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Prolegomena to a real-time sociolinguistics of 'modern RP': varieties, social practice and language change-in-progress

Prolegomena to a real-time sociolinguistics of 'modern RP': varieties, social practice and language change-in-progress. Anne Fabricius Roskilde University, Denmark Guest Lecture, University of Cambridge, 2nd December 2008. Introduction. The issues behind today’s title:

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Prolegomena to a real-time sociolinguistics of 'modern RP': varieties, social practice and language change-in-progress

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  1. Prolegomena to a real-time sociolinguistics of 'modern RP': varieties, social practice and language change-in-progress Anne Fabricius Roskilde University, Denmark Guest Lecture, University of Cambridge, 2nd December 2008

  2. Introduction • The issues behind today’s title: • the implications for the whole of each part of the title • Real time studies of speech communities • Modern RP/SSBE • ‘Native’ and ‘construct’ varieties • Varieties and social practice perspectives • Language change in progress, its social embedding, predictions and complications • Blending these ingredients into the theoretical, methodological and empirical foundations for a real-time diachronic study of some features of modern RP/changing SSBE • Prolegomena: a series of introductory remarks or prefaces • …amounting to the kernel of a research project description… • …with exemplificatory sound samples…

  3. First, a case for relevance... • Making a contribution to models of the relationship between language change and social embedding • Regional sociolinguistic studies often focus on a broad working class/middle class dichotomy • Would perhaps a priori exclude speakers who had e.g. boarding school backgrounds • (Is there sometimes a slippage/false analogy between ‘vernacular’ and ‘non-standard’ in sociolinguistics?) • Result: Ignoring the non-regional accent as a historical process and product

  4. Of the interaction of class and sociolinguistic theory... • Chambers (1995:37), • The “upper class,” consisting of people with inherited wealth and privileges, is so inconsequential – nonexistent outside Europe and Asia and dwindling rapidly there - that it will not be considered here. • Schneider's (1999:51) review of Chambers • "we are less well-informed about [upper-class] speech patterns, attitudes, and model character, and although it may be true that for sociolinguistic purposes they are rather irrelevant, that still does not imply non-existence, - for sociolinguistic modelling, a continuum of which one pole just does not exist, would not be very convincing." • Macaulay (2002: 398) points out, social class has to some extent been sidelined compared to ethnicity, social networks and gender as important sociolinguistic categories. • MC/UMC rather than UC

  5. And also ... • Phonologically and phonetically the RP accent has been well described (native speaker phoneticians e.g. Daniel Jones’ EPD) • has its scientific foundation in a structuralist tradition of phonetics, a ‘variety’ perspective • has therefore not always sat easily with the sociolinguistic/variationist school of thought arising in the 1960s. • Historical roots of RP discussed in Mugglestone (2003)

  6. Therefore... • Much less is known about the sociolinguistics of successor to RP, e.g. speakers rates of participation in ongoing England-wide vernacular changes (such as discussed in Foulkes and Docherty 1999) • Is a regionalizing process taking place? • Is non-regionality breaking down/changing? • Higher education koinéization (Bigham 2008)? • a changing picture of (fluid) relationships between language and socioeconomic privilege and social processes • Part of the picture of English in the UK in its entirety

  7. Philosophical issues • When is an accent variety no longer the same, when has it changed beyond recognition (mutually intelligible still across generations or breaking down: through changes below consciousness... yeast/used, toasties/tasties) • Linguistic Variety perspectives and social practice/social constructionist perspective complementing each other (having an accent versus doing being a student at Cambridge linguistically) • Thus, linguistic and ethnographic/sociological perspectives can/must potentially intertwine... • Need an updated model of the generational picture also for ’modern RP’ speakers (cf Rampton’s model, Wells 1982)

  8. Some overarching theoretical issues for sociolinguistics ... • the role of cognitive processes in the initiation of language change and their relation to social life • Variation, variability and the triggers of language change • Actuation problem: why does change X emerge here and now? • Labov (1994: 415): “The diffusion of linguistic change in large cities is promoted by women who combine upward mobility with a consistent rejection of the constraining norms of polite society” • UMC? • The core of the transmission problem (Labov 1994: 416) is“Children must learn to talk differently from their mothers, and these differences must be in the same direction in each succeeding generation” • Also UMC, for some changes

