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Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Physics Programs Mike Leitch Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory. LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Outline. Personal, activities, collaborators Physics highlights dAu & AA J/ ’s 1 st Upsilons at RHIC
Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Physics ProgramsMike LeitchPhysics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Outline • Personal, activities, collaborators • Physics highlights • dAu & AA J/’s • 1st Upsilons at RHIC • J/ spin asymmetry in polarized p+p • Hadron correlations • CMS/LHC gamma-jet studies • Technical accomplishments • Muon tracker operations • Forward Silicon Vertex detector upgrade • Future goals • Budget
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Current Personnel Physics Analysis Brooks, Butsyk(PD), Camacho(PD), Constantin(PD), Kunde, Lee, Leitch, Liu, McGaughey, Miranov(PD), Purwar(PD), van Hecke Forward Silicon Vertex Upgrade* add Kapustinsky, Sondheim, Boissevain CMS Heavy Ion* Constantin(PD), Kunde, Miranov(PD) Theory Ivan Vitev(Oppenheimer PD)* * with LDRD support
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Major Collaborators Muon Spectrometers in PHENIX LANL, ORNL, Ecole Polytechnique ,Saclay, Riken, Kyoto, Korean Universities, University of Colorado, UNM, NMSU Forward Si Vertex (FVTX) PHENIX upgrade LANL, BNL, Charles University(Prague), Columbia, FNAL, HYTEC, Inc. Iowa State University, New Mexico State University University of New Mexico
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program PHENIX Activities Physics working groups: all, Brooks (heavy-quark physics convener & speakers bureau) Paper writing: Brooks, Constantin, Kunde, Leitch, Liu, McGaughey, Purwar Internal paper review committee: Lee, Leitch, McGaughey, van Hecke Muon Trackingoperations & repairs: Leitch, Butsyk, Lee, Liu, Sondheim, Purwar… Period coordinator: Leitch (run03,04,05,06) FVTX Upgrade proposal: Brooks, Kunde, Lee, Leitch, Liu, McGaughey, van Hecke Integration & Engineering: Sondheim, Boissevain Detector Council Members: van Hecke(past MVD), Brooks(past muon), Leitch(past muon),McGaughey (past muon) Subsystem manager: Lee (muon mechanical) Executive Council: Leitch (past) PHENIX Physics Impact Panel for QM05 – Leitch Convenor ofRHIC II pA/Forward physics group – Leitch NSAC Heavy Ion Review: Barnes
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program PHENIX Activities Organized Annual Muon Workshop in Santa Fe in June, 3 days including invited theory talks 2003, 2004, 2005 ~50+ attendees Organized Muon Software Workshop in BNL February 2005 Organized FVTX workshop at LANL on triggering PANIC organizing Committees and operations + LHC Panic satellite workshop APS Hadron Physics Topical Group Executive Committee - Leitch Host for students, postdocs, staff from elsewhere for physics analysis: NMSU - Xiaorong Wang, Han Liu, Hisham Al-Bathaineh (in residence with LANL group) Korea U. & Yonsei - Minjung Kweon, Woojin Park, DongJo Kim, MinKung Lee, BeomSu Chang Saclay - Hugo Pereria; UNM - Imran Younis; UCR - Vasili Dzhordzhadze UIC - Miroslav Mihaylov; NMSU -Alberto Canabal-Rey Many former postdocs or staff now contributing elsewhere – John Sullivan, Jane Burward-Hoy, Ben Norman (LANL); David Silvermyr (ORNL); Rusty Towell (ACU); Paul Reimer (ANL); Shekhar Mishra (FNAL) to name a few.
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Applications & Spinoffs Muon Radiography Front End Preamplifier: Using analog electronics expertise developed for the PHENIX muon spectrometer, we designed a preamplifier circuit for the Muon Radiography program at LANL. This low noise, differential output amplifier solved a crosstalk problem in their front-end circuitry, as well as providing reduced detection threshold in their drift tubes. 128 channels have been installed and are performing well. Hundreds more channels are either under construction or planned for the near future. Low Cost Radiation Monitor for Remote Borders: Based upon our experience with scintillation detectors and low noise electronics, we wrote a proposal to DNDO/DHS for the development of a low cost gamma-ray and neutron detection system which could instrument long sections of the US border. The detector would consist of long tubes of liquid scintillator, whose light would be detected using vacuum photo-diodes and processed with low-noise current integrators. $600K of first year funding was requested, with a decision expected in early spring of 2006.
