> *mu_isMuonLikelihood; vector<float> *mu_matchchi2; vector<int> *mu_matchndof; vector<float> *mu_etcone20; vector<float> *mu_etcone30; vector<float> *mu_etcone40; vector<float> *mu_nucone20; vector<float> *mu_nucone30; vector<float> *mu_nucone40; One value per photon per event vector<float> *ph_CaloPointing_eta; vector<float> *ph_CaloPointing_sigma_eta; vector<float> *ph_CaloPointing_zvertex; vector<float> *ph_CaloPointing_sigma_zvertex; vector<float> *ph_HPV_eta; vector<float> *ph_HPV_sigma_eta; vector<float> *ph_HPV_zvertex; vector<float> *ph_HPV_sigma_zvertex; vector<int> *ph_NN_passes; vector<float> *ph_NN_discriminant; Representing the bulk of the data (many particles per event!) Analysis relies heavily on filtering events by selection particles with certain properties
Ntuple branch examples • 379 vector-of-vector type variables One value per ‘SpaceTime’-measurement on each muon per event: vector<vector<int> > *mu_SpaceTime_detID; vector<vector<float> > *mu_SpaceTime_t; vector<vector<float> > *mu_SpaceTime_tError; vector<vector<float> > *mu_SpaceTime_weight; One value per vertex per photon per event: vector<vector<float> > *ph_vx_px; vector<vector<float> > *ph_vx_py; vector<vector<float> > *ph_vx_pz; vector<vector<float> > *ph_vx_E; vector<vector<float> > *ph_vx_m; vector<vector<int> > *ph_vx_nTracks; Used for certain reconstruction performance studies To be stored in CLOB or separate table…
Ntuple branch examples • 63 vector-of-vector-vector type variables One value per track per vertex per photon per event: vector<vector<vector<int> > > *ph_vx_convTrk_nSiHits; vector<vector<vector<float> > > *ph_vx_convTrk_TRTHighTHitsRatio; vector<vector<vector<float> > > *ph_vx_convTrk_TRTHighTOutliersRatio; vector<vector<vector<float> > > *ph_vx_convTrk_eProbabilityComb; Not using any of these in my queries, typically used for final corrections or certain in-depth studiesof reconstruction performance To be stored in CLOB or separate table…
Converting ntuples to tables • Self-made program to convert ntuples into database tables • One physics-object is represented by one table • Each table still has hundreds of columns!
SQL analysis SQL analysis involves predicate filtering to select good objects and JOINs to put information from different tables together: CitusDB+column-store extension looks interesting: • Object selection involves only a few out of many columns => would benefit from column storage • When preselection passes many objects, JOINs can potentially become huge => would benefit from sharding, with shard-distribution based on EventNumber to reduce JOIN-size
Storing ntuple-data into to CitusDB • Re-wrote my program to store data in CitusDB • Read data from all branches with specific prefix • Write data as comma-delimited values in temporary value • After csv-file passes 5000 lines of data, store data into CitusDB • Program trigger command-line argument for psql to execute psql-macro • Psql-macro uses \STAGE command to load data
Create table statement CREATE FOREIGN TABLE eventdata203779_c (RunNumber INTEGER NOT NULL,EventNumber INTEGER NOT NULL, lbn INTEGER NOT NULL,"bunch_configID" INT,"timestamp" INT,"timestamp_ns" INT,"bcid" INT,"detmask0" INT,"detmask1" INT,"actualIntPerXing" FLOAT,"averageIntPerXing" FLOAT,"pixelFlags" INT,"sctFlags" INT,"trtFlags" INT,"larFlags" INT,"tileFlags" INT,"fwdFlags" INT,"coreFlags" INT,"pixelError" INT,"sctError" INT,"trtError" INT,"larError" INT,"tileError" INT,"fwdError" INT,"coreError" INT,"streamDecision_Egamma" BOOLEAN,"streamDecision_Muons" BOOLEAN,"streamDecision_JetTauEtmiss" BOOLEAN,"isSimulation" BOOLEAN,"isCalibration" BOOLEAN,"isTestBeam" BOOLEAN,"el_n" INT,"v0_n" INT,"ph_n" INT,"mu_n" INT,"tau_n" INT,"trk_n" INT,"jet_n" INT,"vxp_n" INT,"top_hfor_type" INT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_etx" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_ety" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_phi" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_et" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_sumet" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_etx" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_ety" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_phi" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_et" FLOAT,"Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_sumet" FLOAT,"mb_n" INT,"collcand_passCaloTime" BOOLEAN,"collcand_passMBTSTime" BOOLEAN,"collcand_passTrigger" BOOLEAN,"collcand_pass" BOOLEAN) DISTRIBUTE BY APPEND (EventNumber) SERVER cstore_server OPTIONS(filename '', compression 'pglz'); • Create foreign tables stored using column-store extension • Distribute shards by EventNumber • Keep data from the same event together • Facilitate joins between different tables • One table per RunNumber:distribute shards by (RunNumber,EventNumber) not possible
\STAGE statement \STAGE eventdata203779_c (RunNumber,EventNumber,lbn,"bunch_configID","timestamp","timestamp_ns","bcid","detmask0","detmask1","actualIntPerXing","averageIntPerXing","pixelFlags","sctFlags","trtFlags","larFlags","tileFlags","fwdFlags","coreFlags","pixelError","sctError","trtError","larError","tileError","fwdError","coreError","streamDecision_Egamma","streamDecision_Muons","streamDecision_JetTauEtmiss","isSimulation","isCalibration","isTestBeam","el_n","v0_n","ph_n","mu_n","tau_n","trk_n","jet_n","vxp_n","top_hfor_type","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_etx","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_ety","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_phi","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_et","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_sumet","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_etx","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_ety","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_phi","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_et","Muon_Total_Staco_STVF_top_sumet","mb_n","collcand_passCaloTime","collcand_passMBTSTime","collcand_passTrigger","collcand_pass") FROM '/data1/citus_db/csv/NTUP_TOPEL.00872780.NTUP_TOPEL.00872780._000001.root.1.eventdata.csv' (FORMAT CSV) \STAGE eventdata203779_c FROM '/data_citusdb/csv/NTUP_TOPEL.00872780.NTUP_TOPEL.00872780._000001.root.1.eventdata.csv' (FORMAT CSV) • Gives: \copy: ERROR: copy column list is not supported • I can’t define columns when inserting into foreign tables using \STAGE • Too bad, I found it useful to specify the columns as different ntuple can contain different branches: if column is not specified in csv, it should insert null • Similarly I’d like to have an option to add columns (is this possible? Didn’t look at it yet) • Instead I’ll use simple \STAGE command:
Primary Key issues • I’d like to set primary key set on (RunNumber,EventNumber,ObjectNumber). • Ntuple-files occassionaly store the same event twice • Due to the way experiments records data from ‘streams’, some overlap from different streams • Sorting out doubles is yet another hassle for physicists to deal with, using a database with primary-key ensures unique event are store… but: • Currently using \STAGE insert of all data in the entire .csv-file fails when it find 1 double among the 50000 lines • Work-around= no primary key constraint for now…
Other issues While testing, I’m frequently deciding to recreate some tables, but how do I drop FOREIGN table including the shards?
Storing ntuple-data into to CitusDB Example of insert-program churning through the data…
Query test 15:34 Do I still have time to test something before the call??
To-do • Insert all my data: • I need to find a good way to use my 18 disks per node (mystery errors were coming from my raid setup) • Maybe I just mount each disk separately and run one worker per disk? • Get some queries going!