  9. Social polarities in the UK • Historical social differentiation in UK secondary education: public school - independent school – grammar school - state school (similar to Australia, vs e.g. Denmark, Scandinavia) • Universities, Govt. Education policy and Access schemes • Are educational backgrounds blurred or maintained in a higher education context? • Application rates to e.g. Cambridge are rising • Economic situation • What are students’ perceptions? (North-South divide, levelling) • Are old distinctions being maintained or dissipating • If the latter, what replaces them? (an empirical ethnographic question)

  10. Kroch 1996 • Anthony Kroch’s interview-based study of the upper-class of Philadelphia • members of that group were users of the same phonological system as other Philadelphians • E.g. complex phonetic conditioning of features such as Philadelphians short /a/. • What distinguished them in their speech and in the perception of others was a distinctive set of prosodic and lexical behaviours. (cf creak in RP)

  11. Accessing the variety empirically • Interplay of ‘native’ and ‘construct’ results in a systematic ambiguity; Ramsaran: fact and fiction • ‘Native RP’ • Sociolinguistically observable through a defined population in successive generations • Sociologically and phonologically • Phonetic variations … • Change in Native variety and the ‘construct’ variety are different • ‘Construct RP’ • Systematically related to n-RP but distinct and with its own diachrony • Here the notion of ‘standard’ comes into play, and can change • E.g. on age-graded reactions to t-glottalling • Each generation has its own cutoff points: ‘posh’ • Examples of ‘clergy-speak’ • A sociolinguistics of perception… (Harrington , Kleber and Reubold 2008, on generational perceptions of /u/-fronting, NWAV)

  12. Categoricity versus Variability • ‘no-one speaks RP anymore’ .... • a categorical view following Chambers' (1995:25) formulation of the Chomskyan "axiom of categoricity” • all linguistic units are invariant, discrete and qualitative, • Thus a description of RP ties down that object ... • However, language in a sociolinguistic perspective is variant, continuous, and quantitative • Thus diachronic fluidity is possible through generational transmission; variability built in

  13. A theoretical presupposition • The forces of linguistic change which act on all varieties of a language will also apply to n-RP • whether internally-motivated endogenous or contact-induced exogenous changes (Trudgill 1999) • Popular or folk-linguistic notions of, and about, correctness or standardness also undergo change, due to historical societal developments, • these changes represent developments in c-RP (cf Rampton’s ’posh’ performances)

  14. Modern RP or SSBE? • A question of naming practice • Why ‘Modern RP’ • Why ‘SSBE’ • What do the titles emphasize and de-emphasize • Standard as a label mixes form and function, Southern as a result of regionalizing • Modern RP emphasizes a generational sociolinguistic continuity • which however may be illusory in some individual cases • Asking what is the ‘breaking point’, empirically, for a decisive cut with the earlier label…

  15. The 1997-8 corpus • Phd thesis, Fabricius 2000, plus subsequent studies on weak vowels (2002b) and the short vowel system (2007) • PhD: A synchronic study of word–final t-glottalling in the speech of 24 ex-independent school students at Cambridge University recorded in 1997-1998. • Sample evenly split by gender, 12m, 12f • Speakers chosen through a combination of social and linguistic criteria • Educational background, parents’ occupations • Conforming to a phonological model of RP

  16. The phonological criteria used in 1997-1998 • /i:, I, e, {, A:, Q, O:, U, u:, V, 3:, @, eI, aI, OI, @U, aU, I@, e@, U@/ • last is lexically limited but solidly present in Hannisdal’s 2007 study; all 30 BBC announcers have it • Suggested smoothing was still active (variability here needs tracking) eg lower, triumph, player in reading passage 1997-8 and 2008 • Hannisdal 2007 examined smoothing as well in fire,power sequences; used significantly more by male newsreaders