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Spin Physics at RHIC with Muons 1st measurement of single-spin asymmetry for J/ in polarized p+p (M. Liu) Only LANL is working on spin measurements with muons
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) Suppression of J/ (1st RHIC dAu J/ PRL - Leitch) 200 GeV d+Au J/ 1 mb 3 mb 0 mb Low x2 ~ 0.003 (shadowing region) R. Vogt CNM calcs. 5 mb CNM calculations with weak shadowing and absorption – need more precise dAu data. AA suppression is somewhat stronger than CNM calculations predict Also developing case for RHIC-II dA physics
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Regeneration or Screening – That is the Question? total regeneration screening • 1st comprehensive AA J/ results from RHIC! • (Brooks and many others) • regeneration compensates for QGP screening • OR sequential screening – the J/ never dissolved (as recent recent lattice-QCD calculations suggest) 1st Upsilons at RHIC from ~3pb-1 2005 p+p (Leitch, Butsyk)
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Interaction of Hadronic Dijets with the QGPSplitting of away-side jets (Constantin) D Dijet event in a hot QCD medium d-Au p-p pTrigger = 2-3 GeV pAssociated = 1-2 GeV PHENIX Preliminary AuAu 0-10% centrality AuAu 30-40% centrality AuAu 60-92% centrality • Trigger on one leading hadron, and look for associated particles, “near” and “away” • Is jet production modified in medium? Yes -- Away-side shape modification: • broadening - pp, dAu, peripheral AuAu • splitting - central and mid-central AuAu (and not more broadening) D Δφ [rad]
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program LANL in CMS at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (Kunde, Constantin, Mironov, Mihaylov) h g*, Z0 m+ m- l+ g pair * s L- q* q jet q In-medium fragmentation functions Dqh(z,Q2) via Virtual-photon/Z0 tagged jet CMS Simulation LANL-LDRD-ER FY06-08 G.J.Kunde P.Constantin M.Mihaylov C.Mironov • Could give 1st direct measurement of energy-loss • Virtual μμ avoids π0 backgrounds Other LHC interests: Quarkonia and pA collisions in the small-x gluon saturation region Large CMS Acceptance is Crucial
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program The PHENIX Muon Spectrometers Au Au Continuing operations and repairs of muon tracking systems lead along with Ecole Polytechnique
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Forward Silicon Vertex (FVTX) Upgrade Proposal (will be sent to DOE before March retreat) • Enable a complete onia + open-heavy flavor physics picture • open-charm constraints on J/ regeneration • consistent gluon saturation picture from onia and charm/beauty • gluon polarization via charm & beauty over broad x range • Identification of forward/backward detached vertices: • B J/ X & B,D μat large pT • rejection of π & K decays to clean single & pair spectra • improved J/, ’ mass resolution/separation • Detector/project synopsis (Manager M. Brooks): • <200μm zvtx resolution; <1.5% central AuAu occupancy • 4 mini-strip silicon umbrellas in front of each muon arm • fast trigger to enrich & enable timely physics • $4.5M cost with completion target end FY10 Proposal: https://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/publish/leitch/fvtx/fvtx_xx.doc
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Research Goals, FY06 and beyond • Continue to examine the suppression/enhancement of J/ production in A+A collisions in the light of cold nuclear matter effects from d+Au and various theoretical pictures. • Prepare & push for new Au+Au and d+Au runs to obtain more precise data to allow disentangling the physics of J/ suppression in both d+A and A+A . • Extract open charm production in Au+Au collisions via single muons to help disentangle J/ suppression due to the QGP and small-x physics from nuclear medium effects. • Study spin physics measurements (gluon polarization via J/ and open charm asymmetry measurements) in polarized p-p collisions & look for 1st W’s in run6 500 GeV pp run. • Submit proposal for forward silicon vertex detector upgrade and continue R+D towards a 1st prototype and the full detector. • Continue the process of establishing a role in the LHC heavy ion program with study of gamma-jet correlations & p+A onia physics.