  17. Outside the phonological envelope in 1997-8... • no contrast between STRUT and FOOT • Lexical h-dropping in stressed syllables • TH-fronting • Yod dropping, new [nu] • [æ] for the BATH words, such as grass and past • Velar nasal fronting [n] in –ING forms

  18. Variable phonetic parameters for the (2000) study • HAPPY-tensing happy, coffee, valley, but also pre-vocalically as in various,happier (Wells 1997a: 20) • GOAT allophony/@U/ before dark /l/, [oU], as in cold, gold, goal; 24/30 speakers in Hannisdal 2007, 2/6 on BBC World • l-vocalization coming into mainstream RP? • Wells(1997a: 21)contra Maidment 1994 • Note two possible variants • Yod coalescence in stressed syllables :Tuesday ["tSu:zdeI] Wells (ibid). • Quality of GOOSE, FOOT and TRAP vowel

  19. The unity of varieties... • Varieties emerging from dialectologically-focussed studies • Demarcation lines become important; Wells 1982 (RP, near-RP…) • However, difficulties of demarcation and definition in late modern societies are sometimes emphasized (RamptonLanguage in Late Modernity) • Or is the British accent landscape characterized by stability as well as change? • Coupland and Bishop 2007 reporting stability in regional vernacular downgrading alongside younger speakers’ rejection of standard prestige in highly decontextualised attitudinal rating settings • Report ”disappointingly familiar conservative tendencies”..(2007:84) • Alongside findings for younger listeners ” [that] at least to a limited extent, challenge the inference that there is a consolidated, single ideological set in the evaluation of English accents” (2007:85)

  20. ...contra social practice perspectives • Social practice emerging through ethnographic approach • could for example ask how do students do being at Cambridge linguistically • speaking differently when they start and when they finish… (Evans and Iverson 2007) • Are there gender distinctions? (are they potential motors of change?) • Communities of practice in the Cambridge University landscape: rowing clubs, choirs, subject groups (Classics?), different colleges, could all form basis for (others’) ethnographic studies

  21. Real time studies(Tillery and Bailey 2003) • Can be done by comparing data from present time to documented sources (eg dictionaries like EPD; weak vowels, Fabricius 2002b) • Real time replication studies of two types: • Trend survey (community) • Panel survey (individuals) • LANCHART in Copenhagen using both • My replicated corpus is a trend study

  22. Corpus 2008 • Presently being collected (40+ interviews) • Chance to explore the accent over a ten year span... • With data collection methodology (sociolinguistic interview plus reading passage) replicated, same physical setting • Aiming again for 12m 12f core speakers, plus a continuum to local southern varieties/midlands • a trend survey • Defining the community sociolinguistically • Potential disadvantages: wider demographic changes in community can interfere with real time comparisons • Researcher age/positioning… (effect on e.g. t-glottalling?)

  23. Future plans for the real-time corpus 1998-2008: • 1997-8 and 2008 materials transcribed and annotated to form a Praat-based database, similar to LANCHART (Copenhagen) and DyViS (Cambridge) • External funding sources... • Real-time segmental phonetic comparisons over the ten-year span of the corpus • Could also be used for prosodic comparisons • Building up a series of inductive quantitative sociolinguistic-oriented studies of change-in-progress

  24. Language change in progress: other potential comparisons • GOAT fronting/merging with FACE, • GOAT-allophony • MOUTH-PRICE onsets • T-glottalling (caveat…) • Intonational patterns • Vowels in unstressed syllables (weak vowels) • L-Vocalisation (variants) • Gender differentiations, lexical effects, style effects in all of the above

  25. Other contributions • Bente Hannisdal’s Ph.D. Thesis, following six variables could all be tested • CURE lowering • GOAT allophony • R-sandhi (Linking /r/ overall av. 60% Hannisdal 2007; higher rates between function words) • T-voicing • Smoothing • Yod coalescence • Comparisons with London WC vowel patterns (Kerswill, Torgersen, Fox, & Cheshire) • Comparisons with DyViS

  26. Sound samples 1 • From reading passage: ”Mr. Beebe sitting unnoticed in the window, pondered over this illogical element in Miss Honeychurch” • ((Sound)) • Variations in l-vocalisation, NURSE vowel, strength of ejective /t/, creak...