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Summary of Strategy for Staffing and Effort • Spin physics from muons at RHIC is now coming and LANL is largely alone in leading this effort • need to add a new young energetic physicist to help Liu and LANL push this physics • LANL leading major new effort for FVTX upgrade to PHENIX • we cannot shut down our physics efforts while we do this like largely happened during the muon tracker construction! • need to maintain strong physics while building FVTX • Lee probably retiring or phasing out over next few years • need replacement with superb detector and management skills in order to assure success in the FVTX project
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Resource Distribution & Comments – FY08 M&S tight no new staff maintain physics & FVTX robust FVTX + more LHC
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Resource Distribution & approximate KB01, KB02 FTE Breakdown With LDRD for FVTX also
LANL Heavy Ion, Cold Nuclear Matter & Spin Program Summary of Strategy for Staffing and Effort • Spin physics from muons at RHIC is now coming and LANL is largely alone in leading this effort • need to add a new young energetic physicist to help Liu and LANL push this physics • LANL leading major new effort for FVTX upgrade to PHENIX • we cannot shut down our physics efforts while we do this like largely happened during the muon tracker construction! • need to maintain strong physics while building FVTX • Lee probably retiring or phasing out over next few years • need replacement with superb detector and management skills in order to assure success in the FVTX project
Out-year Plan for “proposed” (+10%/yr) Scenario • loss of present LDRD projects (DR & ER) after FY08 • unlikely to get new DR but ER(s) possible, e.g. for J-PARC or E906/FNAL • construction funding for FVTX HOPEFULLY will start flowing in FY08 • in out years proposed funding levels, besides giving robust heavy-ion, cold nuclear matter, and spin program at RHIC; could allow: • substantial program at LHC (heavy ions and pA) • J-PARC or E906 program started through LDRD-ER
Los Alamos RHIC Program LDRD-DR Proposal Heavy Quarks as a Probe of a New State of Matter Principal Investigators: Patrick McGaughey, Emil Mottola Additional Investigators: Melynda Brooks, Rajan Gupta, Gerd Kunde, David Lee, Ivan Vitev, Abstract Intriguing evidence that a new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), is formed in collisions of ultra-relativistic heavy ions has been presented during the past year by physicists working at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. We propose to develop a unique capability at RHIC for the direct identification of heavy quarks which will be used to accurately determine the properties of this new state of matter produced in central collisions,. We will construct a Silicon micro-vertex detector (SVD) covering the forward collision region, which will provide the world’s best determination of heavy quarks in the high multiplicity environment of nuclear collisions. We will develop novel theoretical and computational tools to model and interpret the data, with the goal of establishing the nature of the strongly interacting non-equilibrium plasma.
LANL LDRD-ER, “A New Probe for the Quark Gluon Plasma” Kunde, Constantin, (Norman), Mihaylov, Mironov There are strong indications that a new state of matter is produced in heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies. It is called the Quark Gluon Plasma and appears to have the properties of a nearly ideal liquid. Current plasma probes include jets, which are well understood from elementary collisions. Analysis of jets inserted into the medium created by heavy ion collisions contributes to the claim of producing the Quark Gluon Plasma. However, these jet studies have thus far been limited to studying only the leading charged hadrons, which strongly couple to the medium. This approach entails several complications, e.g. not even the initial energy of the jet is known, but rather it has to be inferred from models. The qualitative new approach proposed in this ER is the study of jets tagged by lepton pairs. The lepton pair does not strongly interact and escapes the collision undisturbed while the opposite side jet passes through the quark gluon matter that is produced. The recoiling lepton pair will carry information about the kinematical features of the jet, and will thus be the first ever direct measurement that isolates in-medium effects such as jet energy loss and fragmentation function modification. We propose joining the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN - the only place that this physics can be done. The result of this ER will be a complete study of the proposed jet-tagging via simulations and the analysis of the first real LHC nucleus-nucleus data in 2008. The physics result obtained will be the first direct measurement of the plasma opacity.