  27. Sound samples 2 • Both conservative and innovative features... • Male speaker: 1990 (no happY-Tensing..) • Male speaker: travelling • Female speaker (So how was starting at college for you?) • Female speaker (plans for year abroad?) • Ejective release on the increase?....

  28. In conclusion • real-time corpus established • Enabling quantitative variationist studies of the embedding of linguistic variables in speech of a sociolinguistically-identified group • Gender differences • changes over the span of ten years • E.g. changes in vowel and diphthong qualities • Consonantal features e.g. stops (t-glottalling, ejectives, lenition) • ....

  29. Bibliography 1 • The Modern RP page www.akira.ruc.dk/~fabri • Bigham, D. 2008. Dialect contact and accommodation among emerging adults in a university setting . Ph.D. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin. • Chambers, J.K. 1995. Sociolinguistic Theory. Oxford UK and Cambridge USA: Blackwell. • Coupland, Nikolas and Hywel Bishop. 2007. Ideologised values for British accents. Journal of Sociolinguistics 11, 1: 74-103. • Evans, B. And P. Iverson,2007.Plasticity in vowel perception and production: A study of accent change in young adults. JASA 121, 6: 3814-3826. • Fabricius, Anne. 2007. Variation and change in the TRAP and STRUT vowels of RP: a real time comparison of five acoustic data sets. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 37:3: 293-320. • Fabricius, A. 2007. Vowel Formants and Angle Measurements in Diachronic Sociophonetic Studies: FOOT-fronting in RP. Proceedings of the 16th ICPhS, Saarbrücken, August 2007. www: www.icphs2007.de/. • Fabricius, Anne H. 2002a. RP as sociolinguistic object. Nordic Journal of English Studies, Vol 1, nr 2:355-372. • Fabricius, Anne H. 2002b. Weak vowels in modern RP: an acoustic study of happy-tensing and KIT/schwa shift. Language Variation and Change.Vol 14, nr 2: 211-237. • Fabricius, Anne H. 2002c. Ongoing change in modern RP: evidence for the disappearing stigma of t-glottalling. English Worldwide 23, 1:115-136. • Foulkes, P. and G. J. Docherty. eds. 1999. Urban Voices: Accent Studies in the British Isles. London: Arnold.

  30. Bibliography 2 • Labov, William. 1994. Principles of Linguistic Change volume 1: Internal Factors. Oxford:Blackwell. • Hannisdal, Bente Rebecca . 2007. Variability and change in Received Pronunciation : a study of six phonological variables in the speech of television newsreaders . University of Bergen PhD thesis. http://hdl.handle.net/1956/2335 • Harrington, J., F. Kleber and U. Reubold. 2008. Compensation for coarticulation, /u/-fronting, and sound change in standard southern British: An acoustic and perceptual study. JASA 123,5: 2825–2835. • Macaulay, Ronald. 2002. "Extremely interesting, very interesting, or only quite interesting? Adverbs and social class." Journal of Sociolinguistics. 6.3:398-417. • Maidment, John. 1994. Estuary English: hybrid or hype? Paper presented at the 4th NZ Conference on Language & Society, Christchurch, NZ. http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/estuary/maidment.htm • Mugglestone, Lynda. 2003. Talking Proper: the Rise of Accent as Social Symbol. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2nd edition. • Rampton, B. 2006. Language in Late Modernity: Interaction in an urban school. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Schneider, E. W. (1999). Review of Chambers 1995. Journal of English Linguistics. 27,1. 49-56. • Tillery, Jan and Guy Bailey 2003. Approaches to real time in dialectology and sociolinguistics. World Englishes 22,4: 351-365. • Trudgill, P. 1999. Norwich: endogenous and exogenous linguistic change. In P. Foulkes and G.J. Docherty 1999, 124-140. • Wells, J.C. 1982. Accents of English, 3 volumes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  31. Acknowledgements • Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University • Department of Linguistics, Cambridge University • Francis Nolan • Kirsty McDougall, Toby Hudson • (for corpus-talk, coffee and companionship )

  32. Thank you for listening!

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