https://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/publish/leitch/fvtx/fvtx_9feb06.doc Proposal for a Forward Silicon Vertex Tracker (FVTX) for the PHENIX Experiment K.A. Drees, R. Pak Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY USA M. Finger, M. Finger Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic J. Klaus Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic P. Mikes, J. Popule, L. Tomasek, M. Tomasek, V. Vrba Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic B. Cole, E. Mannel, D. Winter, W. Zajc Columbia University, NewYork, NY J.C. Hill, J.G. Lajoie, C.A. Ogilvie, A. Lebedev, H. Pei, G.Skank, A. Semenov, G. Sleege, F. Wei Iowa State University, Ames, IA 56011, USA N. Saito, M. Togawa, M. Wagner Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, Japan J.G. Boissevain, M.L. Brooks, S. Butsyk, H.W. van Hecke, J. Kapustinsky, G.J. Kunde, D.M. Lee, M.J. Leitch, M.X. Liu, P.L. McGaughey, A.K. Purwar, W.E. Sondheim Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Hisham Albataineh, G. Kyle, H. Liu, S. Pate, X.R. Wang New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA B. Bassalleck, D.E. Fields, M. Hoeferkamp, M. Malik, J. Turner University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA Also Interested – ANL, Ecole Poly, FSU, Korea U., Saclay, Yonsei
FVTX Cost & Schedule Summary • Cost • R&D - $360k LANL + $495k BNL • Construction - $3.56M + 27% contingency $4.52M • LANL/LDRD prototype - $1.25M/yr for 3 yrs (including theory and includes $360k above R&D) • Schedule • Installed & commissioning by end FY10 • Construction start October 2007 (FY08) • R&D start January 2006 • Proposal schedule • PHENIX review Dec. 2005 • BNL review ~ Jan 2005 March 2006 • Submit to DOE for FY08 budget planning ~March 2006
Heavy Ion Collisions - LHC Planning • Baseline: Lead-Lead collisions • “Early Pb Scheme” – much easier to achieve – for 2008 (and 2009?) • Allows study of performance limitations. • “Nominal Pb Scheme” by 2009 (or 2010?) • Pb-Pb is perceived as posing the most difficult accelerator physics problems • Future “upgrades” not in Baseline: • p-Pb collisions under study • Effects of revolution frequency difference at injection expected to be muchweaker than at RHIC • lighter ion-ion collisions (e.g. Ca, Ar, O, …) appear possible without major upgrades, to be studied. from talk at PANIC05 Heavy-Ion LHC satellite meeting presented by Bolek Wyslouch
Nucleon Sea Asymmetry & Parton Energy Loss at JPARC? (descendent of E866/NuSea at FNAL) DRAFT LOI
Heavy Quarks with Single Muons 1st measurement nuclear dependence in d+A of forward prompt (charm & beauty) muons at RHIC. Suppression at large rapidity (small-x shadowing region) and enhancement at negative rapidity. (M. Liu, X-R Wang)
Flow with the MVD & anticipation of forward silicon upgrade Azimuthal asymmetry v2 (elliptic flow) as function of pseudo rapidity & centrality for minimum bias A-A collisions at 200 GeV. The measurement from run4 with the MVD pad detectors is colored in magenta; the FVTX will cover the same range in pseudo rapidity. (The MVD is now removed, but the FVTX is, hopefully, coming.) [Norman, Kunde, van Hecke]
FVTX – Working in the lab with the FPIX Readout & 2 Sensors • World’s fastest chips (840 Mbit/sec), 0.25um CMOS, developed by FNAL. • Hits are read out in real-time direct triggering. • Lowest power per pixel and lowest noise (90 uW, 220e-). • Large channel count per chip (up to 2816). • Our vertex detector is first to use this new technology. • Prototypes being tested at LANL and FNAL. FPIX Readout Chip Prototype Si Strip Detector